Everyone know if we yield to opportunity of the very first temptation, we'll be dragged more and more into it uncontrollably. I am not saint and also suspectible to lots of temptations in this world, but this doesn't mean I shouldn't be held accountable to any mistake that I made. I can choose to avoid it, or get support from my close friends to face it together. In this case, he can get support from his close friends instead of hiding it from everyone; he can also share this struggle with his wife if their relationship is good, then his wife will be very understanding and definitely will help him to fight off this lady.
I know this is not so simple and easy. There is nothing easy nowadays now, the reality is we still have to deal with it as best as we can, responsibly
虽说英雄难过美人关, 但他爱妻爱女爱家有理智, 他是有自制能力和方法去止於未發展之初, 我覺得他極不負責任, 自殺更为不負責任。嘿嘿, 只懂自殺逃避, 不是男子漢:flaming: 我一点也不同情他, 只同情他身边的受害者