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渥太华看到的foam mat 上面都写着3岁以上(使用)。后来在网上找到http://www.skiphop.com/product/242000.html 这个,是唯一一个我找到的从0岁就可以使用的foam mat. 相信应该没有什么毒性吧。完全没有味道。不过就是很贵。

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Source of video: 1:00 p.m. JT RTL iTV on 11/12/2010.
text source: Belga on 11/12/2010.
The foam mat puzzle banned from sale.
The Minister of Consumer Protection Paul Magnette has ordered the removal of carpet-puzzle market after noting that they contained too many particles harmful carcinogens, including formamide.

This is not the first time that Paul Magnette take such measures. In 2009, he had already done so, following an investigation by Test-Achats to similar conclusions.

The minister has just received the results of tests carried out by departments in charge of product safety at the Ministry of Economy.

"Despite the measures taken last year to condition the marketing of such products, the results show that almost all carpet sold emit excessive levels of harmful particles, including formamide" , said in a statement his office released late Friday afternoon.

The checks will continue

Those who continue to sell risk a fine of up to 20,000 euros, said the minister's office. Paul Magnette has instructed his administration to take all necessary measures to ensure the withdrawal.

Moreover, henceforth, to a carpet-puzzle can be put on the market, the manufacturer will be obliged to prove, by the introduction of a technical dossier that the product contains no traces of harmful substances. The possible reintroduction of this type of toy on the market may be on a case by case, said the firm of Paul Magnette.

The minister also asked his administration continued checks at distributors.

The Belgian decision similar to that taken by France and Denmark, which had unilaterally decided to ban the manufacture and sale of baby bottles containing bisphenol A, a controversial chemical used in plastics manufacturing food, before the all the EU countries decide to do the same on November 25.
根据比利时一个类似Consumer Report样的非盈利组织Test-Achats调查报告,绝大多数EVA foam垫子都含这个甲酰胺。之后比利时政府也抽样调查,30多个样品里只有两种不含甲酰胺,剩下的都有,所以干脆禁了。

这篇文章指的是foam puzzle mats,那种大块plain的没提,也许还能用?
我家用大块plain的铺living room作为孩子的playroom了,我自己还觉得挺好的呢:blowzy:。

The second category has no harm. Only certain types of mat..
某次在Loblaws买了youbaby的酸奶,回家发现"best before"的日期就是第二天。:(
这很正常,昨天(1月6日)去loblaw看到打折的冰冻袋装鱼,best before1月3日,那是印上去的,如果是标签估计又得改帖了,不过话说回来这种冰冻制品过保质期几天吃了也不会怎么着个人觉得,呵呵
某次在Loblaws买了youbaby的酸奶,回家发现"best before"的日期就是第二天。:(