Killer pneumonia virus linked to birds [转贴]

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Killer pneumonia virus linked to birds

13:32 03 April 03
Debora MacKenzie, Emma Young and Damian Carrington

The virus causing a global outbreak of deadly pneumonia is likely to be a new hybrid that mutated in the intensively farmed livestock of China's Guangdong province.

Bird vendors or chefs were the first people to fall ill with Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), the vice-director for viral diseases at the Chinese Centre for Disease Control and Prevention has revealed.

Bi Shengli told the South China Morning Post that collaboration with health officials in Guangdong had revealed that the earliest SARS patients had been in close and continued contact with chickens, ducks, pigeons and owls.

The connection between SARS and fowl bolsters preliminary scientific data on the virus. Researchers have identified a coronavirus as the cause of SARS, but have yet to publish full details. However, early work suggests the virus is related to one that causes bronchitis in birds, including chickens.

"Coronaviruses can cause respiratory diseases in birds, so we might think they could do the same in people," notes Yvonne Cossart, a virologist at the University of Sydney, Australia

Bi said tests on 30 Guangdong patients did not find evidence of a coronavirus. But virologists contacted by New Scientist say coronaviruses are notoriously difficult to grow in culture, which is the main way scientists try to isolate them from patients.

Genetically identical

Susan Poutanen of Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto, Canada, and colleagues reported on Wednesday that they had isolated a coronavirus from five Toronto SARS patients that was genetically identical in all of them, and identical to viruses isolated from SARS patients in Hong Kong and Thailand.

But the New England Journal of Medicine online report showed the genetic sequence was "not closely related" to any of the three known families of coronaviruses.

Its genetic sequences so far seem to have the most in common with Avian Infectious Bronchitis Virus, according to preliminary molecular data obtained by Joseph DeRisi at the University of California at San Francisco and circulated among virologists.

It also has similarities to bovine coronavirus, which can cause gut infections in humans. Mutants of bovine coronavirus have recently been found in cases of acute pneumonia in cattle.

Speculation among virologists now centres on the possibility that the SARS pathogen is a recombinant of avian bronchitis and another coronavirus. Viruses in the family are known to recombine their RNA genomes frequently.

'Race is on'

The outbreak continues to cause grave international concern. Eighty people have now died, and over 2300 have been infected in at least 23 countries in every part of the globe.

On Wednesday, in a New England Journal of Medicine editorial, the director of the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention warned that it is too early to know if a global pandemic of SARS can be avoided. "The race is on. The stakes are high. And the outcome cannot be predicted," wrote Julie Gerberding.

Badly hit countries like Hong Kong and Canada have enforced quarantines on people exposed to SARS. Other countries have imposed travel bans and analysts are predicting the outbreak will significantly dent economic growth. And hopes that SARS might have been contained in Vietnam were dashed on Thursday with the first reported case for 10 days.

On a more positive note, a four-person WHO team was finally admitted to Guangdong on Thursday. The province has seen the most SARS infections and deaths and should yield valuable information. In particular, the team will assess the efficacy of the treatments used by local doctors. The first cases occurred in November. SARS was carried to Hong Kong, and onwards, in February.

13:32 03 April 03

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that's called Ye Wei, not bird!