
我们亚裔的孩子大都有黄疸,是很正常的。 我儿子生下来也有,我们没当回事儿,倒是家访的护士当了回事,我生儿子的地儿是比咱村更乡下,亚裔非常少。 儿子被送进医院,被tan了一宿,还被当作教案让医学院的学生参观了。 医生当时说我们是最镇静的父母。

我听说国内喝葡萄糖,但我没给孩子喝,我认为还是信医生的。 :)
Jaundice is related to the liver and there are many reasons to explain jaundice. However, as a parent, I suggest to leave this to the doctor. Internet serach might give some kinds of wrong information and so as to add lots of more stress to the parents, although it is helpful on some prospectives.

Some of questions might help yourself to identify the status of a baby and might assist the parents to determine whether going to ER is necessary:
1. does the baby eat well, sleep well and gain weight (this could follow the weight chart)? (this could be considered as the most important factor.)
2. does the baby look unusual? believe or not, if the parents are taking care of the baby closely, they should realize.
2. does he/she wait up by himself/herself?
3. does the baby look fuzzy and fatigue?
4. are the pill/pool normal in terms of times per day and the color of stool?

If I were the parent and feel something odd for the baby, then, I will bring him/her to CHEO without any hesitation, even though i might "mis-diagnose". anyway, this can be different from parents.

By the way, ask the blood results and keep a copy for future reference. And the baby will need to keep doing blood test until the bilirubin level keeps going down to a normal level.