IPS--Integrated Prenatal Screening tests.
* These are blood tests, sometimes with an ultrasound, which are done starting at 11 weeks of pregnancy.
* They are SCREENING tests, which means they tell you your CHANCE of having a baby with Down syndrome, trisomy 18 or an open neural tube defect.
* Screening tests cannot tell you for sure whether or not your baby has one of these three conditions, only the chance of this.
* To find out for sure, you would have to decide whether to have a DIAGNOSTIC test.
* Prenatal screening cannot find every birth defect.
Prenatal Screening is Available for:
* Down Syndrome(genetic disorder)
* Trisomy 18(genetic disorder)
* Open Neural Tube Defects(recommand to take folic acid to prevent it)
“糖筛"gestational diabetes screening test is done at 24 -28 weeks of gestation