真的? 好有意思. 我还想学历高的人收入相应高, 应该支持保守党才对.
学历高的人相对来说在思想上更理想主义一些,对社会公正(social justice)的理解更深刻一些。。、(这是我自己的理解。。)
Fabian Society - LSE
I don't think so unfortunately.
PC will not grab more than 51% (155) of the seats (308) in the House. They now have 143 seats.
Tell me what is there to prevent them this time to reach the ultimate 51% or 50% plus 1 vote? There is none. Damn liberal is like competely disappeared from this planet, Jack Layton will have to look after his health at this moment which will not help NDP. In terms of PQ, they will get what they normally can get. Let's see what kind of budget the PC govenment will table on March 22, and from there we can have a better guesstimation on whether PC will get a majority or not.
大家应该借这次联邦大选,与渥太华中区候选人谈一谈:九龙牌楼的配套工程。九龙牌楼为什么不保“光头市长”就是配套工程有问题,即从九龙牌楼到市政厅的马路不畅!同理不保省议员。九龙牌楼到国会山,则从盛捷街(Somerset Street )左转银行街(bank Street )一路朝北。这第一功劳计在约翰贝尔德(John Baird, 国会议员,哈政府众议院领袖)身上。如果,现任中区NDP国会议员能将这一路线“搞旺”为“竞选纲要之一”,他就赢了先机!