life time of a car

the level of 保养 here is no where to compare the 保养 in 国内. the labor is cheap in china, they will disassemble the whole engine and clean it piece by piece and reassemble it back, like a new engine:)
It is more appropriate to say:
when was the time (can be year or km) that your car started to give you endless problems? One problem after another...

My old car was 120,000 km or 9 years. It rests in peace now. It is not worth the money, efforts and time to maintain a car for driving 3 millions miles like that crazy old man. Safety is the biggest concern, not only for you, the old car driver; but also for other drivers on the road.

120K and RIP, lack of regular maintenance or the overall of the car quality?:confused: sorry it's a little less than the normal mileage for a car's life time (no accident, of course)
the level of 保养 here is no where to compare the 保养 in 国内. the labor is cheap in china, they will disassemble the whole engine and clean it piece by piece and reassemble it back, like a new engine:)

"disassemble the whole engine"? That is re-built engine, will lead to many problems after. Engine is such delicate and complicated, you don't want a re-built engine.

I don't think cold start will cause much damage.

Be mindful, all TAXIs require to be retired / replaced about 8 years, it is the law.
"disassemble the whole engine"? That is re-built engine, will lead to many problems after. Engine is such delicate and complicated, you don't want a re-built engine.

You can go back china to ask some old shifu how they do it and how a vw or jiefang can last forever:)
120K and RIP, lack of regular maintenance or the overall of the car quality?:confused: sorry it's a little less than the normal mileage for a car's life time (no accident, of course)

really? his question was that when did the car started to give problem, and his was 120k km. i think your reply was not relevant and not to the point for what he asked.
that number is kind of expected and considering normal:) how many more do/can you plan to put on that vehicle?

100,000km more. :p
The older VW and Jiefang truck are diesel. Diesel engines are different as gasoline engine. Diesel engine last longer due to compression ignite. Most modern gasoline engine has a life expectancy of 500k km or more.

really? 500k km without having to replace piston rings, intake and block gasgates? no emision and oil leakages? engine runs at perfect conditons? this must be a super engine.

anything that you replaced or maintain consider as extending the car or engine's life. accountant knows this theory very well. without replacement, 500k km is a big question mark.
Yes, in ideal condition, they are designed to last 500k km which most manufacture claims. Assuming your car is cruising @ 100km/hr since day 1. You will get 500k km on the engine.They is also a protptype ceramic engine can last longer.

in real world, this MTF rate does not happen.