

父母均已退休, 父已過六十五, 母還沒. 之前我和老公還在外頭租屋住, 報稅報在父母的地址, 稅局當兩個家庭處理.

去年買了新屋, 父母把舊屋賣了, 也暫時搬到新屋一起住, 可能會住幾年, 幫忙照顧孫子. 遲些再考慮買另一間屋自住或投資.

請問一起報跟分開報的差別在哪裡? 可否把其中父當dependent 扣稅, 會否影響老人金額? 孫子今年才出世, 應該未能當照顧小孩支出報.




把他们算做房客,收房租;他们看孩子算BABY SITTERS,你们支付托儿费。

只有单身者才能CLAIM 父母为DEPENDENT(其中一个?).
If your parents are permanent residents, you can claim the caregiver credit if they live with you.
you need seperately filingTax. You can not claim one of your parents as an eligible dependent. Since your father is 65, you can claim care giving amout.
只有单身者才能CLAIM 父母为DEPENDENT(其中一个?).

If you are sigle or seperated without child, if any person is over 18 and infirm, you can claim her or he as eligible dependent. For parents ( they're in marriage statuts) even though one is infrim, you can't claim one of them as eligible dependent. If your parents are over 65, you can claim 2 care giving amout.


把他们算做房客,收房租;他们看孩子算BABY SITTERS,你们支付托儿费。


If you treat them as tenant and collect rent, you have rent income to claim, and you can not claim care giver amount. The Best way is that don't treat them as tenant. The parent live with you , you can clam caregiver amout. If you pay the child care to them. You can claim the child care , only need your parent's SIN and phone #. However, your parent have to claim this as income. Since their are income is low, the daycare amount should not effect that much tax payment.
You may be able to claim this amount if, at any time in the year, you met all of the following conditions at once:

* you did not have a spouse or common-law partner or, if you did, you were not living with, supporting, or being supported by that person;
* you supported a dependant in 2010; and
* you lived with the dependant (in most cases in Canada) in a home that you maintained. You cannot claim this amount for a person who was only visiting you.

In addition, at the time you met the above conditions, the dependant must also have been either:

* your parent or grandparent by blood, marriage, common-law partnership, or adoption; or
* your child, grandchild, brother, or sister, by blood, marriage, common-law partnership, or adoption and either under 18 years of age or mentally or physically impaired.

Your dependant may live away from home while attending school. If the dependant ordinarily lived with you when not in school, we consider that dependant to live with you for the purposes of this amount.

For the purposes of this claim, your child is not required to have lived in Canada but still must have lived with you. This would be possible, for example, if you were a deemed resident living in another country with your child.

Even if all the preceding conditions have been met, you cannot claim this amount if any of the conditions listed in the section called What are the situations in which you cannot claim the amount for an eligible dependant? applies.