

《世界日报》在第一版置刊登一幅大照片,是一华人女兵在机场 登机前与亲友道别的照片,地点为德州某军事基地。此女兵面容俏丽 ,身穿美式迷彩,手持美式步枪及大包的行李。她是四年前随父母从 北京移民到美国,一年前志愿加入美国陆军的。记者问其临行前有何 感想,答曰“有点紧张但也很高兴能有机会为祖国而战”。当记者问 及如中美有冲突她是否还愿上阵时,答曰“军人以服从命令为天职” 。他旁边的中国父母频频点头以示赞许,其父母打扮很中国化,说纯 正的北京话. 还有这种人!!刚去了四年美国!!给美国人拼命打,甚至对自己的祖国中国说这种话!!我真替他丢人!!!如果中国人都这样的话!!那中国不用打了,都去帮美国打中国去吧!!!
It's hard to say if the lady is wrong. I agree "soldier should obey the command". It's the politicians who should responsible for the war, not the soldiers.
最初由 Felix 发布
《世界日报》在第一版置刊登一幅大照片,是一华人女兵在机场 登机前与亲友道别的照片,地点为德州某军事基地。此女兵面容俏丽 ,身穿美式迷彩,手持美式步枪及大包的行李。她是四年前随父母从 北京移民到美国,一年前志愿加入美国陆军的。记者问其临行前有何 感想,答曰“有点紧张但也很高兴能有机会为祖国而战”。当记者问 及如中美有冲突她是否还愿上阵时,答曰“军人以服从命令为天职” 。他旁边的中国父母频频点头以示赞许,其父母打扮很中国化,说纯 正的北京话. 还有这种人!!刚去了四年美国!!给美国人拼命打,甚至对自己的祖国中国说这种话!!我真替他丢人!!!如果中国人都这样的话!!那中国不用打了,都去帮美国打中国去吧!!!

So ugly she is! The more this kind of ugly girls immigrate to the US, the better!

How did she dare to say "fight for her native country", bitch! Any Chinese has only one native country---China although he or she is citizen of other countries. I can't type Chinese on this computer, otherwise I would explain to the bitch what is "Zuguo" in Chinese.

To the hell in war! You bitch!
最初由 盗版情人 发布

Of course you can give her an excuse like that; however,

She can say " I fight for the US", but she can't say "fight for her native country"
最初由 neverever 发布

Of course you can give her an excuse like that; however,

She can say " I fight for the US", but she can't say "fight for her native country"
The lady is great and couragous.

ALL the criticism of abusing she is XXXX are WRONG.

Do you know what she will bring to our nation?

1) Top secret of US army
2) Top material US army are using.
3) Develop new spys in US army.

The only danger for her in US army is NOT from enemy's bullet, but from sex harrass from her leader. That is the point I am concerned.

She will be great HERO in CHINA. No kidding!!!
I do not think there is anything wrong with her.

Everyone has a choice of his/her own way of life. Many of us choose to treasure our heritage and keep attached to our native country even we are living abroad. Nobody thinks there is a problem. But some others choose to sever the tie with their native country in hope to merge with mainstream of their adopted country. I think this is also perfectly fine.

We came to Canada as immigrants. Someday some of us may decide to get Canadian citizenship. Why did we come here for? Just for the health care or welfare? Do you think we should also pay back for what we have been enjoying for granted?

If it is her country's call to go to the war, whether it is her native or adopted country, I think she should be proud of her choice.
She is right. At least she has her own right to make a choice.
Even she fight for US againt China. Then what? Why a person should
be loyal to the country he/she was born in? You should do things
based on the judgement of right or wrong. Not for whom.
I think we own Canada a lot. At least, you can live in any city
of this country. While in China, you won't be granted to live in big
cities if you not born there. So why should I fight for a place I had
nothing to do with? Perhaps I will fight for my hometown, but not for
other awful big cities, not for the country.
:) Agree with you
You are smarter than most of the "愤青" in this forum. They have no brains but only swearing and wreaking like a mad dog.他们不敢做出什么实际行动,只会狂妄地叫几声或骂人。
最初由 Felix 发布
《世界日报》在第一版置刊登一幅大照片,是一华人女兵在机场 登机前与亲友道别的照片,地点为德州某军事基地。此女兵面容俏丽 ,身穿美式迷彩,手持美式步枪及大包的行李。她是四年前随父母从 北京移民到美国,一年前志愿加入美国陆军的。记者问其临行前有何 感想,答曰“有点紧张但也很高兴能有机会为祖国而战”。当记者问 及如中美有冲突她是否还愿上阵时,答曰“军人以服从命令为天职” 。他旁边的中国父母频频点头以示赞许,其父母打扮很中国化,说纯 正的北京话. 还有这种人!!刚去了四年美国!!给美国人拼命打,甚至对自己的祖国中国说这种话!!我真替他丢人!!!如果中国人都这样的话!!那中国不用打了,都去帮美国打中国去吧!!!

:confused: 在美国四年可以拿到绿卡吗? 何况美国国籍. 没有美国国籍,何来"祖国"之说?:confused: