
"当记者问 及如中美有冲突她是否还愿上阵时,答曰“军人以服从命令为天职” 。他旁边的中国父母频频点头以示赞许" "很高兴能有机会为祖国而战"


Some of you think that you should pay back for the country to which you immigrated. However, have you ever think about Where did you get sufficient money and knowledge so that you could immigrate to this country or the US? Don't you need to contribute even a little bit to that country? Choice? ridiculous and selfish! Shame on you! There is a universal rule: betrayer is always a betrayer!
How can you say that? We become knowledgeble only because
we worked hard. We deserves it. We don't owe China anything.
On the contrary, China oews us a lot. Some of the workers
works for their whole life with very low payment. But when
they got older, they have no pension. And even their shabby
apartment has to be paid by themself again! What do you call
this? Isn't it a robery?
You are just too young to understand what this country did
to his own people!
最初由 gdntfrank 发布
How can you say that? We become knowledgeble only because
we worked hard. We deserves it. We don't owe China anything.
On the contrary, China oews us a lot. Some of the workers
works for their whole life with very low payment. But when
they got older, they have no pension. And even their shabby
apartment has to be paid by themself again! What do you call
this? Isn't it a robery?
You are just too young to understand what this country did
to his own people!

How could you say that? Of course you worked hard, but without the environment you would get nothing! If you were in some penniless country you would not deserve anything even you worked hard! You don't know my age, but it doesn't matter. The problem is I can't believe you have that thought even with your age!
We have to show respect to older people, but absolutely not someone like you! You deserve nothing!

最初由 Felix 发布
《世界日报》在第一版置刊登一幅大照片,是一华人女兵在机场 登机前与亲友道别的照片,地点为德州某军事基地。此女兵面容俏丽 ,身穿美式迷彩,手持美式步枪及大包的行李。她是四年前随父母从 北京移民到美国,一年前志愿加入美国陆军的。记者问其临行前有何 感想,答曰“有点紧张但也很高兴能有机会为祖国而战”。当记者问 及如中美有冲突她是否还愿上阵时,答曰“军人以服从命令为天职” 。他旁边的中国父母频频点头以示赞许,其父母打扮很中国化,说纯 正的北京话. 还有这种人!!刚去了四年美国!!给美国人拼命打,甚至对自己的祖国中国说这种话!!我真替他丢人!!!如果中国人都这样的话!!那中国不用打了,都去帮美国打中国去吧!!!
最初由 neverever 发布

How could you say that? Of course you worked hard, but without the environment you would get nothing! If you were in some penniless country you would not deserve anything even you worked hard! You don't know my age, but it doesn't matter. The problem is I can't believe you have that thought even with your age!
We have to show respect to older people, but absolutely not someone like you! You deserve nothing!

最初由 Felix 发布
《世界日报》在第一版置刊登一幅大照片,是一华人女兵在机场 登机前与亲友道别的照片,地点为德州某军事基地。此女兵面容俏丽 ,身穿美式迷彩,手持美式步枪及大包的行李。她是四年前随父母从 北京移民到美国,一年前志愿加入美国陆军的。记者问其临行前有何 感想,答曰“有点紧张但也很高兴能有机会为祖国而战”。当记者问 及如中美有冲突她是否还愿上阵时,答曰“军人以服从命令为天职” 。他旁边的中国父母频频点头以示赞许,其父母打扮很中国化,说纯 正的北京话. 还有这种人!!刚去了四年美国!!给美国人拼命打,甚至对自己的祖国中国说这种话!!我真替他丢人!!!如果中国人都这样的话!!那中国不用打了,都去帮美国打中国去吧!!!

难以置信, 居然还有这么混帐的.
strongly protest against personal attacks that's been shown in this forum. that's too low and insidious.
最初由 家里大 发布
"当记者问 及如中美有冲突她是否还愿上阵时,答曰“军人以服从命令为天职” 。他旁边的中国父母频频点头以示赞许" "很高兴能有机会为祖国而战"

i can see QING TONG ZHANG LAO (gdntfrank)'s point. one has to differentiate a regime/government from the ordinary people. i certainly don't want to serve the Chinese government. those party members have served themselves pretty well for the past some 50 years, and are continually doing so. as to the Chinese people, every Chinese has the obligation to support each other.

plus i thought it's pretty flattery to be called "young", isn't it??
最初由 gdntfrank 发布


最初由 neverever 发布

How could you say that? Of course you worked hard, but without the environment you would get nothing! If you were in some penniless country you would not deserve anything even you worked hard! You don't know my age, but it doesn't matter. The problem is I can't believe you have that thought even with your age!
We have to show respect to older people, but absolutely not someone like you! You deserve nothing!