12. How does the government decide which activities are eligible?
The Children’s Activity Tax Credit eligibility criteria fall into two categories: (A) fitness activity and (B) non-fitness activity. Eligible activities must be supervised, suitable for children and not part of a school’s curriculum.
(A) The criteria for a fitness activity are the same as
those for the federal children’s fitness tax credit.
(B) Non-fitness activities must fall under at least one of the following to be eligible:
- Instruction in music, dramatic arts, dance and visual arts.
- Language instruction.
- Activities with a substantial focus on wilderness and the natural environment.
- Activities with a substantial focus on helping children develop and use intellectual skills.
- Structured interaction where supervisors teach or help children develop interpersonal skills.
- Enrichment or tutoring in academic subjects.
You cannot claim the tax credit for programs that promote illegal activities.