
估计还要分看的内容和宝宝自己看电视的情况,如果我儿子在电视机前面什么都不做,只看电视不做其它事情的话,我也会关电视的。他一般都在玩他的玩具,时不时的抬头看看电视,音乐拍子快些的时候,他就会看一眼电视,然后转头对我笑一笑,然后拍拍手。如果片子在教鼻子,眼睛,嘴巴之内的东西,我就会指指他的鼻子,眼睛,嘴巴。如果教数字,我就会把同样数目的积木给他看,etc. 我觉得这挺好的,没有觉得阻碍了他的发展。有几部他喜欢的片子,每次快到结束的时候但是还没有真正完的时候,他都知道,嘴里就Wuu~~Wuu~~的。有时候我就纳闷了,他明明就没有在看,他怎么知道这个片子就快结束了?其中一部还好理解一点,因为最后是用很多种语言说‘再见’,还有几部我到现在还没有弄明白,我家LD说,估计是音乐要完了,节奏变化的原因,也不知道真的假的。:p

我检讨, 每天吃好晚饭潇潇小朋友就可以看30分钟的天线宝宝, 他还自己会拿了遥控器开。 :eek::blowzy:

The AAP recommends the following:

1. Pediatricians should become educated about the public health risks of media exposure through workshops and written materials. All state chapters and/or districts that have not done so should schedule a media education program for their members.
2. Pediatricians should begin incorporating questions about media use into their routine visits, including use of the AAP's Media History form.27 This tool enables youth and parents to examine their media use habits and allows pediatricians to focus on areas of concern and offer counsel and support. Advice to parents should include the following:
* encouraging careful selection of programs to view
* co-viewing and discussing content with children and adolescents
* teaching critical viewing skills
* limiting and focusing time spent with media
* being good media role models by selectively using media and limiting their own media choices
* emphasizing alternative activities
* creating an "electronic media-free" environment in children's rooms
* avoiding use of media as an electronic baby-sitter

3. Pediatricians should urge parents to avoid television viewing for children under the age of 2 years. Although certain television programs may be promoted to this age group, research on early brain development shows that babies and toddlers have a critical need for direct interactions with parents and other significant care givers (eg, child care providers) for healthy brain growth and the development of appropriate social, emotional, and cognitive skills. Therefore, exposing such young children to television programs should be discouraged.

4. Pediatricians should serve as role models for appropriate media use by limiting television and video use in waiting rooms and patients' rooms, using educational materials to promote reading, and having visits by volunteer readers in waiting rooms.

5. Pediatricians should alert and educate parents, children, adolescents, teachers, school officials, and other professionals about media-associated health risks. Pediatricians should also alert and educate parents when positive media opportunities arise, either educational or informative.

6. Pediatricians should collaborate with other professionals, including the parent-teacher association, schools, and community groups, to promote media education.

7. Pediatricians should, along with other public health activists, continue to monitor media and to advocate for increasing educational and prosocial programming and messages for children and youth.

8. Pediatricians should encourage their state and federal governments to explore mandating and funding universal media education programs with demonstrated effectiveness in American schools.

9. Pediatricians should encourage the government and private foundations to increase the funding available for media education research. In particular, more research is needed on media influence in the areas of sexuality, substance abuse, attention deficit disorder, and juvenile offenders who have committed violent or sexual crimes.
能不能请你提供一个链接,是哪里做的studies?昨天我和我老公在网上收了一晚上都没有收到一个正规的study report. 全不都是这个说,哪个说。现在你说连音乐都不可以了,我那 Baby Einstein里面的音乐可都是钢琴曲,不是摇滚或重金属。:p

不好意思,我没有链接。只是听一个同学在作presentation时,专门做关于Baby Einstein的,说对孩子的发展不但没有帮助还有阻碍,而且说Baby Einstein被认为是不宜推广的,不知道你是怎么买到这些DVD的?
能不能请你提供一个链接,是哪里做的studies?昨天我和我老公在网上收了一晚上都没有收到一个正规的study report. 全不都是这个说,哪个说。现在你说连音乐都不可以了,我那 Baby Einstein里面的音乐可都是钢琴曲,不是摇滚或重金属。:p

本贴说的是孩子看电视会造成注意力不集中,引发学习障碍,音乐是否古典摇滚重金属都无关。Baby Einstein正是打着这个旗号做成成功大企业的。

这可不是新闻了。Baby Einstein输了个著名的class action suit,看下文吧。

The great Baby Einstein scam

Of course it was too good to be true.

The New York Times reported Thursday that Disney is offering a refund to buyers of its ubiquitous “Baby Einstein” videos, which did not, as promised, turn babies into wunderkinds. Apparently, all those puppets, bright colors, and songs were what we had feared all along—a mind-numbing way to occupy infants.

This news has rocked the parenting world, which had embraced the videos as a miraculous child-rearing staple. Videos that make your kid smarter while you prepare dinner? Genius!

Or not. According to the article, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children under two years old stay away from watching screens. In the letter threatening Disney with a class-action lawsuit for "deceptive advertising," public health lawyers hired by Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood cited a study which found a link between early television exposure and later problems with attention span.

For many parents, this was the most unsettling of "duh" moments, and a confirmation that nothing, when it comes to child-rearing, is as ever easy as we'd like to make it. So why were we so quick to seize on Baby Einstein videos as technological tutors?

Call it the perfect storm of parenting. Who doesn’t want to believe that there is a magical, wondrous, no-parental-guidance-required product that will turn their kids into Mensa members? The combination of our lack of time, our paranoia over our kids performance, and our faith in technology primed this generation of parents to accept the clever advertising around "Baby Einstein" as truth, just as parents before us have seized on corporal punishment, or the teachings of Dr. Spock.

Still, the idea that a caper this big could be pulled off (according to the Times, in “a 2003 study, a third of all American babies from 6 months to 2 years old had at least one 'Baby Einstein' video") is mind-boggling. Disney’s refund is about as close as we’re going to get to an actual admission that we were sold snake oil, and it casts a pall over the other "educational" toys out there.

So now what? Lose the Leapfrog? Whisk away the Wii? How do you plan on keeping (or cutting out) technology in your child's life?

source: http://shine.yahoo.com/channel/parenting/the-great-baby-einstein-scam-531147/
本贴说的是孩子看电视会造成注意力不集中,引发学习障碍,音乐是否古典摇滚重金属都无关。Baby Einstein正是打着这个旗号做成成功大企业的。

这可不是新闻了。Baby Einstein输了个著名的class action suit,看下文吧。

The great Baby Einstein scam

Of course it was too good to be true.

The New York Times reported Thursday that Disney is offering a refund to buyers of its ubiquitous “Baby Einstein” videos, which did not, as promised, turn babies into wunderkinds. Apparently, all those puppets, bright colors, and songs were what we had feared all along—a mind-numbing way to occupy infants.

This news has rocked the parenting world, which had embraced the videos as a miraculous child-rearing staple. Videos that make your kid smarter while you prepare dinner? Genius!

Or not. According to the article, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children under two years old stay away from watching screens. In the letter threatening Disney with a class-action lawsuit for "deceptive advertising," public health lawyers hired by Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood cited a study which found a link between early television exposure and later problems with attention span.

For many parents, this was the most unsettling of "duh" moments, and a confirmation that nothing, when it comes to child-rearing, is as ever easy as we'd like to make it. So why were we so quick to seize on Baby Einstein videos as technological tutors?

Call it the perfect storm of parenting. Who doesn’t want to believe that there is a magical, wondrous, no-parental-guidance-required product that will turn their kids into Mensa members? The combination of our lack of time, our paranoia over our kids performance, and our faith in technology primed this generation of parents to accept the clever advertising around "Baby Einstein" as truth, just as parents before us have seized on corporal punishment, or the teachings of Dr. Spock.

Still, the idea that a caper this big could be pulled off (according to the Times, in “a 2003 study, a third of all American babies from 6 months to 2 years old had at least one 'Baby Einstein' video") is mind-boggling. Disney’s refund is about as close as we’re going to get to an actual admission that we were sold snake oil, and it casts a pall over the other "educational" toys out there.

So now what? Lose the Leapfrog? Whisk away the Wii? How do you plan on keeping (or cutting out) technology in your child's life?

source: [media]http://shine.yahoo.com/channel/parenting/the-great-baby-einstein-scam-531147/[/media]

Yes. I saw this news too and decide not to buy Baby Einstein
我一开始就说了,我没有指望Baby Einstein能把我儿子变成个天才,甚至没有指望它能教会我儿子什么,我是在说它里面的音乐很不错,我喜欢,我儿子也喜欢,所以我放给他听。
关于很多电视专家说的电视会让孩子的注意力缩短这个事情我也有听说。但是我没有找到一个实际的研究关于这个话题的正式Studies. 网上这个说不行,那个说可以。说不行的没有拿出他们的研究过程,比如他们是怎么研究的?什么样的节目?多大的孩子?孩子看电视时,父母在做什么?and ect. 找不到这样的report. 昨天我和老公找了一晚上,就找到了有人做了个电话统计调查,这个调查是个很不准确的科学调查。没有说服能力。不过我儿子吃饭时间是不看电视的。
不好意思,我没有链接。只是听一个同学在作presentation时,专门做关于Baby Einstein的,说对孩子的发展不但没有帮助还有阻碍,而且说Baby Einstein被认为是不宜推广的,不知道你是怎么买到这些DVD的?

我一开始就说了,我没有指望Baby Einstein能把我儿子变成个天才,甚至没有指望它能教会我儿子什么,我是在说它里面的音乐很不错,我喜欢,我儿子也喜欢,所以我放给他听。
关于很多电视专家说的电视会让孩子的注意力缩短这个事情我也有听说。但是我没有找到一个实际的研究关于这个话题的正式Studies. 网上这个说不行,那个说可以。说不行的没有拿出他们的研究过程,比如他们是怎么研究的?什么样的节目?多大的孩子?孩子看电视时,父母在做什么?and ect. 找不到这样的report. 昨天我和老公找了一晚上,就找到了有人做了个电话统计调查,这个调查是个很不准确的科学调查。没有说服能力。不过我儿子吃饭时间是不看电视的。

那你是觉得APP不够权威了?你觉得如果没有overwhelming evidence Disney (who now owns Baby Einstein) 能同意赔款吗?

不知道你和老公是用神马key words搜索哒,我顺手一搜“media exposure and child development"哗啦出现2700多个结果。

04年发表在Pediatrics(Vol. 113 No. 4 April 2004, pp. 708-713)上那个linking watching TV to ADHD的研究非常著名,曾经被各大门户网站广泛报道,各路专家家长老师讨论了N久,研究被大量引用,自己看吧:
两个孩子在2-5岁间看过一些幼儿节目,一些小孩唱歌,跳舞的video,孩子看了高兴。稍大一点,就不爱看了,要看大一点的儿童节目,电视上儿童节目太多violence,大多也很无聊,除了消磨时间,没啥益处. 两个孩子看了就打架,眼看着孩子性情变坏。禁了。


那你是觉得APP不够权威了?你觉得如果没有overwhelming evidence Disney (who now owns Baby Einstein) 能同意赔款吗?

不知道你和老公是用神马key words搜索哒,我顺手一搜“media exposure and child development"哗啦出现2700多个结果。

04年发表在Pediatrics(Vol. 113 No. 4 April 2004, pp. 708-713)上那个linking watching TV to ADHD的研究非常著名,曾经被各大门户网站广泛报道,各路专家家长老师讨论了N久,研究被大量引用,自己看吧:

PEDIATRICS Vol. 113 No. 4 April 2004, pp. 708-713

Early Television Exposure and Subsequent Attentional Problems in Children
Dimitri A. Christakis, MD, MPH*,,,||, Frederick J. Zimmerman, PhD,, David L. DiGiuseppe, MSc, Carolyn A. McCarty, PhD*,

* Department of Pediatrics, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington
Child Health Institute, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington
Department of Health Services, Seattle, Washington
|| Children’s Hospital and Regional Medical Center, Seattle, Washington

Objective. Cross-sectional research has suggested that television viewing may be associated with decreased attention spans in children. However, longitudinal data of early television exposure and subsequent attentional problems have been lacking. The objective of this study was to test the hypothesis that early television exposure (at ages 1 and 3) is associated with attentional problems at age 7.

Methods. We used the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, a representative longitudinal data set. Our main outcome was the hyperactivity subscale of the Behavioral Problems Index determined on all participants at age 7. Children who were 1.2 standard deviations above the mean were classified as having attentional problems. Our main predictor was hours of television watched daily at ages 1 and 3 years.

Results. Data were available for 1278 children at age 1 and 1345 children at age 3. Ten percent of children had attentional problems at age 7. In a logistic regression model, hours of television viewed per day at both ages 1 and 3 was associated with attentional problems at age 7 (1.09 [1.03–1.15] and 1.09 [1.02–1.16]), respectively.

Conclusions. Early television exposure is associated with attentional problems at age 7. Efforts to limit television viewing in early childhood may be warranted, and additional research is needed.

如果你从头到尾看了我在这个帖子里写的,就知道,我虽然把DVD每天都开着,但是我儿子没有长时间的在看电视什么都不做,我和他也有互动,所以这里没有所谓的hours of television viewed per day 。 你给我的那个连接我知道,但是到最后人家自己也没有很肯定他们的research结果。AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS 算权威,但是他们说的话也不是圣旨,他们也没有说孩子一看电视就会得ADHD吧。本来这个问题就是一个有争议的话题。小孩该不该看电视,如果可以,该怎么看?我说我找了一晚上没有找到结果,不是说我没有找到 A 结果,是说没有找到 THE 结果。google 我们还是会用的。:p
关于迪斯尼赔钱的问题,是因为他们说Baby Einstein能把孩子变聪敏,而且还是在父母不管不问的情况下教会孩子。关于这个问题我一直都在说我不指望它把我儿子变成神童,就听听歌而已。
其实大家都明白怎么做才是完美的. 让我们冲着完美的大方向曲折前进吧. 途中别太累着自己. 每个人都得有点life吧. 妈妈们也不该例外.
其实大家都明白怎么做才是完美的. 让我们冲着完美的大方向曲折前进吧. 途中别太累着自己. 每个人都得有点life吧. 妈妈们也不该例外.

很同意,其实只有自己妈妈最了解自己的孩子,没有哪个妈妈不为自己的孩子好。不过当妈累啊,我这才刚开始,以后还不定会发生什么事情呢~ 我现在是越来越爱我妈了。


至于电视看多看少这就是个见仁见智的事了。我比较佩服Sean Mama和SkyIsBlue那样家里根本没cable的家庭,我家做不到,但我肯定不会拿电视当背景音乐成天开着。吃饭,玩的时候电视必须关上。
