I thought what you said apply to the applicants from inside of federal government. If you are not working for government now, just apply online, and usually they have a set of questions on requirements, then what you can do is to provide the answers to each question then upload your resume. I didn't think you need a cover letter unless it requests.
有用的。有时候他们创建了一个pool,然后就丢到脑后了。你可以给他们提个醒,特别是pool快要过期的时候,问他们要不要extend这个pool的有效期,说不定会有惊喜。只要一个pool还有效,就一定要在CV或cover letter里面提到。
我现在也怀疑是不是要email 给interviewer, 有用吗?
That is the only thing we can control. Except for all strategies you mention, there are actually no tricks, but just hard work to improve yourself that can help.
I did kept asking people hoping for the tips before I entered the government and only found that I was capable of improving myself in dealing with all applying situations.
Everyone is unique and the principles you know will help. it all depends on good luck.
当年我就是从PUBLIC COMPETITION进了个POOL,(这个POOL是好几个LEVEL的人都有,是十几个单位共享的。这十几个单位都派人参加了面试,不过面试是两天,不一定每个单位派的人都有机会见到了所有候选人。)