Lisgar的学生有两部分组成:Regular Program学生和Gifted Program学生。Regular Program学生和Gifted Program学生,上课是分开的(除了体育和音乐等),Gifted Program学生素质比较高,但Regular Program学生中,来自市中心地区中下层家庭的比例很高,平均素质比较低。这部分学生把Lisgar的平均成绩拽了下来。
Earl of March的学生都是Regular Program学生。这些学生,大部分来自Kanata中产家庭。这些学生的平均素质比较高,把Earl of March的平均成绩提了起来。
Better public schools is one reason. Also there is less of an issue that prevails in inner city schools like Toronto and Montreal.
My observation over the years is private schools do not necessarily produce better graduates. All my friends sent their kids to public schools. They all are doing great.
The more famous private schools here are: Ashbury, Elmvale etc.