明天油价请参考最后一贴 ;)

昨晚 CTV, CBC 新闻都提到了 parliament committee 要召集 买油的炼油的卖油的等 开个会,问他们为啥原油价格跟去年某段时间一样,但油站价格为啥哪么高? 什么时候,请谁来开会没说,CTV/CBC 都说可能得要一个月以后!

觉的这个 committee 是根本不想管这事!想管,现在就派个小组去调查啊! 还得准备好怎么应付这些人的问题! 比如炼油的很容易回答说: 哈,我的工人工资涨了,我又买了新设备,这价格当然要提高了 :mad:



说实在的, wiiwii 说话有点东拉西扯!我提 CBC/CTV 新闻时,没说什么地方开门/关门的事啊?
怀念克林顿和lib 的年代

以前要打伊拉克的时候,有个老外说好呀好,石油就跌了。。。look at what has happened since
你这样一天到晚 “白痴” 挂嘴上有意思么? 有用么?

说的是 parliament committee 啊? 真关了么?

唉, 老何啊, 你不会真的提前老年那啥的吧:blink::blowzy::D

这, 真的不是硬件问题:blowzy:

OTTAWA -- Canada's gas companies will have to explain to Parliament why the price at the pump keeps going up.

Industry Minister Tony Clement said Thursday he wants an explanation for the increase in gas prices despite decreases in world oil prices.

"No one can understand why last year when oil per barrel was around $140 or $150 a barrel, we were paying $1.37 per litre. This year oil is south of $98 a barrel and yet we're paying more," Clement said.

Clement has asked the clerk of the industry committee to summon petroleum producers, refiners and distributors to a committee hearing that will be set up once Parliament resumes post-election.