2岁的男娃, 最近开始每天半夜醒来折腾一个多小时.<br />
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半夜开始很烦躁的样子, 哼哼矶矶翻来复去烦躁不安, 甚至坐起来小声吭吃哭. 如果一直安抚就一直这样, 如果不管他就变成大声哭.<br />
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整过过程总孩子好象是半睡半醒, 眼睛都没怎么睁开. 有时候还在身上挠, 开始还以为是湿疹痒, 后来发现皮肤光滑不痒的时候也这样.<br />
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除了把孩子扔给他娘撒手不管外, 还有啥别的高招没?
My kids started even before 2, they swallow everything. I don't prepare the thick way. I sometimes mixed with milk too.
I bought mine from Montreal Chinatown, around $150-$180 一两 is normally very good quality.
Of course you can take anytime, 燕窝 is women best friend![]()
6~7碗水炖一片还是炖一两啊一两燕窝大概4~5大片, 我就用6~7碗水暾 1 and half hour, then serve in small quantity twice daily consecutively for few days. better in the morning and before bedtime with empty stomach.