Y Ying3Zi 新手上路 注册 2009-05-11 消息 561 荣誉分数 2 声望点数 28 2011-07-17 #48 6inch 说: 点击展开... 佩服。这样的参数怎样才能做到稳? 还有,ISO800,没噪点吗?
6inch 枫影居士 注册 2004-03-01 消息 2,253 荣誉分数 85 声望点数 158 2011-09-08 #50 Stopped by Toronto over the long weekend. 31. Sunset beams shining through gaps in clouds over Toronto skyline. 附件 toronto1.jpg 265.3 KB · 查看: 243
Stopped by Toronto over the long weekend. 31. Sunset beams shining through gaps in clouds over Toronto skyline.
6inch 枫影居士 注册 2004-03-01 消息 2,253 荣誉分数 85 声望点数 158 2011-09-08 #51 32. Overcast clouds reflecting lights back down and glowing with pinkish color after sunset. 附件 toronto2.jpg 249.6 KB · 查看: 238
Y Ying3Zi 新手上路 注册 2009-05-11 消息 561 荣誉分数 2 声望点数 28 2011-09-10 #52 I wonder why your pictures are always so clear and clean even on night shots. Now I finally see some noise on you last posted pic.
I wonder why your pictures are always so clear and clean even on night shots. Now I finally see some noise on you last posted pic.
6inch 枫影居士 注册 2004-03-01 消息 2,253 荣誉分数 85 声望点数 158 2011-09-11 #53 Ying3Zi 说: Now I finally see some noise on you last posted pic. 点击展开... Good eyes.
O Oliverchen 新手上路 注册 2008-08-22 消息 113 荣誉分数 3 声望点数 28 2011-10-13 #54 what lens do you use for 32 and 31?
6inch 枫影居士 注册 2004-03-01 消息 2,253 荣誉分数 85 声望点数 158 2011-10-15 #55 Oliverchen 说: what lens do you use for 32 and 31? 点击展开... Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 USM Macro Lens.