[问题] 加拿大那几所大学的生物学硕士课程比较好?

最初由 enjoy 发布

偶不懂,COPY的原话~~~:blowzy: :blowzy:
University of Guelph的确不错。
ao ao di ding
For biology, Toronto, McGill, Queen's definitely are top ones in Canada. Guelph is good at fields related to Agriculture.
最初由 acetone 发布
For biology, Toronto, McGill, Queen's definitely are top ones in Canada. Guelph is good at fields related to Agriculture.

不要片面地迷信某几所学校,其实加拿大的各所大学都有各自的所长。U of Guelph确实是生物专业的大牛,生物本身和农业学就是有很大联系的。

Nobody in the field of biology will think Guelph is a top one in Canada.
最初由 acetone 发布
Nobody in the field of biology will think Guelph is a top one in Canada.

请问你是生物学领域的吗?你知道research funding吗?:)
I have some knowledge (not much) about biology and the academic reputation of Canadian uinversities. And I happen to know some guys from Guelph.

If your friend does not want to be an expert of agriculture or food science, he/she'd better not go to Guelph. It is not good feeling to spend several years in Guelph.
If you are talking about 生物专业的大牛, in Canada it will be UT, McGill and Queen's. If you look at the relevant publication in peer-reviewed journals, you will see that.
If you are talking about research funding, fortunately I am getting some payment from some fundings and I am asked to do something to get new ones related to biology recently.
You can check how many biologists in Canada are from Guelph.