
这次好像只能是kawai k3, 其他品牌和型号要另外组团,而且商店说就这个牌子和型号团购价打折得最多


据说 YAMAHA U1 和 K3 是一个档次的。
没有与 Dealer 联系过。可能比K3贵一些。

如果谁有U1 的团购价格,请通知我. 谢谢!
准备参加团购. 已在MATTHEW处登记。
Can whoever received the confirm call from Mathew reply here?

I received the phone call from him and the 5 families success to join this group buy. Only 5. How about others?
Mathew told us there were 5, we are the 6th. But he still haven't give us the group price yet.
Mathew 给我也打电话了,说刚好有5个家庭组团,ls的不是说已经6家了吗,也许有人退出了?组成团后还有72小时欢迎其他感兴趣的家庭参加,多1个便宜50元。周6去付定金。
So far, I see the following people raised their hands.

kanata_99, rrxf, flymoon2009, 遥远的他 ==> K3
wajo ==> grand piano


Myself(reader) will be more interest to get a 10 families price.

There are also couple of others showed interest, but needs more time.

If people in this group can wait for more time(days to weeks) and not in that hurry, I am sure more people will join.

So far, I see the following people raised their hands.

kanata_99, rrxf, flymoon2009, 遥远的他 ==> K3
wajo ==> grand piano


Myself(reader) will be more interest to get a 10 families price.

There are also couple of others showed interest, but needs more time.

If people in this group can wait for more time(days to weeks) and not in that hurry, I am sure more people will join.

I can wait for the price for 10.

I already paid the deposit.

Five purchases can get the group price (big discount). After that, every one person join in, only $50 discount for each group member. The discount will stop at ten people, means members get the same price for ten purchases and eleven purchases.