我得知此楼于昨天下午, 是一个朋友发来的链接. 我昨晚读了本楼和与此相关的另一楼 (关于发照片的楼).
前者乃我多年前用过的笔名, 后者是我现在有时仍在用的笔名. 渥太华知道这两个笔名的人不少, 也就是说, 渥太华认识我的人不少. 楼主用我的笔名为题作文章, 令我的声誉清白蒙受了极大的损害, 更加可恶的是还莫名其妙地替我给我女朋友戴了顶天外飞来的绿帽子.
我将在赠送楼主几句之后, 贴上楼主和他家女人给我发的emails, 供大家判断与娱乐.
1) 你一个男人却用女人的口气发帖, 有什么见不得人的事吗 (你把我给你回的email选择性地贴上了!)?
2) 你怀疑你家女人给你戴了绿帽子, 却又不从你家女人处获知真正给你戴绿帽子的人是谁而到处乱咬无辜的人. 事情原委我听朋友说是这样的 (楼主女人让我问的, 见下面的email): 你以谈股票为名找他谈, 告诉他你家女人7月和8月有好几次下班后很迟才回家, 还半夜收到手机短信, 你与你女朋友感情很深, 要他放过你们. 我朋友跟你聊后, 你接着来咬我, 还咬CFC别的人.
如果你真觉得你被你家女人戴了绿帽子, 你找你家女人或真正给你戴绿帽子的人了结去, 爱怎么着怎么着! 但你损害无辜者的声誉清白可能是要负责任的!
3)你要我和我女朋友同你及你女朋友吃饭. 我没有同不认识的人一起吃饭的习惯, 更何况你有没有问过自己到底配吗?
4) 长时间没理你是因为 a)没看到; b)你不配. 昨天看到了, 今天上来讨个公道!
5) 怎么样还我和我女朋友的声誉清白, 请楼主自己斟酌着办!
以下是我, 楼主及他家女人的emails (我收到第二封email后让朋友帮我打的电话问楼主女人楼主怎么有我的email地址, 回答他有她的email密码), 花了我很长时间去除姓名, email地址等: me --- my name and/or email address; her --- her name and/or email address; him --- his name and/or email address; xxx --- my friend's name.
From: her
Sent: 2011-09-06 6:45 PM
To: me
Cc: him
Subject: my apology
I am sorry for what happened today. The text message was sent from Bell reminding me that I had unheard voice message or sth like that. I could not remember exactly but it was useless so I deleted it after I read it the next morning at work.
As for what is going on, I think you'd better ask Mr. xxx (last name here).
Again, sorry for what happened.
From: me
To: her
Cc: him
Sent: 2011 3:01:42 PM
Subject: FW: URGENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Her): Below is another email message from your boyfriend. What is going on? What text message at mignight? I demand from you an apology and an act on your part to stop this kind of nonsense immediately!
From: him
Sent: 2011-09-06 2:42 PM
To: me
Subject: RE: URGENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
why do not you consider legal protection when you send a text message to my GF at midnight?
Subject: FW: URGENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
6 Sep 2011 14:16:10 -0400
From: me
To: her
CC: him
Hi Her! How is it going? Hope all goes well!
I am forwarding to you the emails your boyfriend sent me this morning. I have no idea why he wants to talk to me in person. So, I explained our email exchanges about your friend's SIGA stock (you asked for my opinion). In addition, I wrote about my happy life with my girlfriend. I completely don't understand what his second email means. I want you to know CLEARLY that I don't want my life harassed by things that have absolutely nothing to do with me. I will otherwise have to seek legal protection.
With the very best wishes!
From: him
Sent: 2011-09-06 12:40 PM
To: me
Subject: RE: URGENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you are busy ??????????????????????
I want to see you just because nothing but her.
'My girlfriend's son went back to China for the summer vacation at the end of June. I have been driving her to work every morning and picking her up every afternoon ever since. I have been very happy with my girlfriend '
I am very happy to hear that and I would like to invite you and your "girlfriend" to have a dinner with her and me. it will be great for both of us. right?
Subject: RE: URGENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
6 Sep 2011 11:50:45 -0400
From: me
To: him
Hi him!
Why do you want to talk to me? I posted about stocks in CFC. Her emailed me and told me one of her friends followed my posts and bought SIGA at very high prices. SIGA dropped and Her asked about my opinion for her friend. I told her how I felt about the stock and I sent an email to see if her friend has made any moves on SIGA. That is all the communications I had with her.
My girlfriend's son went back to China for the summer vacation at the end of June. I have been driving her to work every morning and picking her up every afternoon ever since. I have been very happy with my girlfriend (we had, of course, some issues as most, if not all, of couples do and got them resolved successfully). I don't see any reason why you want to talk to me. I am busy and if I don't know why you want to talk to me, then I won't have the time for you, I am sorry. On the other hand, if you can tell me your purpose of talking to me, I may be able to spare a few minutes.
With all the very best wishes!
From: him
Sent: 2011-09-06 11:36 AM
To: me
Subject: URGENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am Her BF, I'd like to talk with you in person ASAP.
我得知此楼于昨天下午, 是一个朋友发来的链接. 我昨晚读了本楼和与此相关的另一楼 (关于发照片的楼).
前者乃我多年前用过的笔名, 后者是我现在有时仍在用的笔名. 渥太华知道这两个笔名的人不少, 也就是说, 渥太华认识我的人不少. 楼主用我的笔名为题作文章, 令我的声誉清白蒙受了极大的损害, 更加可恶的是还莫名其妙地替我给我女朋友戴了顶天外飞来的绿帽子.
我将在赠送楼主几句之后, 贴上楼主和他家女人给我发的emails, 供大家判断与娱乐.
1) 你一个男人却用女人的口气发帖, 有什么见不得人的事吗 (你把我给你回的email选择性地贴上了!)?
2) 你怀疑你家女人给你戴了绿帽子, 却又不从你家女人处获知真正给你戴绿帽子的人是谁而到处乱咬无辜的人. 事情原委我听朋友说是这样的 (楼主女人让我问的, 见下面的email): 你以谈股票为名找他谈, 告诉他你家女人7月和8月有好几次下班后很迟才回家, 还半夜收到手机短信, 你与你女朋友感情很深, 要他放过你们. 我朋友跟你聊后, 你接着来咬我, 还咬CFC别的人.
如果你真觉得你被你家女人戴了绿帽子, 你找你家女人或真正给你戴绿帽子的人了结去, 爱怎么着怎么着! 但你损害无辜者的声誉清白可能是要负责任的!
3)你要我和我女朋友同你及你女朋友吃饭. 我没有同不认识的人一起吃饭的习惯, 更何况你有没有问过自己到底配吗?
4) 长时间没理你是因为 a)没看到; b)你不配. 昨天看到了, 今天上来讨个公道!
5) 怎么样还我和我女朋友的声誉清白, 请楼主自己斟酌着办!
以下是我, 楼主及他家女人的emails (我收到第二封email后让朋友帮我打的电话问楼主女人楼主怎么有我的email地址, 回答他有她的email密码), 花了我很长时间去除姓名, email地址等: me --- my name and/or email address; her --- her name and/or email address; him --- his name and/or email address; xxx --- my friend's name.
From: her
Sent: 2011-09-06 6:45 PM
To: me
Cc: him
Subject: my apology
I am sorry for what happened today. The text message was sent from Bell reminding me that I had unheard voice message or sth like that. I could not remember exactly but it was useless so I deleted it after I read it the next morning at work.
As for what is going on, I think you'd better ask Mr. xxx (last name here).
Again, sorry for what happened.
From: me
To: her
Cc: him
Sent: 2011 3:01:42 PM
Subject: FW: URGENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Her): Below is another email message from your boyfriend. What is going on? What text message at mignight? I demand from you an apology and an act on your part to stop this kind of nonsense immediately!
From: him
Sent: 2011-09-06 2:42 PM
To: me
Subject: RE: URGENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
why do not you consider legal protection when you send a text message to my GF at midnight?
Subject: FW: URGENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
6 Sep 2011 14:16:10 -0400
From: me
To: her
CC: him
Hi Her! How is it going? Hope all goes well!
I am forwarding to you the emails your boyfriend sent me this morning. I have no idea why he wants to talk to me in person. So, I explained our email exchanges about your friend's SIGA stock (you asked for my opinion). In addition, I wrote about my happy life with my girlfriend. I completely don't understand what his second email means. I want you to know CLEARLY that I don't want my life harassed by things that have absolutely nothing to do with me. I will otherwise have to seek legal protection.
With the very best wishes!
From: him
Sent: 2011-09-06 12:40 PM
To: me
Subject: RE: URGENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you are busy ??????????????????????
I want to see you just because nothing but her.
'My girlfriend's son went back to China for the summer vacation at the end of June. I have been driving her to work every morning and picking her up every afternoon ever since. I have been very happy with my girlfriend '
I am very happy to hear that and I would like to invite you and your "girlfriend" to have a dinner with her and me. it will be great for both of us. right?
Subject: RE: URGENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
6 Sep 2011 11:50:45 -0400
From: me
To: him
Hi him!
Why do you want to talk to me? I posted about stocks in CFC. Her emailed me and told me one of her friends followed my posts and bought SIGA at very high prices. SIGA dropped and Her asked about my opinion for her friend. I told her how I felt about the stock and I sent an email to see if her friend has made any moves on SIGA. That is all the communications I had with her.
My girlfriend's son went back to China for the summer vacation at the end of June. I have been driving her to work every morning and picking her up every afternoon ever since. I have been very happy with my girlfriend (we had, of course, some issues as most, if not all, of couples do and got them resolved successfully). I don't see any reason why you want to talk to me. I am busy and if I don't know why you want to talk to me, then I won't have the time for you, I am sorry. On the other hand, if you can tell me your purpose of talking to me, I may be able to spare a few minutes.
With all the very best wishes!
From: him
Sent: 2011-09-06 11:36 AM
To: me
Subject: URGENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am Her BF, I'd like to talk with you in person ASAP.