该说的你不都说了吗? 你还想我说什么呢? 难道你还想知道什么细节吗? 大家都是成年人了, 细节是什么我不说你不是也能想象的到的吗? 何况你还是她闺密, 难道她就没告诉你吗?
你还有什么不清楚的, 能不能把具体的问题都列出来,我好一一回答你.
My girlfriend's son went back to China for the summer vacation at the end of June. I have been driving her to work every morning and picking her up every afternoon ever since. I have been very happy with my girlfriend (we had, of course, some issues as most, if not all, of couples do and got them resolved successfully). I don't see any reason why you want to talk to me. I am busy