【VIP GROUP BUY】(1)轮胎/轮毂(2)Furnace/Furnace maintenance(3)Duct cleaning


1. Winter Tires, All Season Tires and/or Rim Packages GROUP BUY Active
Winter Driving - Be Prepared, Be Safe!

Please provide us the following information no later than September 21st, 2011:

· Tire type: All Season tires or Winter tires (for instance)
· Tire size: 205/55 R16 (for instance)
· Rim packages: steel or aluminum (if required)

How to Read a Tire Size
The sidewall of a tire makes good reading - if you know how to interpret the information you'll find there. Take a look at these basic definitions.
1. 205 Width of the tire in millimeters.
2. 55 Aspect ratio - This sidewall's height is roughly 55% of the tire's width.
3. R For radial construction
4. 16 Nominal rim diameter code of the wheel on which the tire fits.
5. 88 Load index is a numerical code associated with the maximum load a tire can carry under certain service conditions.
6. V Speed symbol - This tire can carry a specified load under specified service conditions at speeds up to 149 mph.
7. 88V Service description, a combination of the Load Index and Speed Symbol. Service Description
The service description contains a two-digit number (load index) and a letter (speed rating).
In this example (left) the service description has a load index of 82 and a speed rating of H.

Note: Some size designations may be preceded by a "P", signifying Passenger or "LT", signifying Light Truck.

2. Furnace and Furnace Maintenance GROUP BUY Active
Make your home more energy efficiency and more health with fresh and clean air everywhere!

The four main reasons why you would need to replace a furnace are:
1) Extremely old and inefficient. If you move into a home that was built in the 1960s or even earlier, chances are that it has an old boiler system or furnace. This doesn't necessarily mean that you need a new furnace, but chances are that your system will need an overhaul to make it energy efficient for you.
2) High cost of fuel to run your furnace. Find out which is least expensive in your area: gas or electricity, and try to use the least expensive resource for your system.
3) Heating load. Heating load is the amount of energy required to maintain a steady 65-degree temperature indoors. To find out your heating load, you may want to consider contacting your utility company to perform an energy audit, which will help you figure out ways to make your home more energy efficient - and possibly save you from replacing the entire furnace or air conditioner. If you find that despite your efforts your furnace continues to work inefficiently, you probably need a new furnace.
4) Government Rebates. Ontario homeowners can get Government of Canada grants for a new furnace when they replace heating equipment.
Rebates for furnace installation:

$790 —gas furnace 94% AFUE or higher with a brushless DC motor (when installing a condensing furnace for the first time)or $650 — gas furnace 94% AFUE or higher with a brushless DC motor.

$250 — gas furnace By upgrading your furnace to a high-efficiency model that has an Electronically Commutated Motor (ECM) designed to decrease energy use, Ontario Power Authority allows a $250 rebate.

$150— Get up to $150 cash back on the cost of your first energy audit with a rebate from Ontario’s Home Energy Audit program.

$500 Lennox Manufacturer rebate avaliable. Expires on December 1, 2011

The HEATING & COOLING INCENTIVE runs from January 1, 2011 through to December 31, 2011.

Figure This:
If you replace your furnace with a 97% efficient system (look for an Energy Star furnace or A/C system and compare the AFUE and BTU levels), then you would cut your heating bills to around 20%. To see if it's worth spending the money, add up your fuel bills for last winter, then multiply that sum by 20%. Divide that figure into the cost of buying and installing the new system, about $3,000 or so, and you'll see how many years it will take to recoup your investment. (Source:ThisOldHouse.com).

3. Duct Cleaning GROUP BUY Active

Should You Get Your Heating/Cooling Ducts Cleaned?
Source from Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) http://www.cmhc-schl.gc.ca/en/co/maho/gemare/gemare_011.cfm

A hot air furnace heats and distributes air through its ducting system. The ducts are usually made of sheet metal and are most obvious in your basement, where they hang from the floor joists. The return, or cold air, ducts bring air to the furnace, usually collecting it centrally in the house. The return air trunk duct is the big rectangular duct along the basement ceiling that enters the bottom of the furnace. The supply, or warm air, ducting usually exits from the top of the furnace. It starts with a trunk duct on the basement ceiling. The individual supply ducts, in round or smaller rectangular sheet metal, branch off the trunk duct and go to each room, where they terminate in a floor or wall register. Over time, dust and debris will collect in these ducts, particularly in the return air ducts. You may be wondering whether it would be worthwhile to have these ducts cleaned.

Duct cleaning is a major industry. As a homeowner, you may be regularly solicited to have your heating ducts cleaned on a regular basis. Claims are made that duct cleaning will:
o provide you with better indoor air quality (or IAQ),
o reduce the presence of house molds and allergens,
o get rid of house dust,
o result in more airflow and better delivery of warm air, and/or
o reduce energy costs.

Thank you for your participation, support and cooperation. Please feel free to spread these information If you know any family or individual like to participate in group buy any of them above. We appreciate the support and cooperation of every family.

For more options and information about this group, please contact VIP Group Buy administrator at vip-group-buy@hotmail.com


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报名:Duct Cleaning.

关于Tire Size for winter tire,是按照目前我车上用的all season tire size 还是门上面写的tire size 给定?我的这两个数据不一致。

第一次换冬季胎,没有经验哦。车就是一普通Sedan,冬季胎用R16 R15 还是R14? 车门上只标一个R15为标准尺寸。

请大家发email 到vip-group-buy@hotmail.com

关于Tire Size for winter tire,是按照目前我车上用的all season tire size 还是门上面写的tire size 给定?我的这两个数据不一致。

第一次换冬季胎,没有经验哦。车就是一普通Sedan,冬季胎用R16 R15 还是R14? 车门上只标一个R15为标准尺寸。

驾驶员边上那块车门柱上写的size就行了,一般来说雪胎应该比all season的小,太大的话轮胎与车体之间空间就变小了,冬天积雪容易卡
请问团长,duct cleaning是带automatic brush的吗?
Just wondering, if we need buy rims, should we include our car model as well? Because I don't know if bolt pattern matters?
What brand of the winter tires are we getting?
I am interested in:
1. Furnace
2. 4 all season tires (no rim), 205/70R15
Please send more information