


經濟數據方面: 8月未決房屋銷售月環比-1.2%,預期為-1.5%,前值-1.3% 二季度GDP季環比(年度化)+1.3%,預期為+1.2%。前值+1.0%。 二季度GDP價格指數季環比++2.5%,預期為+2.4%。前值+2.4%。 上周首次申領失業金人數391K,預期為419K,前值從423K修正至428K。 持續申領失業金人數3729K,前值3749K。


據華爾街日報消息稱,Research In Motion(RIMM)在一份郵件中聲稱,公司將持續對平板電腦市場保持熱情,並引用一位分析師的建議稱,有關傳說公司將停止平板電腦生產的說法純屬謠言。

埃克森美孚(XOM) 下屬分公司SeaRiver Maritime與位於費城的阿克造船廠簽署協議,建造兩艘價值4億美元的全新自由級油輪,這項工程將直接創造1000個工作崗位。這種雙船體油輪用來把 北阿拉斯加的原油運往美國死海岸的目的地,該船包括最新的導航和通訊設備,超越現有的環保和能源效率標準。

據彭博報道,微軟(MSFT)可能將通過Xbox Live提供來自Verizon(VZ)和Comcast(CMCSA)的在線付費電視服務。據有消息人士稱,公司在與來自歐洲和美國的二十多家供應商談判,預計最快下個星期將會宣布合作。


據Business Insider報道,微軟(MSFT)將從Google(GOOG) 2012年的Android版權許可中得到4.44億美元的收入。據來源於高盛的技術分析團隊消息稱,每賣出一部Android的設備,微軟將收到3到6美元



简单: 空仓观望,看到有很好的买入点才动手快炒。


无数血汗钱,希望能帮到还不太懂得保护本金的朋友上路: 尽量少亏钱。呵呵。


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The last few days have been a roller coaster in the market. Yesterday the SPY closed on the lows, giving bears some conviction to go home short. However, this morning the SPY opened up in excess of 2 points due to the combination of better than expected economic data and on the news that Germany had approved expanding the EFSF. The SPY pushed higher ver briefly at the open where as high beta tech stocks got hit right off the open, which was the first sign of tech weakness. That trend continued throughout the day. The market sold off for most of the day, with the Nasdaq by far the heaviest index. The market turned on a dime in the last hour of trading, though, taking the Dow and S&P positive while the Nasdaq closed narrowly lower. Financials were the strongest sector today whereas most sectors felt the selling pressure. Could we be seeing an attempt at window dressing for the end of the third quarter?


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Below is a weekly chart of the S&P. Since breaking the multi-year uptrend line in early August, the S&P has been in a wide range, creating a bear flag pattern on the weekly. If the S&P closes below 1120 and breaks the low of 1101, it seems likely that the S&P will test support from last summer between the 1050-1010 level. The price action today makes it seem like the S&P wants lower prices, but it may take time resolve this lower range. Continue to monitor the action.


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Let's take a run through of some momentum "Go-To" names and see how they performed today, as most showed relative weakness to the S&P. When the market is in correction mode, selling pressure is felt by most stocks and today they went after the leaders.

AAPL is holding above the lows from early August, when it was trading around the $350 level, but it was not able to hold the last breakout above $404.50. AAPL closed the day down 1.62% closing slightly off of the lows of the day. AAPL is holding above the 50-day moving average, but continue taking trades in this choppy market action and AAPL will set-up a better macro buy pattern once the market finds its footing.


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AMZN was one of the strongest stocks yesterday as it traded higher during the release of its new tablet. However, when the market is under pressure, many investors end up selling everything. AMZN closed down 3.16% but is still holding above key moving averages. Continue trading AMZN for cash flow.


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Chinese Internet stocks got sold off hard today after the US Department of Justice announced an investigation into potential accounting irregularities among China-domiciled companies. BIDU retested the 200-day moving average earlier this week (prior support becomes resistance) and has sold off ever since. This former leader has had a major composure change since breaking the 200-day moving average and the multi-year trendline. BIDU has been removed from the "Go-To" List for the time being and should be shorted on bounces. BIDU closed the day down 9.17%, while SINA closed down 9.7%.


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NFLX, a former leader and "Go-To" stock, has undergone a major composure change. Since breaking the multi-year trendline, it has gotten hardly any momentum to the upside. After its recent steep sell-off it was unable to get any meaningful bounce, and today NFLX broke the bear flag with strong acceleration to the downside. It closed the day down 10.97%.

I did warn you guys stop lose on previous low: $125!!!!!!!!!! To me, that is perfect example for the unnecessary debate on TA/FA. To me saving our hard earned cash is the most important thing. I barely care TA/FA.:blink:


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WYNN was pointed out earlier in the week as a potential Head and Shoulders pattern. Today WYNN closed below the key support level of $130 and closed the day down 7.34%. The targeted move now that this pattern has triggered is down to $90/$85 level. If you missed the entry today, perhaps look for a retest of the broken neckline.


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MA is still trading with in this upper ascending channel but was able to find support today at the uptrend line/50-day moving average. This stock closed the day down 0.44% after opening up over 6 points this morning.


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This "Go-To" stock also felt the selling pressure today as it closed the day down 7.21% and breaking below the $100 level. This stock is still holding above the longterm trendline, but it will be important to see how it acts versus the S&P to see what's next for this stock.


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我们还需要看更多的图吗? 看图大盘下周暴跌很可能在所难免!!!! 但我不猜!!! 我
更不会盲目做多!!!!! 留这现金快炒,直到大方向出来!!!!!!!!:eek:
e indexes still appear to be trending down towards the August 9 th lows

US stocks were mixed Thursday following some positive
economic news and a report that Germany passed a vote
to approve reforms to the European Financial Stability
Facility (EFSF). After opening higher The Dow30, S&P
500, and Russell 2000 held their gains throughout the
day but the tech heavy Nasdaq Composite was down as
much as 55 points before rebounding but still closed
The indexes still appear to be trending down towards the
August 9
lows and my suggestion is to be patient and
wait on the sidelines for the next wave of good setups,
which could be in a few days.
The Dow30 was up 1.30%, Nasdaq Composite was down
0.43%, the S&P 500 was up 0.81%, and the Russell 2000
was up 1.66%. The CBOE Volatility Index which is a gauge
used to measure fear in the market place was down 5.4%
In economic news, Gross Domestic Product (GDP) was up
1.3% which was slightly more than the 1.2% increase
expected. Jobless Claims dropped much more than
expected to 391K last week according to the Labor
Pending Home Sales dropped to its lowest level in 4 months,
however home builder stocks were strong today. KBH, KB
Home was up 4.6%, DHI, DR Horton was up 3.7%, and TOL,
Toll Brothers was up 2.3%.
In merger and acquisition news (M&A’s) HGIC, Harleysville was up 87% after Nationwide Mutual Insurance said it would
buy the insurance group for $760 million.
Bank stocks were strong Thursday with MS, Morgan Stanley closing up 6.5%, C, Citigroup was up 3.7%, JPM, JPMorgan
was up 3%, WFC, Wells Fargo was up 2.2%, and USB, USBancorp was up 3.6%.
In other news: AMD, Advanced Micro Devices was down 13.6% Thursday after cutting its revenue and profit forecast for
the third quarter. Following the news, more than five brokerages downgraded the firm.