

1。我前一晚做完功课,定下计划: 132。20少量买入第一仓。可气的是,一开始只
很多人认为我们小散是市场中最可怜的,我倒觉得我们其实要比JOHN PAULSON这样
他们要出几个月吧? 呵呵。
Thanks for sharing your experiences with all of us. Trading based on charts is not my style and thus it is good to follow your stories.

You are right that when hedge fund lose, they lose big. However, Paulson's style is probably mis-understood. His recent loss is trivial versus his win in 2008.

The key is not that he earned money in that crisis but how. He essentially spotted wrongly priced risk and took advantage of it. You could find the book named like largest gamble etc in library.
For trading, I like hedged bet more. Taking Yahoo as an example - I am not doing this but just using it as an example.

Yahoo's closing price is $13.17 and Jan 2014 $10 put is at $1.95. Let's say I think Yahoo could be worth $20 in an acquisition and I want to play this possibility. What I will do will be something like this:

1. Buy 100 shares of Yahoo at $13.17 and buy Jan 2014 $10 put at $1.95. This gives a total cost of $15.13.

2. Sell Oct $16 call for $0.21 and continue to sell off-money monthly calls.

If Yahoo crashes below $10 to $5.00. Total loss is $3.17 + $1.95 = $5.13. Because the put is two years away, you can still sell calls at $11 albeit for a small premium to recover your loss...

For trading, I think it is essential to know two things:

1. Biggest potential loss.
2. Possible ways to recover loss.

1。我前一晚做完功课,定下计划: 132。20少量买入第一仓。可气的是,一开始只

If your position is a bit large and you are not able to stop-loss, what can you do ?
Dear Lazycatcat,
Thanks for your sharing. The way you just described is what I usually do. I either do cover call on share i bought, or building up straddle (call and put) while the major event is coming, like FED meeting, normally will down a lot this year!!!!!!!!!

I do think the best trade is the SAFEST trade not the biggest possible gain trade!

Thanks again,
The One and Only one Proud Nepeaner:p
不过,我还要提一句,不看图怎么敢下单呢?怎么知道是卖出PUT LGE 或CALL LEG?



我发现,我们交易的根本战略是一样的: 控制风险! 可能我胆子小点,非得卡住点
If your position is a bit large and you are not able to stop-loss, what can you do ?

这个真没想过,只有可爱的笨猪(MR。 BEN FROM FED) 不需要停损吧。

您尊敬的John Paulson还要在我们伟大祖国的骗子公司SINO ( I would say most Chinese companies are cheating on accoutning!!!!!!!!!)上停损。呵呵。这辈子我估计很难赶上这赌徒了。说老实话,他是个彻头彻尾赌徒,我一点看不上他的操作方式。
If I were fund manager, I will long CF,POT,NFLX, and shart GS and all banks, hehehe. I did tell my friend BAC is so weak last month, but look at at what level now? I felt guilty about my mistake! You and 99% of people would say BAC is dirty cheap at 6, right? But let me ensure, by my trading model, BAC,C,JPM,MS and GS are clearly a 100000% short that this level at this point. My model follows TREND! If trend gets changed one day, I think it will, my trading model will tell me to go back to long.

Hey, finding a trading model works for you is the most important thing. As for me, following the trend, control my positioning size (T1,T2,T3 on different price level), and setup tight stop lose is my model, and it seems work for me.

Again, thanks for being here.

It is Buffett with two t's. I don't do short-term tradings except selling covered calls ...

For now, hedged trading with a pivotal point is probably pretty good. For example, holding good banks like wfc and usb while using faz for hedging and certain profit ...

I am not good at figuring out what will happen tomorrow etc ...

Are you sure your hedging modle works ? Have you done your homework about faz? I am 100% sure that your will lose money when you long good banks such as wfc ,usb ,aslo FAZ as hedging if big market keeps dropping.

Check FAZ and all your banks chart since year 2008? Btw , FAZ did reverse split after 2009.
Long term holding on FAZ/FAS,TNA/TZA will lose money significantly because of 时间衰减!!!!!!!

If you could short both of them, you will 100000% sure win!!!!

I never used FAZ as hedge of GS shares!!!!!!

The hedge play:
A. GS 1000 shares, at major resistant, I would do a covered call.
B. Before FED meeting on deciding QE3, buy FAS's same strike CALL and PUT. PUT LEG翻了三倍。CALL LEG worthless, who cares?

Is it clear? This is ABC.

请不清楚的别害人啊!!!!! 我很担心我好心的贴子误导别人赔钱。



By Tom Bowley

The weekly moving average convergence divergence (MACD) has always been a favorite indicator of mine. It provides a "big picture" outlook of the market and helps me take a step back from the day to day swings of the market. With the Volatility Index (VIX) in the stratosphere and closing close to 43 on Friday, the whipsaw action is quite unnerving. Taking a step back and looking at the big picture helps to ease some of that daily stress and makes it easier to focus on an appropriate trading strategy. I realize the MACD is only one indicator, and it won't always be right, but it does increase the odds of a particular move and helps me determine when it makes sense to take on more risk.

Below is a chart of the S&P 500 on a weekly basis for the past 5 years:


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If I were fund manager, I will long CF,POT,NFLX, and shart GS and all banks, hehehe. I did tell my friend BAC is so weak last month, but look at at what level now? I felt guilty about my mistake! You and 99% of people would say BAC is dirty cheap at 6, right? But let me ensure, by my trading model, BAC,C,JPM,MS and GS are clearly a 100000% short that this level at this point. My model follows TREND! If trend gets changed one day, I think it will, my trading model will tell me to go back to long.

Hey, finding a trading model works for you is the most important thing. As for me, following the trend, control my positioning size (T1,T2,T3 on different price level), and setup tight stop lose is my model, and it seems work for me.

Again, thanks for being here.


That is quite flattering !

Pauson is an M&A arbitrager and so he has deep roots.

Can you maintain discussion in one thread ?

You are right on FAZ, which is settled daily and is not good for long-term hedging. It is more like trading for some comfort money.

BAC at lower price may still be attractive but I am only focused on wfc and usb.

It would be more interesting to focus on company events and look for potential option mis-pricing.

Be careful of end-year reversal, although it is hard to know when.

The call premium of FAZ is just too high while out of money put too low. FAZ is probably good for tail risk betting. Imagine if overall market rises by 30%, it will fall 90% ...