actually your in-law is partially right. when you feed your baby, you still need to feed him/her four food groups which are grain, milk, fruit and veg, meat and alternatives. once your baby starts solid food, you should consider offering variety foods.其实我们家孩子4个月的时候已经开始吃辅食了。我现在世不想他太早的吃一些6个月或者8个月以后才可以吃的东西。我给他吃自己熬的粥糊,他奶奶说没营养都是碳水化合物,而且非得给吃点米粒,这我也就依了,大米粥还行,可是小米粥我觉得是不是有点哏喉咙啊!我现在能给他吃的东西都给吃,可是她老说给吃的不够。
white rice is one kind of grains, if you could offer other gains such as 小米粥, why not? you just need to blend it well. please be aware, 粥 belongs to grain group, there are other three groups of food you need to offer to your baby for more nutrients.
responsiblity of parents, in terms of healthy eating:
parents decide
what food to feed (healthy,fresh, homemade food from four food groups);
when (every 2-3 hours);
where (on high chair at the dinning room).
responsibilty of babies:
babies decide
whether or not he/she wants to eat,
how much he/she wants to take(often time, parents take over this role for their children)
use these as guidelines on feeding, make feeding time less struggling and more pleasant.