
我也同意。特别当时有人提议去举牌抗议,媒体到处发放,这些原来都是可以是律师和minto交涉的筹码,全给乱搅和了。minto肯定有不对的地方,我们也要吸取教训,下次对付起来不能随便 “一叫二哭三上吊”

同情LZ的遭遇,悲痛她现在的处境,愤怒 明偷 的卑鄙。


到现在的境地,最重要的是要告知世人 明偷 的罪孽行径,这也是对 LZ 道义上的支持。如果需要经济上的支持,请以前出过头的人组织一下。个人虽只能表微薄之力,但众人拾柴火焰高,希望能帮 LZ 度过难关。

CBC电视台有个专栏节目叫Market Place.




avalon这个社区minto的已经开发完毕了,show room也都已经卖了,销售中心好像也撤了,只有minto客服minto care的办公室还在,现在再来avalon闹应该效果不怎么样。
Based on your story, I think your lawyer should take lots of responsibility of voiding the contract at your end. Maybe you should sue your lawyer Stephen Guest for compensation. Because of him, you can not finish signing the full contract on the closing day, which later becomes the primary reason that Minto refuses returning your deposit. You lawyer should be well aware of the consequence he caused intentionally or not. Did he warn you about what will happen if you don't sign the full contract on the closing day? For him or his assistant, leaving early is not an excuse and he should be responsible for it. If he didn't tell you the consequence, he should be under investigation for his legal malpractice.

I think everyone should be cautious when signing contract with the builder, always keep photo copies of signed contract. When feeling something not right, back off quickly.

As for Minto, I hope they will give back your full deposit eventually. They can make mistake of the house model, and they tried to correct or made an alternative offer, but it was in your hand whether you wanted to accept. However if they don't sell the house to you, they should NOT keep your hard earned money. If not, they will lose many of their potential clients and business.

Please take care yourself and your health is precious.

Learning to move on and not let other people's fault ruin your life.

Keep fighting smartly and strategically!

Good luck on getting back your full deposit!



avalon这个社区minto的已经开发完毕了,show room也都已经卖了,销售中心好像也撤了,只有minto客服minto care的办公室还在,现在再来avalon闹应该效果不怎么样。

I agree with you :cool::cool:
If it is for me, I will just take the $10000, close the deal in time and moving into the house for a year or so, once moved into the house, pay the down payment to buy another lot/house/floor plan you wanted, sale the house you don't like and could make some $, and you could also increased value in the house you want since you bought it pre-construction.
Win-Win situation.
我完全同意tribeca说的要让Minto意识到如果此事不妥善解决“they will lose many of their potential clients and business”,那就是我们中国同胞。所以个人认为举牌抗议不是解决问题的办法,关键是让Minto上下都意识到他们拿了你的几万块钱, 但失去的是中国人的强大购房市场。 是否可以请律师起草一封抗议书,号召支持者签名后提交Minto总部。
file a complaint to a law society

There is a form that you can fill in to file a complaint and ask for an invetigation and compensation from Upper Canada law society.
Once a complaint is filed, you should hear a justice.
Please click here to download a form:
