以「聖經:天主聖言,人的言語」為主題的靈修講座,將於十一月五日(星期六)下午二時舉行。 由世界著名聖經學者,Fr. Vogels主講。設粵語及普通話即時傳譯。 教友每位報名費五元,外界十元,包括茶點。請向堂區辦事處報名。
Fr. Walter Vogels, MAfr, is an internationally renowned Old Testament scholar. He studied in Leuven, Rome, Ottawa, Jerusalem, and Paris, and is a member of the Society of the Missionaries of Africa. Fr. Vogels is professor emeritus of the Old Testament at Saint Paul University, Ottawa, and a frequent visiting professor at universities and institutes worldwide. He has published 25 books and over 200 articles in academic and pastoral journals, as well as dictionaries in English, French, and Dutch.
Fr. Walter Vogels, MAfr, is an internationally renowned Old Testament scholar. He studied in Leuven, Rome, Ottawa, Jerusalem, and Paris, and is a member of the Society of the Missionaries of Africa. Fr. Vogels is professor emeritus of the Old Testament at Saint Paul University, Ottawa, and a frequent visiting professor at universities and institutes worldwide. He has published 25 books and over 200 articles in academic and pastoral journals, as well as dictionaries in English, French, and Dutch.