
I don't think the Federal Court's ruling shall be understood as an endorsement of the CSIS decision. It was simply about whether Ms. Zhang had been treated unfairly by the federal government in her search for another government job, after her "Top Secret" clearance denied by CSIS and Secret clearance removed by PCO. The Court found no wrong doings of the government, that's it.

It is a big stretch to say 加拿大政府认定张女士对加拿大国家安全是个威胁. Based on what's been published, CSIS never stated it this way. It only questioned her royalty to Canada, hence declined to grant her the TOP SECRET clearance.

Agreed, I just read the original article on national post and I have the same understanding. I do think the chinese translation is misleading, or at least failing to give a clear picture.

She can still apply for government job. Plus, from her profile, she already moved on and established her consulting business. So best wishes to her.
I don't think the Federal Court's ruling shall be understood as an endorsement of the CSIS decision. It was simply about whether Ms. Zhang had been treated unfairly by the federal government in her search for another government job, after her "Top Secret" clearance denied by CSIS and Secret clearance removed by PCO. The Court found no wrong doings of the government, that's it.

It is a big stretch to say 加拿大政府认定张女士对加拿大国家安全是个威胁. Based on what's been published, CSIS never stated it this way. It only questioned her royalty to Canada, hence declined to grant her the TOP SECRET clearance.




:cool::cool:...这个看法我支持.第一她不该去碰这样的位子,太敏感. 第二: 按年份理论上是拿不到Secret LEVEL的.只能说有人为因素在里面.那么这个时候摆桌面上来讨论JD的可能性的时候...当初那些人为因素就是有,也不敢站出来帮她再说一次了...


有证据就拿上来, 没证据就不要像某些人一张嘴就是"几万中国间谍": 你这不是把所有在外面的中国人给害了么?! 当然, 那"几万中国间谍"除外, 就是TMD不知道是谁?连告密的人也不说"他们"是谁!:flaming:


National Post 的报道: Suspected Chinese spy loses bid to rejoin civil service

别尽扯些没用的. 你如果不服气,可以去站街。CSIS,政府,法院,National Post,你选哪个?我估计,加拿大政府不会象咱党妈,用冲锋枪扫射。


有没有搞错?! 我要的是你这句话的证据:

作者: cornerstone 查看帖子

你这句话是在映射老百姓, 这就是为什么我要说: 有证据就拿上来, 没证据就不要像某些人一张嘴就是"几万中国间谍": 你这不是把所有在外面的中国人给害了么?! 当然, 那"几万中国间谍"除外, 就是TMD不知道是谁?连告密的人也不说"他们"是谁!

National Post 的报道: Suspected Chinese spy loses bid to rejoin civil service


别尽扯些没用的. 你如果不服气,可以去站街。CSIS,政府,法院,National Post,你选哪个?我估计,加拿大政府不会象咱党妈,用冲锋枪扫射。

听清楚:那是你党妈, 你愿意认共产党做你妈, 那是你的事, 不要把别人扯进来.
法院的裁决没什么不妥 ,合理合法,很有分寸。倒个个,放在中国,她的结局就不仅是这样了。

法院的裁决没什么不妥 ,合理合法,很有分寸。倒个个,放在中国,她的结局就不仅是这样了。





跟中领馆还热,又要往TOP SECRET部门钻,这不是自挖坑往里跳吗?!
Court ruling is just a court ruling. People either obey it or appeal it . Even up to High court of Canada, it doesn't mean 100% always correct. However, it certainly reduces incorrect chances. I saw a lot of people came out of court and said justice wasn't served.

Worked for Xinghua News Agency, a state-running media, is widely regarded a spy in West, What about working for CBC? which is also a state-running media. Are they regarded spy or suspected spy in China? I don't know. If so, it was funny to see Peter Mansbridge interviewed Canadian Spy boss Richard Fadden and talked about China spy in Canada. A spy or suspected spy talked to his boss about other country's spy in Canadan on a suspected spy agency's television channel.
Court ruling is just a court ruling. People either obey it or appeal it . Even up to High court of Canada, it doesn't mean 100% always correct. However, it certainly reduces incorrect chances. I saw a lot of people came out of court and said justice wasn't served.

Worked for Xinghua News Agency, a state-running media, is widely regarded a spy in West, What about working for CBC? which is also a state-running media. Are they regarded spy or suspected spy in China? I don't know. If so, it was funny to see Peter Mansbridge interviewed Canadian Spy boss Richard Fadden and talked about China spy in Canada. A spy or suspected spy talked to his boss about other country's spy in Canadan on a suspected spy agency's television channel.

Human being can't be 100% always correct. However, court is one of the best ways to reduce incorrect chances.

Talking about spy or suspected spy in CBC or in Xinghua News Agency, we can't ignore the difference between the two media agencies. Who owns the media?

How abou you, my friend? You mean you 看问题停留在10年代或the after 的水平上?