前面2位都提了很好的建议, 我也说两句, 单反的话还是N/C之间选一个吧, Sony机身性能可能不错, 镜头选择还是太局限了。。。
Full frame Vs. APS: 这个取决于拍摄的题材, 人像风光啥的肯定上full frame, 要是像武大师那样拍鸟, 7D应该是不错的选择因为长焦多长都不嫌长。(尼康的不熟就不发表意见了)。
像素多少应该不是决定因素, 通常我们打印的片子8X10最多, 那个4-6M足够了。
给儿子的冰球队拍比赛, 最后赛季结束后, 给每个孩子做了一个30“X20”的poster, 都是用我的片子, 大部分都crop过, 有的crop很多, 打出来仍然很好, 孩子和家长都喜欢。
-Full frame vs APS: what's your main subject ?
-high ISO: for normal use this is very important. How often do you shoot indoor ? For family shots, I would say very often especially if you have kids.
- FPS: are you shooting a lot of sports or wild life ? e.g., had I have a 7D or 1D MK IV, my hockey shots will have much higher keeper rate.
- ease of use and interface: some people love Canon and some hate it. Same applies to Nikon. Go to the store and try it, or borrow from a friend and try it and see which interface you like.
- lens selection: depending on the subjects you are shooting, you will have to consider the cost of lens when you progress as that makes a big difference down the road.