最初由 chinaren 发布
I must make it clear that I never say the above words. You can certainly have your own point, however, you shouldn't 曲解 other people's point.
So take back your words, please.
Still, "people from toronto have to 隔离?" was not my original words. I never say that, please take it back, too.最初由 wuwei 发布
your 那个[严重警告] 话题被删掉了, sorry i can't remember exactly what you said but thats not my fault if that is not your original words, sorry, it is 版主 gave me a chance (he删掉 your 话题 )to "曲解" your point.
but what did you say again? people from toronto have to 隔离?
最初由 northernwolf 发布
Then what can I say. I will not waste my time to convince someone who never respect the suggestions from government and the doctors that he said he would. Enjoy your absolute freedom and never regret on what you posted so far.