这是偷换概念。无论买什么、买多少,都有量的问题。老华侨, you too 苦日子过惯了? Pay more and eat more, that is the only rule. Get it or never go out eating.
Funny, people are still talking about quantity not quality.
好比住5星级宾馆,房间的卫生间里的卫生纸只有一小截,你打电话问前台,她说“you pay more and get more”。那是不是要订两套房间才行呢?
又好比买了一个大钻戒,可是得用绳子拴在手指上。你问为什么不用金属戒指环,他说“you pay more and get more”。那是不是还要单买一个戒指环呢?
好比住5星级宾馆,房间的卫生间里的卫生纸只有一小截,你打电话问前台,她说“you pay more and get more”。那是不是要订两套房间才行呢?
又好比买了一个大钻戒,可是得用绳子拴在手指上。你问为什么不用金属戒指环,他说“you pay more and get more”。那是不是还要单买一个戒指环呢?
If you want a room in a motel or a one or two star hotel, particularly in a motel run by Indians (there are plenty of those motels in US and Canada) , 房间的卫生间里的卫生纸只有一小截 could actually happen.
BTW, you can always ask more 卫生纸, you will certainly get it; I guess if you ask for more rice, you may get it too. Have you ever asked more rice for free after you made some order?
If not, you have the freedom of not going to that kind of restaurant anymore, and instead going to some upscale ones.