

He believes in God but any human being because all humans, including cardinals and pastors, are sinners.
Your argument excludes the ONLY correct answer. How could you get the CORRECT answer then? :)

You know what, that is called PRIDE and it is the root of our SINS.

you're right. the ONLY CORRECT answer is already there and always there. SCIENTISTS don't believe in it and still try to seek theories to substitute the GOD. SCIENCE is the result of SINS.:cool:
基督教, 天主教 are all come from the same bible, same story line.

I having more respect with the Catholic for able to face the changes and reasons.
基督教, 天主教 are all come from the same bible, same story line.

I having more respect with the Catholic for able to face the changes and reasons.

you're right. the ONLY CORRECT answer is already there and always there. SCIENTISTS don't believe in it and still try to seek theories to substitute the GOD. SCIENCE is the result of SINS.:cool:

You mean ALL scientists?

By the way, science is the result of the pursuit of truth by Christians, inspired by the desire to know God's creation. There would have no science in its modern sense without Christianity.

The hard truth is, scientists are sinners too, Christian scientists included.


不过,大家倒不必因此而妄自菲薄。Kent在美国大学校园和世界上最好的进化论学者公开辩论几十场,所有论点论据在网上公布十几年,到目前为止,没有人能正面反驳他的论点。正面反驳了许多,但他不接受。神父也不接受或是装没看见。比如Dave Thomas and Carl Marychurch,2001 Massimo Pigliucci, 2005 Adam Kisby,不仅如此,本来以教授研究进化论为业的进化论学者中也有人在为辩论准备的过程中因为认真系统地研究他的论点论据而改变了自己的看法并且勇敢地公开承认了这一点。神父需要点出这些学者的姓名背景和改变看法的具体证据,我信不过你这句


Kent Hovind没有过正规学历,一个标准的民科,他的悬赏有人认真应对,也在严肃出版物上列出所有的反驳证据。后来发现能否驳倒是他自己说了算,就没人陪他玩了,只剩下神父们不停地意淫“没有人能正面反驳他的论点。”

Kent Hovind后来成为一个在监狱里服刑的犯人。

I repeat.

这个楼的主题是Kent挑战进化论, 指出进化论和它所依赖的"科学证据"并不科学。由此,他得出结论,进化论不是科学而是宗教信仰。



Kent Hovind没有过正规学历,一个标准的民科,他的悬赏有人认真应对,也在严肃出版物上列出所有的反驳证据。后来发现能否驳倒是他自己说了算,就没人陪他玩了,只剩下神父们不停地意淫“没有人能正面反驳他的论点。”

Kent Hovind后来成为一个在监狱里服刑的犯人。


Interesting points.

1. Please give the source of "他的悬赏有人认真应对,也在严肃出版物上列出所有的反驳证据。"

2. Lots of elite evolutionists "陪他玩了", but all of them failed miserably;

3. He was indeed imprisoned and is still in prison until now. That's exactly how he was silenced. However, the truth could be silenced temporarily, but not forever;

4. To avoid a a losing debate, one with power can of course silence it by imprisoning the opponents or moving/deleting the posters; what is this called?:)
在国内的时候,曾经碰到过“大科学家”发明了永动机。我猜想这个Kent Hovind就是这类人。可以预见这类人在几千年之内不会在科学界遇到知音的,不过回到原始社会或者在克神父的圈子内会有知音的。
You mean ALL scientists?

By the way, science is the result of the pursuit of truth by Christians, inspired by the desire to know God's creation. There would have no science in its modern sense without Christianity.

The hard truth is, scientists are sinners too, Christian scientists included.

I mean All scientists.

It's nonsense to keep seeking answers when you already know the answer. Only when you have doubt, you start looking for something else. When you doubt, you get smart and that's the root of original sin, right after eve bit that apple.

Interesting points.

1. Please give the source of "他的悬赏有人认真应对,也在严肃出版物上列出所有的反驳证据。"

In 2001, biologist Massimo Pigliucci attempted to collect Hovind's prize. During a debate with Hovind, Pigliucci said Hovind did not send any details or names of scientists judging the evidence and Hovind "could have decided on his own" to dismiss the evidence. Pigliucci later issued a "counter-challenge" as "a spoof meant to uncover Hovind's challenge for the gimmick that it is" by asking for "empirical evidence, that Christianity is the only true religion and that a god with the exact characteristics of the one(s) described in the bible actually exists".

The winter 2005 issue of Skeptic included an article titled "Doubting Dr. Dino" by Adam Kisby. Kisby lays out Hovind's arguments in formal logic, and says that the assumptions "God is a necessary cause of the universe" and "The universe is eternal, i.e., un-caused" lead to contradictions. Kisby sent his proof to Hovind and reports that "many weeks later I received a terse reply from Hovind in which he dogmatically rejected my proof." Hovind's reason was "the universe is evidence of a Designer – not proof there is no Designer." Kisby concluded "I contend that either my proof is technically correct or Hovind's $250,000 offer is fundamentally flawed. If my proof is correct, then Hovind is constrained by the terms of his offer to release the money. On the other hand if Hovind's offer is flawed then he is morally obligated to withdraw it or modify it." The Spring 2006 issue of Skeptic contained criticisms of Kisby's proposed proof.

2. Lots of elite evolutionists "陪他玩了", but all of them failed miserably;

Critics argue that the offer is merely a publicity stunt designed to be impossible to win because it requires the claimant to disprove all possible theories for the origin of species, no matter how ridiculous: his FAQ states that claimants must "prove beyond reasonable doubt that the process of evolution ... is the only possible way the observed phenomena could have come into existence."

Hovind has said a panel of judges would decide if a claim had met his criteria, but he has refused to say who would be (or is) on that panel, or what their qualifications might be. Challengers who have submitted claims to Hovind say they have become convinced that he does not actually use a panel of judges, in spite of his promise to do so. In one case, after twice stating that he would send a particular response to his judges (according to his website any responses he sent were considered "legitimate"), Hovind stated, "Thanks for reminding me about not sending minor changes to the committee. This would be a waste of time for everyone involved. If you ever get any evidence that does support evolution please send it to me". The respondent felt that this indicated dishonesty on Hovind's part and confirmed public suspicions that he never intended to pay. People have approached Hovind in regard to the challenge, addressing it from perspectives ranging from "Large-scale Evolution" to the Big Bang to polar bears.

3. He was indeed imprisoned and is still in prison until now. That's exactly how he was silenced. However, the truth could be silenced temporarily, but not forever;



4. To avoid a a losing debate, one with power can of course silence it by imprisoning the opponents or moving/deleting the posters; what is this called?:)

