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那人(Dr. H?) 的基本论调是,进化论,宇宙大爆炸论 etc. 都是 religion,不是科学,不应该花tax money在学校教授。
God creation 才是科学,基督教才是科学,应该用tax 刀乐在学校可劲儿地教。
God creation 才是科学,基督教才是科学,应该用tax 刀乐在学校可劲儿地教。
http://www.indiana.edu/~ensiweb/lessons/unt.not.html 说:What Science is NOT
1. Science is not a process that can solve all kinds of problems and questions.
The realm of science is limited strictly to solving problems about the natural world. Science is not properly equipped to handle the supernatural realm (as such), nor the realm of values and ethics.
2. It's not a process that can ignore rules.
Science must follow certain rules; otherwise, it's not science (just as soccer is not soccer if its rules are not followed).
3. It's not a process that seeks the truth or facts.
The goal of science is to come as close as we can to understanding the cause-effect realities of the natural world. It's never "truth" or "facts". "Truth" and "facts" can mean different things to different people.
4. It's not a process that attempts to prove things.
The process of science, when properly applied, actually attempts to disprove ideas (tentative explanations)... a process called "testing", or "challenging". If the idea survives testing, then it is stronger, and more likely an accurate explanation.
5. It's not a process that can produce any kind of explanation.
Scientific explanations must be potentially disprovable. Therefore, supernatural explanations cannot be used, since they can never be disproved (supernatural forces, by definition, do not predictably follow the laws of nature). Whatever results occur in any test can be attributed to those nebulous forces, effectively ending any further efforts to explain.
6. It's not a process that produces certainties, or absolute facts.
Science is a process which can only produce "possible" to "highly probable" explanations for natural phenomena; these are never certainties. With new information, tools, or approaches, earlier findings (theories, or even facts) can be replaced by new findings.
7. It's not a process that can always be relied upon due to its total objectivity and internal self-correction.
Science can be done poorly, just like any other human endeavor. We are all fallible, some of us make fewer mistakes than others, some observe better than others, but we are still subjective in the end. Internal self-correction mechanisms in science merely increase the reliability of its product.
8. It's not a process that is always properly used.
Unfortunately, science is all too frequently misused. Because it works so well, there are those who apply the name of science to their efforts to "prove" their favorite cause, even if the rules of science were not followed. Such causes are properly labeled "pseudosciences". Also, some scientists have been known to do fraudulent work, in order to support their pet ideas. Such work is usually exposed sooner or later, due to the peer review system, and the work of other scientists.
9. It's not a process that is free from values, opinions or bias.
Scientists are people, and although they follow certain rules and try to be as objective as possible, both in their observations and their interpretations, their biases are still there. Unconscious racial bias, gender bias, social status, source of funding, or political leanings can and do influence one's perceptions and interpretations.
10. It's not a process in which the product (understanding) is based on faith or belief.
The product of science (probable explanations for natural phenomena) are always based on observations carefully analyzed and tested. The high confidence we have in science comes from the many successful applications to real-life problems (e.g. in medicine, space exploration, chemistry and technology).
11. It's not a process in which one solution is as good as another, or is simply a matter of opinion.
In science, there is a rigorous analysis and fair-test comparison of alternative explanations, using discriminate criteria, e.g., confirmation by multiple independent lines of evidence, leading to one "best" solution.
12. Scientific Theories are not "tentative ideas" or "hunches".
The word "theory" is often used this way in everyday conversation, but a theory in science refers to a highly probable, well-tested comprehensive explanation, usually for a large collection of observations.
http://ww2.valdosta.edu/~cbarnbau/phys_math/science.html 说:Science is most definitely not a list of facts. Science is a method of investigation, no more, no less. And that method has strict rules. A specific science, like biology or physics, has a structure of concepts based on the work of generations of scientists. To view concepts as "facts" is to miss the point completely. Meaningful research can only be undertaken after one has understood these basic concepts which so many before us struggled to formulate (ps--"understand" does not mean "accept!"). Trying to do meaningful research without understanding basic science concepts is like trying to write a novel before you know the alphabet or how to read.
Theory vs Hypothesis:
The method of science is to observe a series of events or phenomena and then, considering the concepts of that particular branch of science (and sometimes rejecting those concepts), to formulate an idea about the how and why. An idea like this is called a hypothesis--an educated guess. The word "theory," however, is used differently in science than it is in popular speech. In popular language, theory and hypothesis have the same meaning and are treated as synonyms. A "theory" in science, however, is the result of a hypothesis which has been tested by many other scientists from different perspectives and which holds up to experimental tests. A "theory" in science is a very elevated notion. A theory is an idea that has a large body of observational evidence to support it and that has come to be accepted by most scientists in the field of study. I'm sure you've all felt the consequences of the Theory of Gravity when you trip and fall. Yet we call Gravity a "theory" rather than a "fact" because there are no absolutes in scientific understanding. Although gravity is "only a theory," no one I know would doubt its validity enough to walk off a bridge to test it. Theories are always subject to the test of time, and most accepted theories prove in the long run to be correct but not complete, for example, Newton's Theory of Gravity and Einstein's. Newton's theory of gravity was not wrong, it was just incomplete. Einstein's theory of gravity is more general and incorporates Newton's. So the bottom line is that a "theory" in science is an idea that has so much experimental support that it is likely to be correct.
The Laws of Science:
Another word that is used differently in popular speech than it is in science is the word "law." In popular language, a "law" is a "must," no questions asked. Mostly, societal laws are a list of what you may not do. Rob a bank, go to jail. In science, a "law" doesn't mean anything so strict as that! A scientific law is a principle on which things *seem* to work. Maybe they're right and maybe they're just not complete, as with Newton's Laws of Motion. There are no absolutes in scientific thought. By "scientific law" we mean: a - pretty - good - idea - about - how - this - thing - works - but - gee - maybe - it's - more - complicated - than - we - think - we'll - have - to - wait - and - see law. Science is never absolutely sure about anything, so we continue to test theories and laws to see if we can poke holes and thereby learn something even more wonderful about Nature. That is what's so wonderful about science. There are always new adventures to take, new horizons to sail across in our never-ending journey to understand Nature.
Tell me specifically which point is untrue please.![]()
A good question for some of you to ponder:
yeah, yeah, the earth is 6,000 years old and god created the world in 7 days, jesus raised the dead and woman came from men's ribs. hehe
Tell me specifically which point is true please.![]()
A good question for some of you to ponder:
I was doing you a BIG favor by demanding one single false point in my original statement before accusing you of being a busybody spreading baseless lies. Everything said in my original statement was specific and true.
禅那,本来的含义是 静静的思考 的意思。基督教里面也有 默想这个个词汇。看起来两者似乎是相通的。但是,在实际运作中,两者有很大的差别。
佛教的逻辑起点就是 空 ,也就是说一切都是空的。既然一切都是空的,也就无所谓真的和假的。也就是说佛教徒大多不在乎真假的界限。佛教徒只要求你所说的是否能言之成理,也就是说,不管你说的是真还是假,只有有道理,佛教徒可能就接受,这就是佛教徒强调的理性性。
禅那的一个重要方面是 静 ,是入静。这个入静其实是气功的通用方法。
佛教的禅修,其初衷是为了 降伏自己的内心,是为了控制自己。但是,事实上,真在禅修状态,人的自控能力反而降低,许多人其实是迷恋于禅修时所产生的各种奇怪的形象和由此伴随的自信心。
这是很要命的,一个人如果迷恋于禅修时产生的幻觉,对他的思维会产生许多有害的影响,最常见的就是佛教所谓的 出偏 。最典型的例子就是 红楼梦里面 妙玉 的例子。妙玉正当年轻,血气和欲望其实是很强的,所以妙玉在出偏的时候,口中有许多yin词lang语。
你们的菩萨是真实不虚的么? 是能保守你们的么? 请看一看你们的菩萨给你们应许的保守吧!
1) 请看你们菩萨给你们的保守, 视频:
人都被打成肉酱了,还保守什么? 哪来的保守? 保守都打成肉酱了,那不保守是什么样子???
2) 请再看耶和华上帝赐给人的保守, 视频:
耶和华上帝赐给人的,这才叫保守, 而魔鬼应许给你们的是死亡的骗局。
这说明你还有智慧, 你要是不怀疑魔鬼编出来的鬼话的话,那你就是傻子。
下面这视频里的人都是信佛的,你说你信了半天,你将和他们一样的下场,你说你信的什么劲儿呢? 那不是自找上帝的刑罚么?
Why not?![]()
Tell me specifically which point in my original statement is untrue please. A friendly reminder, please ponder for one quick moment before jumping to your conclusions.![]()
这个我们可能先得厘清什么是骄傲了。真正的骄傲就是把自己当成神 - 这也是人类所有罪恶的源头。那么,当一个人对神品头论足的时候,就是把自己当成神了,甚至是把自己当成了比神还神的神。不知道您是否同意这个观点?
佛法让他们变成了什么? 佛法让他们变成了一堆一堆的尸体,这一堆一堆的尸体见证了他们所信的佛法对他们有益么? 还是告诉他们:他们所信的佛法是骗他们的呢?
这就是真实,这就是对你们的佛法的真实的见证: 这些尸体所信的佛根本帮不上他们,佛骗了他们。 不用别的东西做见证,他们自己的尸体就是他们自己所信的佛是骗子的一个最好的见证。
朋友,在上帝还赐你悔改的机会的时候,当赶紧在上帝面前悔改。 怎么做不到呢? 好好信上帝,远离罪恶,在上帝面前过圣洁的生活,凡事遵行上帝的旨意。 只要你真心愿意,就是种地的老农都办得到。
主耶稣是上帝,祂就是创造天地的耶和华上帝。祂是永恒的上帝。2000年前,祂是离开天堂的至高的宝座来到人间救赎人而来。 祂是永恒存在的上帝。不是公元0年才存在的。 公元0年只是祂从天上来到人间的日子。 释迦摩尼只是一个被魔鬼骗了的人。
你好不会动脑际。 你想一下: 上帝是天地的主,祂会允许有什么东西不服从祂的权柄而另立一个王国么??? 那不是背叛上帝么??? 那样的东西就是魔鬼。 所以, 是魔鬼在骗你们。 它要骗你们不服从上帝而跟从它们,结果怎么样? 你们要与魔鬼的下场一样! 魔鬼是临死还想拉几个垫背的。 魔鬼就是那么坏!!!
你们真是傻,好傻地跟着魔鬼跑,下场呢? 就是下面视频中的人的下场:
一。 视频一
瞬间回顾:大地震发生那一刻 - YouTube