cbcnews 说:Ontario's funding of Catholic schools violates the charter and should be stopped, a Toronto woman is arguing in a court challenge the province will try to shut down today.
Reva Landau doesn't agree with some of the church's teachings, and is arguing that it infringes her freedom of religion to help foot the bill for its schools.
"They're entitled to have beliefs I don't agree with," she said in an interview.
"There are many people who have beliefs I don't agree with. But these beliefs are being funded with my tax dollars."
The Roman Catholic school system gets about one-third of Ontario's $24-billion education budget, but only 23 per cent of electors direct their education taxes to separate schools.
The case, launched in December 2011, is scheduled to have a court hearing Wednesday on an Ontario government motion. The province wants the challenge dismissed, in part, because it says Landau has no standing to bring it.
The Canadian Civil Liberties Association is intervening in the challenge and is supporting Landau.
The idea for Landau's constitutional challenge first came in 2007, when during that provincial election campaign then-Progressive Conservative leader John Tory proposed extending public funding to schools of other faiths.
"I disagree with that, as I said I'm a public schools supporter, but at least he was trying to be fair," said Landau, a retired non-practising lawyer.
"He was trying to be egalitarian to at least a limited extent…The more I thought about it the more it just seemed unfair."
Public funding of Catholic schools infringes the charter, Landau says, but first the court must find that the charter even applies to the funding formula.
A section of the constitution states that no law can affect the rights of denominational schools and that has been interpreted as making it immune from charter challenges, Landau argues.
It contradicts the charter and was never intended to confer privilege on Roman Catholic education, she says.
"The only way to reconcile this difference is to interpret (the section) as narrowly as possible so it guarantees the separate school system only those rights which clearly existed at the time of Confederation," she wrote in her challenge.
The section was meant, in 1867, to protect rights of a Catholic minority in a largely Protestant schools system, the civil liberties group says.
Interpreting it today to shield separate school funding from charter scrutiny "only serves to erode those very principles," the group wrote.
The Supreme Court has considered the issue and related cases on several occasions, but its precedents should be revisited, the group argues.
The charter does state that nothing in it takes away rights or privileges in the constitution with respect to separate schools. Landau suggests it is redundant.
She is asking the Ontario Superior Court of Justice to order that the government stop funding Catholic high schools and only fund Catholic elementary schools to the extent they were funded in 1867 at the time of Confederation.
That would amount to being funded with "only property taxes from Catholics who declare themselves to be separate school supporters and who live within three miles of a separate school, and property taxes from wholly Catholic owned businesses," Landau wrote in her challenge.
基督教教会曾对过往两位伟大科学家(哥白尼和伽利略)的逼害基督教外,还有达尔文! 一个错漏百出的宗教,在政治上得到支持, 於今亦日立一倒. 而且, 更编造谎言(教会的小圈子最爱编出有利自己的传言,而基督徒往往不假思索地信以为真,并广泛流传,弄假成真)来欺骗人类, 使人信主.相信这些谎言, 大家都经常听到基督徒挂在口边, 久而久之, 便成为了基督教界传教的武器. 有很多人都因此而信了主, 因为这三位伟大科学家的影响实在无穷的大.基督教的所作所为真使人感到无限的可悲.
1) <<物种起源>>发表者 ---- 达尔文(Charles R. Darwin, 1809-1882)
一八五九年十一月二十四日, 这个世界就好像发了狂般, 不论乞丐或甚至到大学论的教授都兴奋莫名. 有人在街上欢呼, 有人在东奔西走, 总是动弹不定!
因为英国着名生物学家达尔文正式向世界发表了惊天动地的<<物种起源>>一书! 他否决了长期以来骗人於无形的上帝创造论,否决了害人不浅圣经中的物种不变论!(他真的否决了吗?) 因此, 两位伟大的哲学家马克思和恩格斯都对达尔文和其学说有极高的评价.
没错, 达尔文在25岁之前是一位的基督徒. 而且很喜欢看圣经, 所以纽约时报都说他不是想谋杀上帝的, 可是他做到了. <<物种起源>>一书起初并没有对宗教界造成很大的振动, 但是很来<<物种起源>>的影响力日深, 很多学者都提及到,因而使宗教也不能忽视, 後来更引起历史以来基督教界一次很大很深远的振惊! 於是 ,教会便对达尔文处处压迫, 使达尔文深深感到教会的邪恶无良!
when the government finally stops funding the catholic school, then we can discuss if the "darwin's theory of evolution" is religious or scientific.
Court case challenges Catholic school funding
soaring: 科学理论之所以是科学理论,正因为它可以被证实或证伪
soaring: 进化论之所以伟大,是因为它凭借已知的几个数据点,合理推出了物种演化的大致线条
严重赞同。从字面上理解,进化论的提出,是一个从少数数据(证据?)推理出来的一个“科学假说”?也就是说,您也同意,起初,进化论并不是一个实证过的“科学理论” ?
soaring: 随着新数据的增加发现,这些线条或得以加强或需要修改,其结果只是进化论本身在进化而已
2、貌似科学中有这样一个说法:基因突变更多的是有害突变,有益突变很少(或者没有?),进化论成立是否必须有这样一个条件 -- 有益突变比有害突变更容易得到保留和遗传,甚至有害突变不可能得到保留,否则无法解释可以从及其简单的生物向上进化成诸多高等生物。这种基因突变的方向是科学推论,还是科学结论?实证了没有?
说基督教现在没那么 aggressive 大概是因为现代科学对基督教议冲击最大,被打老实了吧。