




关于俺收集的质疑进化论意见,如果你觉得哪里有问题,非常欢迎具体指出来。可能有点误会的是,俺进楼完全没有提倡intelligent design的打算,也没有这个必要。俺虚伪的逻辑是:同源进化不成立,不等于神创论成立。逻辑上这句话成立,但事实上可能没有人这么想。这仅是在帮俺缩小吵架范围。走了一些弯路,俺的思路是:

4)引用一些一流的科学家对生命起源的质疑,和相关的最新科学成就,证明non-life -- life的生命起源目前完全在假设阶段,同时有足够份量的声音在讲,这是不可能的



2、科学界认定进化论是“不可置疑”的真理,尽管承认进化论需要“完善”。这暗示着进化论是一个自顶向下的东西:先确定结论,再研究building blocks,因为这个结论先是作为一个假想提出来,并没有经过其他途径严密证明同源进化必然发生,所以它有了宗教的属性




[FONT=宋体]我也不清楚你下面这句话的意思:“[/FONT][FONT=宋体]基督教当然可以接受,也欢迎科学的检验,唯一的困难在于,当拿人的逻辑来检验宗教时,如何不受现世价值观的干扰[/FONT][FONT=宋体]” 。人的逻辑?难道你知道这个世上还有其他非人的逻辑?超人的逻辑?任何宗教,任何概念,任何认识,都是“人的逻辑”的产物。脱离了人,脱离了人的逻辑,哪来宗教,哪来“圣经”?[/FONT]







I am interested to see if anyone can challenge this statement DIRECTLY.:)
... ... 罗列科学家们的站队表态 ... ... 为了嘲笑科学家们为什么那么坚信进化论 ... ...



事实上不管是科学家们支持进化论的statements、美国科学院的小册子,或者方舟、Stephen Jay Gould,他们的态度非常明确,那就是同源进化这个结论是“肯定发生”、“不可置疑”的,这方面的证据是overwhelming的, 根本无须讨论同源进化是否存在,仅仅需要完善对同源进化过程的理解


1、科学家们对同源进化的过程、证据存在差别巨大的不同理解 --不是细节,而是根本/大问题上 --> 同源进化理论本身很不成熟
2、事实上上述这些人/机构依赖于这些没有达成共识的理论/证据来判断同源进化“肯定发生”,而不是(或者不多)通过第二种渠道的证明来下这个结论 --> 所以同源进化这个结论站在极不坚实的基础上


事实上不管是科学家们支持进化论的statements、美国科学院的小册子,或者方舟、Stephen Jay Gould,他们的态度非常明确,那就是同源进化这个结论是“肯定发生”、“不可置疑”的,这方面的证据是overwhelming的, 根本无须讨论同源进化是否存在,仅仅需要完善对同源进化过程的理解


1、科学家们对同源进化的过程、证据存在差别巨大的不同理解 --不是细节,而是根本/大问题上 --> 同源进化理论本身很不成熟
2、事实上上述这些人/机构依赖于这些没有达成共识的理论/证据来判断同源进化“肯定发生”,而不是(或者不多)通过第二种渠道的证明来下这个结论 --> 所以同源进化这个结论站在极不坚实的基础上


进化论早已经完成了从一个科学假设到宗教信仰的“进化” - 它唯一的价值,也就是为无神论提供了一个支撑,尽管这个支撑已经摇摇欲坠。

科学史上曾经另有一次很大的有关生命起源的争论,那就是违背圣经的生命自生说和符合圣经的生命产生生命说。当时的“科学界”也是认为有 overwelming的“科学证据”来支持生命自生说。比如说,麦芽汁会“自然而然”地发酵或者腐败 - 当时已经知道食品发酵腐败是微生物生命活动的结果。当然,食品也会自然而然地生出蛆虫苍蝇 ......

偏偏有一些倔强的基督徒因为坚信圣经生命是由神创造的并且“各从其类”因而拒不接受这个“科学事实”。结果 ...

#601笼统讲了过渡性化石的缺失问题,下面细化讲化石记录缺乏构成系统发生学树的特征:Lack of Identifiable Phylogeny in the Fossil Record

“From 1860 onward the more distant fossil record became a big issue, and over the next two decades discoveries were made that at first seemed to give support to the theory particularly the claimed discovery of a well-ordered sequence of fossil horse‘ dating back about 45 million years. Successes like this continue to be emphasized both to students and the public, but usually without the greater failures being mentioned. Horses according to the theory should be connected to other orders of mammals, which common mammalian stock should be connected to reptiles, and so on backward through the record. Horses should thus be connected to monkeys and apes, to whales and dolphins, rabbits, bears. …But such connections have not been found. Each mammalian order can be traced backward for about 60 million years and then, with only one exception the orders vanish without connections to anything at all. The exception is an order of small insect-eating mammal that has been traced backward more than 65 million years…” (Hoyle, Fred,a lifelong atheist, anti-theist and Darwinist, Mathematics of Evolution, [1987], 1999, p.107.)


“Hoyle promoted the hypothesis that the first life on Earth began in space, spreading through the universe via panspermia, and that evolution on earth is influenced by a steady influx of viruses arriving via comets”

“Hoyle calculated that the chance of obtaining the required set of enzymes for even the simplest living cell without panspermia was one in 10的4万次方. Since the number of atoms in the known universe is infinitesimally tiny by comparison (10的80次方), he argued that Earth as life's place of origin could be ruled out. ...

Hoyle, a lifelong atheist, anti-theist and Darwinist said that this apparent suggestion of a guiding hand left him "greatly shaken." Those who advocate the intelligent design (ID) belief sometimes cite Hoyle's work in this area to support the claim that the universe was fine tuned in order to allow intelligent life to be possible. Alfred Russel of the Uncommon Descent community has even gone so far as labeling Hoyle "an atheist for ID".
Hoyle compared the random emergence of even the simplest cell without panspermia to the likelihood that "a tornado sweeping through a junk-yard might assemble a Boeing 747 from the materials therein." Hoyle also compared the chance of obtaining even a single functioning protein by chance combination of amino acids to a solar system full of blind men solving Rubik's Cubes simultaneously. Misunderstandings of Hoyle's statements and this line of reasoning appear frequently in support of intelligent design. Mainstream evolutionarybiology rejects Hoyle's interpretation of statistics, and supporters of modern evolutionary theory who oppose panspermia, refer to this as "Hoyle's fallacy". Apart from claiming a role for panspermia in natural selection, Hoyle accepted the rest of the standard account of evolution
继续:Lack of Identifiable Phylogeny in the Fossil Record

“Fossil discoveries can muddle over attempts to construct simple evolutionary trees–fossils from key periods are often not intermediates, but rather hode podges of defining features of many different groups… Generally, it seems that major groups are not assembled in a simple linear or progressive manner–new features are often “cut and pasted” on different groups at different times.” (Shubin, Neil, paleontologist, evolutionary biologist, “Evolutionary Cut and Paste,” Nature, vol. 349, 1998, p. 39.)

“The fossil record of evolutionary change within single evolutionary lineages is very poor. If evolution is true, species originate through changes of ancestral species: one might expect to be able to see this in the fossil record. In fact it can rarely be seen. In 1859 Darwin could not cite a single example.” (Ridley, Mark, The Problems of Evolution, 1985, p. 11.)

“Well, we are now about 120 years after Darwin and the knowledge of the fossil record has been greatly expanded. We now have a quarter of a million fossil species but the situation hasn’t changed much. The record of evolution is still surprisingly jerky and, ironically, we have even fewer examples of evolutionary transition than we had in Darwin’s time. By this I mean that some of the classic cases of Darwinian change in the fossil record, such as the evolution of the horse in North America, have had to be discarded or modified as a result of more detailed information…” (Raup, David M.,著名古生物学家, “Conflicts Between Darwin and Paleontology,” Field Museum of Natural History Bulletin, vol. 50, 1979, p. 25.)

The extreme rarity of transitional forms in the fossil record persists as the trade secret of paleontology. The evolutionary trees that adorn our textbooks have data only at the tips and nods of their branches; the rest is inference, however reasonable, not the evidence of fossils. Yet Darwin was so wedded to gradualism that he wagered his entire theory on a denial of this literal record.” (Gould, Stephen J. The Panda’s Thumb, 1980, p. 181.)

“The main problem with such phyletic gradualism is that the fossil record provides so little evidence for it. Very rarely can we trace the gradual transformation of one entire species into another through a finely graded sequence of intermediary forms.” (Gould, S.J. Luria, S.E. & Singer, S., A View of Life, 1981, p. 641.)

The Eldredge-Gould concept of punctuated equilibria has gained wide acceptance among paleontologists. it attempts to account for the following paradox: Within continuously sampled lineages, one rarely finds the gradual morphological trends predicted by Darwinian evolution; rather, change occurs with the sudden appearance of new, well-differentiated species. Eldredge and Gould equate such appearances with speciation, although the details of these events are not preserved. …The punctuated equilibrium model has been widely accepted, not because it has a compelling theoretical basis but because it appears to resolve a dilemma. Apart from the obvious sampling problems inherent to the observations that stimulated the model, and apart from its intrinsic circularity (one could argue that speciation can occur only when phyletic change is rapid, not vice versa), the model is more ad hoc explanation than theory, and it rests on shaky ground.” (Ricklefs, Robert E., “Paleontologists Confronting Macroevolution,” Science, vol. 199, 1978, p.59.)

“One of the most pervasive myths in all of paleontology…is the myth that the evolutionary histories of living beings are essentially a matter of discovery. Uncertainties in our interpretations of the fossil record are ascribed to the incompleteness of that record. Find enough fossils, it is believed, and the course of evolution will somehow be revealed. But if this were really so, one could confidently expect that as more hominid fossils were found the story of human evolution would become clearer. Whereas if anything, the opposite has occurred.” (Eldredge, N. and Tattersall, I., The Myths of Human Evolution, 1982, p. 127.)

“One thing which has struck me very forcibly through they years is that most of the classic evolutionary lineages of my student days, such as Ostrea-Gryphaea and Zaphrentis delanouei, have long since lost their scientific respectability, and in spite of the plethora of palaeontological information we now have available, there seems to be very little to put in their place. In twenty years’ work on the Mesozoic Brachiopoda, I have found plenty of relationships, but few if any evolving lineages.” (Ager, D., The Nature of the Stratigraphical Record, 1981, p. 20.)

“The proper metaphor of a bush also helps us to understand why the search for a ‘missing link’ between advanced ape and incipient human – that musty but persistent hope of chimera of popular writing – is so meaningless. A continuous chain may lack a crucial connection, but a branching bush bears no single link at a crucial threshold between no and yes. …No branch point can have special status as the missing link – and all represent lateral relationships of diversification, not vertical sequences of transformation. (Gould, Stephen J., “Empire of the Apes,” Natural History, 1987, p. 20.)

“No matter how high we tune the power of our microscope, we cannot escape an evolutionary topology of branching and bushiness. …The metaphor of the bush (and the falsity of the ladder) permeates evolution at all genealogical scales, from the history of a species to the unfolding of life’s entire tree. Bushiness is a pattern of self-similarity that emerges whenever we magnify successively smaller segments of life’s tree. …life’s tree is a fractal, and tiny parts, when magnified, look much like the whole.” (Gould, Stephen J., “Bushes All the Way Down,” Natural History, 1987, p. 19.)

Phylogeny…is ‘in the vast majority of cases…unknown and possibly unknowable’ (Sneath and Sokal 1973, p. 53.) On the latter point, I have come to the same conclusion.” (Patterson, Colin, “Morphological Characters and Homology,” 1982, p. 61.)

Undeniably, the fossil record has provided disappointingly few gradual series. The origins of many groups are still not documented at all.” (Futuyma, D., is the author of the widely used textbook Evolutionary Biology Science on Trial: The Case for Evolution, 1983, p. 190-191.)

“Most groups of organisms are best visualized as highly complex phylogenetic bushes … In large parts of the natural system it is impossible to demonstrate that one particular taxonomic sequence is superior to other alternatives.” (Mayr, E. 进化论大佬之一 The Growth of Biological Thought: Diversity, Evolution and Inheritance, 1982, p. 242.)

“Indeed, it is the chief frustration of the fossil record that we do not have empirical evidence for sustained trends in the evolution of most complex morphological adaptations.” (Gould, Stephen J. and Eldredge, Niles, “Species Selection: Its Range and Power,” 1988, p. 19.)
“Species that were once thought to have turned into others have been found to overlap in time with these alleged descendants. In fact, the fossil record does not convincingly document a single transition from one species to another.” (Stanley, S.M., The New Evolutionary Timetable: Fossils, Genes, and the Origin of Species, 1981, p. 95.)

“A persistent problem in evolutionary biology has been the absence of intermediate forms in the fossil record. Long term gradual transformations of single lineages are rare and generally involve simple size increase or trivial phenotypic effects. Typically, the record consists of successive ancestor-descendant lineages, morphologically invariant through time and unconnected by intermediates.” (Williamson, P.G., “Palaeontological Documentation of Speciation in Cenozoic Molluscs from Turkana Basin,” Nature 293, 1982, p. 440.)

At the higher level of evolutionary transition between basic morphological designs, gradualism has always been in trouble, though it remains the “official” position of most Western evolutionists. Smooth intermediates between Baupläne are almost impossible to construct, even in thought experiments; there is certainly no evidence for them in the fossil record (curious mosaics like Archaeopteryx do not count).” (Gould, S.J. and Eldredge, N., “Punctuated Equilibria: the Tempo and Mode of Evolution Reconsidered.” Paleobiology 3, 1977, p. 147.)

The known fossil record fails to document a single example of phyletic evolution accomplishing a major morphologic transition.” (Stanley, Steven M., Macroevolution: Pattern and Process, 1979 p. 39.)

同意. 对俺来说宗教当然不仅仅是基督教,但是佛教在CFC太敏感,其他宗教了解甚少,不想妄加评论。以后俺将宗教(指一神教)和基督教分开吧


俺认为你这句话的潜台词是,这个世界上没有“神”存在,宗教都是人臆想出来的。否则,宗教就不是粗陋和高深的概念也远不仅仅是对客观世界的认识。-- 俺当然不是要你假设神存在,而是质疑你当谈到“认为神存在的宗教”时的立场




[FONT=宋体]我也不清楚你下面这句话的意思:“[/FONT][FONT=宋体]基督教当然可以接受,也欢迎科学的检验,唯一的困难在于,当拿人的逻辑来检验宗教时,如何不受现世价值观的干扰[/FONT][FONT=宋体]” 。人的逻辑?难道你知道这个世上还有其他非人的逻辑?超人的逻辑?任何宗教,任何概念,任何认识,都是“人的逻辑”的产物。脱离了人,脱离了人的逻辑,哪来宗教,哪来“圣经”?[/FONT]







续#622对进化过渡化石的分析:Abrupt Appearance in the Fossil Record

Major transitions in biological evolution show the same pattern of sudden emergence of diverse forms at a new level of complexity. The relationships between major groups within an emergent new class of biological entities are hard to decipher and do not seem to fit the tree pattern that, following Darwin’s original proposal, remains the dominant description of biological evolution.” (Koonin, Eugene, a recognised expert in the field of evolutionaryand computational biology, “The Biological Big Bang model for the major transitions in evolution,” Biology Direct, 2007, 2:21.)

“No wonder paleontologists shied away from evolution for so long. It seems never to happen. Assiduous collecting up cliff faces yields zigzags, minor oscillations, and the very occasional slight accumulation of changeover millions of years, at a rate too slow to really account for all the prodigious change that has occurred in evolutionary history. When we do see the introduction of evolutionary novelty, it usually shows up with a bang, and often with no firm evidence that the organisms did not evolve elsewhere! Evolution cannot forever be going on someplace else. Yet that’s how the fossil record has struck many a forlorn paleontologist looking to learn something about evolution.” (Eldredge, Niles, Reinventing Darwin: The Great Evolutionary Debate, 1996, p.95.)

“At the core of punctuated equilibria lies an empirical observation: once evolved, species tend to remain remarkably stable, recognizable entities for millions of years. The observation is by no means new, nearly every paleontologist who reviewed Darwin’s Origin of Species pointed to his evasion of this salient feature of the fossil record. But stasis was conveniently dropped as a feature of life’s history to he reckoned with in evolutionary biology.” (Eldredge, Niles, Time Frames: The Rethinking of Darwinian Evolution and the Theory of Punctuated Equilibria, 1985, p.188.)

“It is, indeed, a very curious state of affairs, I think, that paleontologists have been insisting that their record is consistent with slow, steady, gradual evolution where I think that privately, they’ve known for over a hundred years that such is not the case. …It’s the only reason why they can correlate rocks with their fossils, for instance. …They’ve ignored the question completely.” (Eldredge, Niles, “Did Darwin Get It Wrong?” Nova (November 1, 1981), 22 p. 6.)

“The record certainly did not reveal gradual transformations of structure in the course of time. On the contrary, it showed that species generally remained constant throughout their history and were replaced quite suddenly by significantly different forms. New types or classes seemed to appear fully formed, with no sign of an evolutionary trend by which they could have emerged from an earlier type.” (Bowler,  a vocal critic of creationismEvolution: The History of an Idea, 1984, p. 187.)

“Paleontologists have paid an enormous price for Darwin’s argument. We fancy ourselves as the only true students of life’s history, yet to preserve our favored account of evolution by natural selection we view our data as so bad that we almost never see the very process we profess to study. …The history of most fossil species includes two features particularly inconsistent with gradualism: 1. Stasis. Most species exhibit no directional change during their tenure on earth. They appear in the fossil record looking much the same as when they disappear; morphological change is usually limited and directionless. 2. Sudden appearance. In any local area, a species does not arise gradually by the steady transformation of its ancestors; it appears all at once and ‘fully formed.’” (Gould, Stephen J. The Panda’s Thumb, 1980, p. 181-182.)

Paleontologists are traditionally famous (or infamous) for reconstructing whole animals from the debris of death. Mostly they cheat. …If any event in life’s history resembles man’s creation myths, it is this sudden diversification of marine life when multicellular organisms took over as the dominant actors in ecology and evolution. Baffling (and embarrassing) to Darwin, this event still dazzles us and stands as a major biological revolution on a par with the invention of self-replication and the origin of the eukaryotic cell. The animal phyla emerged out of the Precambrian mists with most of the attributes of their modern descendants.” (Bengtson, Stefan, “The Solution to a Jigsaw Puzzle,” Nature, vol. 345 (June 28, 1990), pp. 765-766.)

“Beginning at the base of the Cambrian period and extending for about 10 million years, all the major groups of skeletonized invertebrates made their first appearance in the most spectacular rise in diversity ever recorded on our planet.” (Salvador E. Luria, Stephen Jay Gould, Sam Singer, A View of Life, 1981, p.649.)

“And it has been the paleontologist my own breed who have been most responsible for letting ideas dominate reality: …. We paleontologist have said that the history of life supports that interpretation [gradual adaptive change], all the while knowing that it does not.” (Niles Eldredge, Columbia Univ., American Museum Of Natural History, Time Frames, 1986, p.144.)

Paleontologists had long been aware of a seeming contradiction between Darwin’s postulate of gradualism…and the actual findings of paleontology. Following phyletic lines through time seemed to reveal only minimal gradual changes but no clear evidence for any change of a species into a different genus or for the gradual origin of an evolutionary novelty. Anything truly novel always seemed to appear quite abruptly in the fossil record.” (Mayr, E. One Long Argument: Charles Darwin and the Genesis of Modern Evolutionary Thought, 1991, p. 138.)

“In spite of these examples, it remains true, as every paleontologist knows, that most new species, genera, and families, and that nearly all new categories above the level of families, appear in the record suddenly and are not led up to by known, gradual, completely continuous transitional sequences.” (Simpson, George Gaylord, The Major Features of Evolution, 1953, p. 360.)

“Stepping way back and looking at too broad a scale, one might discern some sort of progress in life’s history. …But the pattern dissolves upon close inspection. Most structural complexity entered in a grand burst at the Cambrian explosion, and the history of Phanerozoic life since then has largely been a tale of endless variation upon a set Bauplane. We may discern a few ‘vectors’ of directional change – thickening and ornamentation of shells…–but these are scarcely the stuff of progress in its usual sense. … I believe our inability to find any clear vector of fitfully accumulating progress…represents our greatest dilemma for a study of pattern in life’s history.” (Gould, Stephen J., “The Paradox of the First Tier: an Agenda for Paleobiology,” Paleobiology, 1985, p. 3.)

Enthusiastic paleontologists in several countries have claimed pieces of this missing record, but the claims have all been disputed and in any case do not provide real connections. That brings me to the second most surprising feature of the fossil record…the abruptness of some of the major changes in the history of life.” (Ager, D., The Nature of the Stratigraphical Record, 1981, p. 20.)

“The fossil record had caused Darwin more grief than joy. Nothing distressed him more than the Cambrian explosion, the coincident appearance of almost all complex organic designs…” (Gould, Stephen J., The Panda’s Thumb, 1980, p. 238-239.)

“Most families, orders, classes, and phyla appear rather suddenly in the fossil record, often without anatomically intermediate forms smoothly interlinking evolutionarily derived descendant taxa with their presumed ancestors.” (Eldredge, Niles, Macro-Evolutionary Dynamics: Species, Niches, and Adaptive Peaks, 1989, p. 22.)

“If evolution could produce ten new Cambrian phyla and then wipe them out just as quickly, then what about the surviving Cambrian groups? Why should they have had a long and honorable Pre-cambrian pedigree? Why should they not have originated just before the Cambrian, as the fossil record, read literally, seems to indicate, and as the fast-transition theory proposes? This argument, of course, is a death knell for the artifact theory.” (Gould, Stephen J., Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the Nature of History, 1989, p. 273.)

“…one of the most striking and potentially embarrassing features of the fossil record. The majority of major groups appear suddenly in the rocks, with virtually no evidence of transition from their ancestors.” (Futuyma, D., Science on Trial: The Case for Evolution, 1983, p. 82.)
“Modern multicellular animals make their first uncontested appearance in the fossil record some 570 million years ago – and with a bang, not a protracted crescendo. This ‘Cambrian explosion’ marks the advent (at least into direct evidence) of virtually all major groups of modern animals – and all within the minuscule span, geologically speaking, of a few million years.” (Gould, Stephen J.,Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the Nature of History, 1989, p. 23-24.)

“All through the fossil record, groups – both large and small – abruptly appear and disappear. …The earliest phase of rapid change usually is undiscovered, and must be inferred by comparison with its probable relatives.” (Newell, N. D., Creation and Evolution: Myth or Reality, 1984, p. 10.)

“Instead of finding the gradual unfolding of life, what geologists of Darwin’s time, and geologists of the present day actually find is a highly uneven or jerky record; that is, species appear in the sequence very suddenly, show little or no change during their existence in the record, then abruptly go out of the record. And it is not always clear, in fact it’s rarely clear, that the descendants were actually better adapted than their predecessors. In other words, biological improvement is hard to find.” (Raup, David M., “Conflicts Between Darwin and Paleontology,” Bulletin, Field Museum of Natural History, vol. 50, 1979, p. 23.)

“Unfortunately, the origins of most higher categories are shrouded in mystery; commonly new higher categories appear abruptly in the fossil record without evidence of transitional ancestral forms.” (Raup, D. M. and Stanley, S. M., Principles of Paleontology, 1971, p. 306.)
同意. 对俺来说宗教当然不仅仅是基督教,但是佛教在CFC太敏感,其他宗教了解甚少,不想妄加评论。以后俺将宗教(指一神教)和基督教分开吧

俺认为你这句话的潜台词是,这个世界上没有“神”存在,宗教都是人臆想出来的。否则,宗教就不是粗陋和高深的概念也远不仅仅是对客观世界的认识。-- 俺当然不是要你假设神存在,而是质疑你当谈到“认为神存在的宗教”时的立场







继续对进化过渡化石的分析: Stasis After Appearance in the Fossil Record

解释:stasis:见Niles Eldredge 和 Stephen Jay Gould 提出的Punctuated equilibrium宏进化理论的解释:most species will exhibit little net evolutionary change for most of their geological history, remaining in an extended state called stasis. Punctuated equilibrium

“A localized population…suddenly appear(s) on the scene and then continue(s) essentially unchanged until [they] become(s) extinct.” (Mayr, Ernst, What Evolution Is, Basic Books, 2001 p. 63.)

“The complete standstill or stasis of an evolutionary lineage for scores, if not hundreds, of millions of years is very puzzling.” (Mayr, Ernst, What Evolution Is, Basic Books, 2001 p. 195.)

“Stasis has become interesting as a central prediction of our theory.” (Gould, Stephen J., “Opus 200,” Natural History, 1991, p. 16.)

From (Gould, Stephen Jay, The Structure of Evolutionary Theory, 2002.):

“…the tale itself illustrates the central fact of the fossil record so well [the] geologically abrupt origin and subsequent extended stasis of most species…Anatomy may fluctuate through time, but the last remnants of a species look pretty much like the first representatives.” (p. 749.)

…the greatest and most biologically astute paleontologist of the 20th century…acknowledged the literal appearance of stasis and geologically abrupt origin as the outstanding general fact of the fossil record and as a pattern which would ‘pose one of the most important theoretical problems in the whole history of life.’” (p. 755 quoting George Gaylord Simpson.)

“…the long term stasis following geologically abrupt origin of most fossil morphospecies, has always been recognized by professional paleontologists.” (p. 752.)

The great majority of species do not show any appreciable evolutionary change at all. These species appear in the section (first occurrence) without obvious ancestors in the underlying beds, are stable once established and disappear higher up without leaving any descendants.” (p. 753.)

“…but stasis is data… Say it ten times before breakfast every day for a week, and the argument will surely seep in by osmosis: ‘stasis is data; stasis is data’…” (p. 759.)

Gould debunks the: “exceedingly few cases that became textbook ‘classics’ of coiling of Gryphaea and the increasing body size of the horses etc.” (p. 760.).

“Indeed proclamations for the supposed ‘truth’ of gradualism – asserted against every working paleontologist’s knowledge of its rarity – emerged largely from such a restriction of attention to exceedingly rare cases under the false belief that they alone provided a record of evolution at all! The falsification of most ‘textbook classics’ upon restudy only accentuates the fallacy of the ‘case study’ method and its root in prior expectation rather than objective reading of the fossil record.” (p. 773.)

“The principal problem is morphological stasis. A theory is only as good as its predictions, and conventional neo-Darwinism, which claims to be a comprehensive explanation of evolutionary process, has failed to predict the widespread long-term morphological stasis now recognized as one of the most striking aspects of the fossil record.” (Williamson, Peter G., “Morphological Stasis and Developmental Constraint: Real Problems for Neo-Darwinism,” Nature, Vol. 294, 19 November 1981, p.214.)

It is a simple ineluctable truth that virtually all members of a biota remain basically stable, with minor fluctuations, throughout their duration…” (Eldredge, Niles, The Pattern of Evolution, 1998, p. 157.)

“But fossil species remain unchanged throughout most of their history and the record fails to contain a single example of a significant transition.” (Woodroff, D.S., Science, vol. 208, 1980, p.716.)

“The record now reveals that species typically survive for a hundred thousand generations, or even a million or more, without evolving very much. We seem forced to conclude that most evolution takes place rapidly…a punctuational model of evolution…operated by a natural mechanism whose major effects are wrought exactly where we are least able to study them – in small, localized, transitory populations…The point here is that if the transition was typically rapid and the population small and localized, fossil evidence of the event would never be found.” (Stanley, S.M., New Evolutionary Timetable, 1981, pp.77, 110.)

“…why after such rapid diversification did these microorganisms remain essentially unchanged for the next 3.465 billion years? Such stasis, common in biology, is puzzling…” (Corliss, William R., “Early Life Surprisingly Diverse,” Science Frontiers, 88:2, 1993, p.2.)

“Just as we have long known about stasis and abrupt appearance, but have chose to fob it off upon an imperfect fossil record, so too have we long recognized the rapid, if not sudden, turnover of faunas in episodes of mass extinction. We have based our geological alphabet, the time scale, upon these faunal replacements. Yet we have chosen to blunt or mitigate the rapidity and extent of extinctions with two habits of argument rooted in uniformitarian commitments.” (Gould, Stephen J., “The Paradox of the First Tier: An Agenda for Paleobiology,” Paleobiology, 1985, p. 7.)

“Paleontologists ever since Darwin have been searching (largely in vain) for the sequences of insensibly graded series of fossils that would stand as examples of the sort of wholesale transformation of species that Darwin envisioned as the natural product of the evolutionary process. Few saw any reason to demur – though it is a startling fact that …most species remain recognizably themselves, virtually unchanged throughout their occurrence in geological sediments of various ages.” (Eldredge, Niles, “Progress in Evolution?” New Scientist, vol. 110, 1986, p. 55.)

“We expect life’s bushes…to tell some story of direction change. If they do not, we do not feature them in our studies – if we even manage to see them at all. …Paleontologists are now beginning to study this higher order stasis, or nondirectional history of entire bushes.” (Gould, Stephen J., “Cordelia’s Dilemma,” Natural History, 1993, p. 15.)

“In other words, when the assumed evolutionary processes did not match the pattern of fossils that they were supposed to have generated, the pattern was judged to be ‘wrong.’ A circular argument arises: interpret the fossil record in terms of a particular theory of evolution, inspect the interpretation, and note that it confirms the theory. Well, it would, wouldn’t it? …As is now well known, most fossil species appear instantaneously in the record, persist for some millions of years virtually unchanged, only to disappear abruptly – the ‘punctuated equilibrium’ pattern of Eldredge and Gould.” (Kemp, Tom S., “A Fresh Look at the Fossil Record,” New Scientist, vol. 108, 1985, pp. 66-67.)

“When fossils are most common, evolution is most rarely observed. …Again, we note the paradox: nothing much happens for most of the time when evidence abounds; everything happens in largely unrecorded geological moments. We could attribute this pattern to either a devious or humorous God, out to confuse us or merely to chuckle at our frustration. But I choose to look upon this phenomenon in a positive light, for it is trying to tell us something important. There is a lesson, not merely frustration, in the message that change is concentrated in infrequent bursts and that stability is the usual nature of species and systems at any moment.” (Gould, Stephen J., “Ten Thousand Acts of Kindness,” Natural History, 1988, p. 14.)

The old Darwinian view of evolution as a ladder of more and more efficient forms leading up to the present is not borne out by the evidence. Most changes are random rather than systematic modifications, until species drop out. There is no sign of directed order here. Trends do occur in many lines, but they are not the rule.” (Newell, N. D.,反创造论者, “Systematics and Evolution,” 1984, p. 10.)

“For more than a century biologists have portrayed the evolution of life as a gradual unfolding…Today the fossil record…is forcing us to revise this conventional view.” (Stanley, S. M., The New Evolutionary Timetable: Fossils, Genes, and the Origin of Species, 1981, p.3.)

“Well-represented species are usually stable throughout their temporal range, or alter so little and in such superficial ways (usually in size alone), that an extrapolation of observed change into longer periods of geological time could not possibly yield the extensive modifications that mark general pathways of evolution in larger groups. Most of the time, when the evidence is best, nothing much happens to most species.” (Gould Stephen J., “Ten Thousand Acts of Kindness,” Natural History, 1988, p. 14.)

“And so it goes for most groups in most long segments of geological time – lots of evolutionary change, but no story of clear and persistent direction. (Gould, Stephen J., “Cordelia’s Dilemma,”Natural History, 1993, p. 18.)

“Darwin’s prediction of rampant, albeit gradual, change affecting all lineages through time is refuted. The record is there, and the record speaks for tremendous anatomical conservation.. Change in the manner Darwin expected is just not found in the fossil record.” (Eldredge, N. and Tattersall, I., The Myths of Human Evolution, 1982, p. 48.)

“Paleontologists just were not seeing the expected changes in their fossils as they pursued them up through the rock record. …That individual kinds of fossils remain recognizably the same throughout the length of their occurrence in the fossil record had been known to paleontologists long before Darwin published his Origin. Darwin himself, …prophesied that future generations of paleontologists would fill in these gaps by diligent search …One hundred and twenty years of paleontological research later, it has become abundantly clear that the fossil record will not confirm this part of Darwin’s predictions. Nor is the problem a miserably poor record. The fossil record simply shows that this prediction is wrong. …The observation that species are amazingly conservative and static entities throughout long periods of time has all the qualities of the emperor’s new clothes: everyone knew it but preferred to ignore it. Paleontologists, faced with a recalcitrant record obstinately refusing to yield Darwin’s predicted pattern, simply looked the other way.” (Eldredge, N. and Tattersall, I., The Myths of Human Evolution, 1982, p. 45-46.)

“There is no recognizable trend toward increased complexity that is clear enough to use for dating purposes. …Increasing complexity through time is elusive at best. (This is one of the interesting aspects of evolution: the process is not clearly directional.)” (Raup, D.M., “Testing the Fossil Record for Evolutionary Progress,” 1983, p. 154.)

“Stasis, or nonchange, of most fossil species during their lengthy geological lifespans was tacitly acknowledged by all paleontologists, but almost never studied explicitly because prevailing theory treated stasis as uninteresting nonevidence for nonevolution. …The overwhelming prevalence of stasis became an embarrassing feature of the fossil record, best left ignored as a manifestation of nothing (that is, nonevolution). (Gould, Stephen J., “Cordelia’s Dilemma,” Natural History, 1993, p. 15.)

“It is counterintuitive but revealing that the morphological motifs animals began with were carried over to the present, with few additions.” (Newman, Stuart A., “Physico-Genetic Determinants in the Evolution of Development,” Science, Oct. 2012, Vol. 338 no. 6104 pp. 217-219.)
看完了不同进化论科学家对过渡型化石的不同传统的观点后,再回过头看看美国科学院的政治性材料中体现出来的传统观点:http://www.xys.org/xys/ebooks/others/science/misc/evolutionall.txt, 仅摘录与化石纪录相关的、前面引用涉及到的部分内容如下:

美国科学院、美国医学科学院 著
  晓实 译





 始祖鸟是长期以来众所周知的过渡类型 ......更为晚些的化石记录揭示了很多现代生物的进化轨迹,例如鲸、象、犰狳、马、和人类等。




“Well, we are now about 120 years after Darwin and the knowledge of the fossil record has been greatly expanded. We now have a quarter of a million fossil species but the situation hasn’t changed much. The record of evolution is still surprisingly jerky and, ironically, we have even fewer examples of evolutionary transition than we had in Darwin’s time. By this I mean that some of the classic cases of Darwinian change in the fossil record, such as the evolution of the horse in North America, have had to be discarded or modified as a result of more detailed information…” (Raup, David M. Field Museum of Natural History Bulletin, vol. 50, 1979, p. 25.)

The extreme rarity of transitional forms in the fossil record persists as the trade secret of paleontology. The evolutionary trees that adorn our textbooks have data only at the tips and nods of their branches; the rest is inference, however reasonable, not the evidence of fossils. Yet Darwin was so wedded to gradualism that he wagered his entire theory on a denial of this literal record.” (Gould, Stephen J. The Panda’s Thumb, 1980, p. 181.)

“Undeniably, the fossil record has provided disappointingly few gradual series. The origins of many groups are still not documented at all.” (Futuyma, D., Science on Trial: The Case for Evolution, 1983, p. 190-191.)

“In fact, the fossil record does not convincingly document a single transition from one species to another.” (Stanley, S.M., The New Evolutionary Timetable: Fossils, Genes, and the Origin of Species, 1981, p. 95.)

“It is, indeed, a very curious state of affairs, I think, that paleontologists have been insisting that their record is consistent with slow, steady, gradual evolution where I think that privately, they’ve known for over a hundred years that such is not the case. …It’s the only reason why they can correlate rocks with their fossils, for instance. …They’ve ignored the question completely.” (Eldredge, Niles, “Did Darwin Get It Wrong?” Nova (November 1, 1981), 22 p. 6.)

“Paleontologists are traditionally famous (or infamous) for reconstructing whole animals from the debris of death. Mostly they cheat. … The animal phyla emerged out of the Precambrian mists with most of the attributes of their modern descendants.” (Bengtson, Stefan, “The Solution to a Jigsaw Puzzle,” Nature, vol. 345 (June 28, 1990), pp. 765-766.)

“And it has been the paleontologist my own breed who have been most responsible for letting ideas dominate reality: …. We paleontologist have said that the history of life supports that interpretation [gradual adaptive change], all the while knowing that it does not.” (Niles Eldredge, Columbia Univ., American Museum Of Natural History, Time Frames, 1986, p.144.)

Paleontologists had long been aware of a seeming contradiction between Darwin’s postulate of gradualism…and the actual findings of paleontology. Following phyletic lines through time seemed to reveal only minimal gradual changes but no clear evidence for any change of a species into a different genus or for the gradual origin of an evolutionary novelty. Anything truly novel always seemed to appear quite abruptly in the fossil record.” (Mayr, E. One Long Argument: Charles Darwin and the Genesis of Modern Evolutionary Thought, 1991, p. 138.)

“In spite of these examples, it remains true, as every paleontologist knows, that most new species, genera, and families, and that nearly all new categories above the level of families, appear in the record suddenly and are not led up to by known, gradual, completely continuous transitional sequences.” (Simpson, George Gaylord, The Major Features of Evolution, 1953, p. 360.)

“The complete standstill or stasis of an evolutionary lineage for scores, if not hundreds, of millions of years is very puzzling.” (Mayr, Ernst, What Evolution Is, Basic Books, 2001 p. 195.)

…the greatest and most biologically astute paleontologist of the 20th century…acknowledged the literal appearance of stasis and geologically abrupt origin as the outstanding general fact of the fossil record and as a pattern which would ‘pose one of the most important theoretical problems in the whole history of life.’” (Gould, Stephen J, quoting George Gaylord Simpson.)

“But fossil species remain unchanged throughout most of their history and the record fails to contain a single example of a significant transition.” (Woodroff, D.S., Science, vol. 208, 1980, p.716.)

“As is now well known, most fossil species appear instantaneously in the record, persist for some millions of years virtually unchanged, only to disappear abruptly – the ‘punctuated equilibrium’ pattern of Eldredge and Gould.” (Kemp, Tom S., “A Fresh Look at the Fossil Record,” New Scientist, vol. 108, 1985, pp. 66-67.)

“Given the fact of evolution, one would expect the fossils to document a gradual steady change from ancestral forms to the descendants. But this is not what the paleontologist finds. Instead, he or she finds gaps in just about every phyletic series.” (Ernst Mayr, Professor Emeritus, Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard University, What Evolution Is, 2001, p.14.)

What one actually found was nothing but discontinuities: All species are separated from each other by bridgeless gaps; intermediates between species are not observed . . . The problem was even more serious at the level of the higher categories.” (Mayr, E., Animal Species and Evolution, 1982, p. 524.)

“To explain discontinuities, Simpson relied, in part, upon the classical argument of an imperfect fossil record, but concluded that such an outstanding regularity could not be entirely artificial.” (Gould, Stephen J., “The Hardening of the Modern Synthesis,” 1983, p. 81.)

“Transitions between major groups of organisms . . . are difficult to establish in the fossil record.” (Stebbins, G. L., Darwin to DNA, Molecules to Humanity, 1982, p. 107.)

“Just as we have long known about stasis and abrupt appearance, but have chose to fob it off upon an imperfect fossil record, ...Yet we have chosen to blunt or mitigate the rapidity and extent of extinctions with two habits of argument rooted in uniformitarian commitments.” (Gould, Stephen J., “The Paradox of the First Tier: An Agenda for Paleobiology,” Paleobiology, 1985, p. 7.)

"Thus the main evidence for Archaeopteryx(始祖鸟) having been a terrestrial, cursorial predator is invalidated. There is nothing in the structure of the pectoral girdle of Archaeopteryx that would preclude its having been a powered flier." (Olson, Storrs L., and Alan Feduccia, "Flight Capability and the Pectoral Girdle of Archaeopteryx," Nature, vol. 278 (March 15, 1979))





过渡型物种化石问题前面讲得够多了,始祖鸟前面Olson, Storrs L.明确地否认了它是传统宣称的爬行动物到鸟类的过渡--当然,俺相信也有别的化石专家支持或者反对这个观点



2、前面那些或者进化论大佬,或者在Nature发表的文章指责古生物学家/进化论科学家对化石记录的解释 ---- "mostly cheat", "chose to fob it off upon an imperfect fossil record", "We paleontologist have said ... all the while knowing that it does not", "they’ve known for over a hundred years that such is not the case", 不禁令人怀疑宏进化学术环境的纯洁性
同意. 对俺来说宗教当然不仅仅是基督教,但是佛教在CFC太敏感,其他宗教了解甚少,不想妄加评论。以后俺将宗教(指一神教)和基督教分开吧

俺认为你这句话的潜台词是,这个世界上没有“神”存在,宗教都是人臆想出来的。否则,宗教就不是粗陋和高深的概念也远不仅仅是对客观世界的认识。-- 俺当然不是要你假设神存在,而是质疑你当谈到“认为神存在的宗教”时的立场















[FONT=宋体]“圣经中描述的神”主要是人的等级思维的产物,每种形式的存在都按照其存在形式被分了等级,比如大便、蚊子什么的就垫底,动植物高一些,人再高一些,而高高在上站在没人看得见的顶端的便是拥有生杀大权的万能的“上帝”[/FONT][FONT=宋体](highest being, supreme being)。对付这种“独裁制度”的最佳逻辑武器,就是“民主思维”—就像庄子齐物论提到的,无论外表如何不同,本质都是一样的。被人吃的食物,吃食物的人,人拉出来的东西,肥料,空气,水,阳光,太阳,不明飞行物,可能存在的外星人,等等等等,都是不同形式存在的能量而已。这些不同形式的存在才是“[/FONT][FONT=宋体]科学研究生命/物种起源的起点”,跟假设“神”存不存在无关,而科学最终会得出的结论,就是所有存在,不管其存在形式有何不同,都是同一存在。[/FONT]




soaring 说:


将两个概念完全混淆了!我们能够看到的这个客观世界,人有眼去看,耳去听,手去摸,可以有consciousness去感受,可以有科学的发现,同样也有圣经的启示,怎么是毫无知识?不过这确是个好问题: 怎么分辨神是真的,为什么认定圣经是神的默示?俺对自己有一个交代,但没有能力回答这个问题,显然这不是一个可以通过科学回答的,也不是一个简单的逻辑或者哲学问题,所以略过吧







类似的话我已经讲了至少两遍了-- 俺绝对不是希望你承认神的存在,而是你在谈神的话题时必须有这个假设。就象大人回答小朋友一个问题:西游的孙悟空与三国的吕布谁厉害?我们都知道一个是虚构一个是加工过的,小朋友可能认为他们都是真的。但是在回答这个问题的时候,必须也是能够分别站在西游和三国的立场谈论这两个人物,并且在给出的结论中分别限定了所在的上下文,这个结论也是有意义的。这与观点如何毫无关系,而是Objectively or Subjectively 的沟通方式的问题



[FONT=宋体]“圣经中描述的神”主要是人的等级思维的产物,每种形式的存在都按照其存在形式被分了等级,比如大便、蚊子什么的就垫底,动植物高一些,人再高一些,而高高在上站在没人看得见的顶端的便是拥有生杀大权的万能的“上帝”[/FONT][FONT=宋体](highest being, supreme being)。对付这种“独裁制度”的最佳逻辑武器,就是“民主思维”—就像庄子齐物论提到的,无论外表如何不同,本质都是一样的。被人吃的食物,吃食物的人,人拉出来的东西,肥料,空气,水,阳光,太阳,不明飞行物,可能存在的外星人,等等等等,都是不同形式存在的能量而已。这些不同形式的存在才是“[/FONT][FONT=宋体]科学研究生命/物种起源的起点”,跟假设“神”存不存在无关,而科学最终会得出的结论,就是所有存在,不管其存在形式有何不同,都是同一存在。[/FONT]



科学界一直在努力,一直有新的发现,宏进化的理论一直在变,但是结论一直没有变。有趣的是,86年的公开信认定进化论是“不可置疑的” -- The evolutionary history of organisms has been as extensively tested and as thoroughly corroborated as any biological concept;The theory of evolution is quite rightly called the greatest unifying theory in biology. 事实上这两段话是信中分别引用1970年和1973年的论文。

单从这封信看,最晚1970年开始至少已经有部分科学家认定同源进化必然发生,最晚1986年科学界作为一个整体确定了进化论的成立(extensively tested,thoroughly corroborated, greatest unifying theory),Gould的间断平衡理论是70年代提出,此时正与传统的渐进式进化打得不可开交,对传统观念上的过渡型化石的理解提出了强大的挑战,同时后来被认为是同源进化最有力的分子生物学刚起步不久,过渡性化石是当时同源进化最重要(?)的支撑理由,这是不是有点扯?

86年的信的语气听起来比2005年公开信更加肯定,尽管此时有了DNA的更加有力的武器:Logically derived from confirmable evidence, evolution is understood to be the result of an unguided, unplanned process of random variation and natural selection. As the foundation of modern biology, its indispensable role has been further strengthened by the capacity to study DNA.



俺认识到单单分析化石记录有点单薄,没有分析遗传/DNA这些东西,还是说服力不够。不过这个东西忒难了, 以后再说吧




俺是何等样人? 竟敢 。。。 :blink::blink: