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幼稚啊, 大哥. 事情哪儿有你想的那么简单.
保守党一手好牌, 但因为胡大克的愚蠢省选失败, 现在要借新教岗搞臭自由党. 这是反党反政府的大计啊.

现在明白哥为啥说华人圈是跟着吓起哄吧 ...
嗨, 前些时不是都看过了嘛。

我就不明白了, 相对于那么90%的,大家都能接受的内容, 那寥寥数语, 难道就那么重要, 必须要加到教纲里让孩子学?
那些争议部分完全不涉及到 是否要取消性安全教育, 以及是否要随便说人变态嘛。

拿走那几句话, 无非就是让孩子不要那么confuse于自己的性别与性取向而已。

新大纲谈了很多多种性行为,但没有谈爱情,也没谈婚姻。所以是有明显的偏向的。有没有谈人类的自然繁殖?好像没有?在一年级里有讲器官的功用 - 也许在那里捎带人类的自然繁殖?希望有人研究一下。
如果保守党不站出来反对,我们真是没指望了! 现行执政党不顾民意搞这个东西,还希望它继续执政?奇怪NDP 为啥不发声?

quote "幼稚啊, 大哥. 事情哪儿有你想的那么简单.
保守党一手好牌, 但因为胡大克的愚蠢省选失败, 现在要借新教岗搞臭自由党. 这是反党反政府的大计啊.

现在明白哥为啥说华人圈是跟着吓起哄吧 ..."quote

这个态度好, 我相信这也是大多数中国人反对的原因.

这里的孩子普遍早熟, 七八年级很多孩子就开始做很过分的事情了. 早点教育我觉得是可以理解的 ...
而且, 你回顾一下老太太的历史, 我觉得 所谓 “人类的自然繁殖”给她带来的基本都是痛苦回忆。
后来的同性恋生涯,给她带来的, 则是平安喜乐。
这个态度好, 我相信这也是大多数中国人反对的原因.

这里的孩子普遍早熟, 七八年级很多孩子就开始做很过分的事情了. 早点教育我觉得是可以理解的 ...
这个权利和控制在家长, 不在教育机构。
me too.
I think something was taught too early for younger kids, making most normal young kids more confused and causing more challenges to parents.
....七八年级很多孩子就开始做很过分的事情了. .....
很多孩子 ?很过分的事情? really? i don't think so.
很多孩子 ?很过分的事情? really? i don't think so.
从极端保守, 陡然转向极端激进, 就是这个意思了。 :evil: @2015
要求退出性教育课程的信 (样本)
______, 2015

Re: Exempt from sexual education classes (2015 Sex-Ed Curriculum)
Dear Principal _______________ and teachers in _______________________ School:
We are the parent of _______ in grade ___ of _______________ class
As parents, we feel strongly offended by the 2015 Sex-Ed Curriculum which is a killing poison and will cause great damage to our kids’ pure nature. “Masturbation”, “Oral Sex”, “Anal Sex” and “6 gender behaviors” are completely against our culture, tradition, faith and family values; and they should NOT be allowed to happen in our beloved school.
We believe that many of the teachers in the school also do not agree with the new sex curriculum, yet they will be forced to teach the sexually offensive materials against their own belief and values. Think about all these subjects, if anyone wants to see these pictures and contents on an Adult Website, it is the law that requires all visitors MUST declared that they are 18 years old or above; someone could be claimed as conducting sexual harassment and lose the job if he/she openly discusses them at work place. Then, why should these be introduced to our kids while they are just a few years old?!
We are sure that a lot of the parents WILL soon ask for an EXEMPT, which unfortunately will mess up the school’s management. We are not trying to be difficult at the school at all. We love our school, our principals and our teachers. Yet, when it comes to fundamental values like this, we will never give in!!!
Hope you can pass the message on to the School Board, School Trustees and the MPPs, so that we can find a solution together, to avoid the big mistakes from happening and to avoid the principals and teachers having to be put in a very unfair situation.
Thank you for your attention and hope to get your support!
Sincerely Yours,

Name of the Parents
老中就不要跟着起哄了. 老中大部分人不投票, 投票必投自由党. 人家自由党毫无隐瞒的告诉公众, 它们就要加税,腐败,任人唯亲,浪费你的税, 教你的孩子从幼童起掌握与各种性别各种工具各种姿势. 老中哭着喊着找自由党当政, 怪谁? 这是脑子进下水道的污水的节奏.