2015 Health and Physical Education:The Ontario Curriculum Grade 1-8 Ontario's New Sex Education Curriculum Ministry of Education curriculum resource says:
“A language reflects the perceptions of the culture in which it develops and vice -versa, which is
why the idea of completely reforming the way that we as a culture think and speak about gender
is daunting, at best. What better place to try though, than Kindergarten?
Overall Goal : “Acting today, Shaping Tomorrow”
cited five times in 2015 curriculum. Teach Six Different Genders and Details on Gender Identity.
The curriculum addresses gender identity 35 times through a child's development from Grade One to Eight. “demonstrate an understanding of gender identity (e.g.,male, female, two-spirited, transgender, transsexual, intersex), gender expression, and sexual orientation (e.g., eterosexual, gay, lesbian,bisexual), and identify factors that can help individuals of all identities and orientations developa positive self -concept [PS]”–Page 216
"When planning instruction and considering class groupings, teachers should be aware of and
consider the needs of students who may not identify as “male” o
r “female”, who are transgender, or who are gender - non-conforming.”–Page 54
Grade One
Starting in Grade Onethe teacher is guided to teach according to the child's gender identity.“identify body parts, including genitalia (e.g., penis, testicles, vagina, vulva), using correct
terminology [PS]’Page 93
Grade Three
Grade 3 students are led in an exercise to recognize their invisible differences including their
gender identity “describe how visible differences (e.g., skin, hair,...) and invisible difference
s (e.g., learning abilities,...gender identity, sexual orientation,...) make each person unique, and
identify ways of showing respect for differences in others [PS, IS].”Page 124
Grade Five
A child's sexual orientation and gender identity is unchangeable.“Things I cannot control include where I was born, who is in my family, how much money my family has, and personal characteristics such as my skin colour, hair colour, whether I am male or female, my gender identity, sex¬ual orientation, ...”–Page 158
Grade Six
Masturbation“Exploring one’s body by touching or mastur bating is something that many people do and find pleasurable . It is common and is not harmful and is one way of learning about your body.”–Page 174
Grade 7 and 8
Teach Six Different Genders and Details on Gender Identity “Key topics include...
understanding how gender identity and sexual orientation affect overall identity and self -
concept, and making decisions about sexual health and intimacy.”–Page 182
Anal Intercourse
The curriculum introduces anal intercourse four times and each time creates a sexual equivalence with vaginal intercourse. The fact is that anal intercourse increases the risk of attracting HIV by 3000% but this is not included.