Trudeau and Wynne: 一丘之貉

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安省警察工会3巨头大肆搞鬼 皇家骑警震惊痛心
来源:星岛日报, 发布日期:2015-03-16 — 暂无评论 ↓ 标签 诈骗 字体大小:A A A


根据法庭昨日解封的搜查令及其他文件显示,皇家骑警是在收到四名工会职员投诉后展开调查,发现三名工会高层,包括主席克里斯蒂(Jim Christie)、副主席贝恩(Martin Bain),及行政总监沃尔什(Karl Walsh),秘密共同拥有一间去年六月成立的旅游公司First Response一半股份。



文件指三人为了隐瞒自己拥有First Response的股权,透过离岸投资计划,把三人拥有的股份,以信託方式交由另一人持有。

此外,骑警亦指工会每月都向一间名为PIN Consulting Group Inc.的顾问公司缴交顾问费,有关款项被三人用来购买价值三万元的First Response股份。文件指控三人凭藉PIN与OPPA的商业关系,获得经济利益。

Wynne spends like a drunken sailor - Toronto Sun

The new tax hike and fire sale of public assets Premier Kathleen Wynne announced Thursday are what you would expect of a government desperate for cash that doesn’t know how to reduce spending.

Wynne imposed a $100-million-a-year tax on the beer industry that will start hitting consumers two years from now when the brewers are allowed to pass on their added costs to the public.

In return, Ontarians will be permitted to buy singles and six-packs of beer (no wine) in 450 grocery stores, perhaps by Christmas, an absurdly inconsequential benefit in return for yet another Liberal tax grab.

Wynne is also selling a 60% stake of Hydro One to the private sector.
Wynne's green scheme could deal massive blow to Ontario and Canada

Ontario’s Green Energy Act offered so-called “feed-in rates” almost four times existing electricity rates for wind and more than 10 times for solar power. Like bees to honey, wind and solar companies rushed in. By the time the government realized that these subsidies were driving Ontario from one of the lowest to one of the highest power cost jurisdictions in North America,
Justin Beaver?

With Wynne, we lose
"The ongoing labour dispute between Premier Kathleen Wynne and Ontario’s teacher unions comes down to this. Wynne has run out of our money to give to the teachers and their unions are mad about it."

Canadians must wait to see where Trudeau will find $2B for child-care plan
"Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau says Canadians will have to wait to see how he will come up with the $2 billion he needs to pay for his proposed child-care benefit, which he unveiled last week."
和每天消耗纳税人300万(每年budget $1.3 billion)的左派喉舌CBC不同 , The Rebel Media 是由老百姓你几百我几千用 Crowd Funding 的方式开办的。
说CBC是左派喉舌有什么根据?网上随便搜了一下,CBC是crown corporation,目前受STEVEN HARPER的最终领导。现任CEO&PRESIDENT在自由党执政时被任命,3年前在保守党执政时获得连任。

As a crown corporation, the CBC operates at arm’s length (autonomously) from the government in its day-to-day business. The corporation is governed by the Broadcasting Act[11] of 1991, under a Board of Directors and is directly responsible to Parliament through the Department of Canadian Heritage. General management of the organization is in the hands of a president, who is appointed by the Governor General of Canadain Council, on the advice of the prime minister.