
你这就不讲道理了, 8岁的孩子, 家长能有8年时间去影响他的男女观念?

说实话, 某某啊, 我是很支持早点给孩子性方面的教育的, 我本来以为我们之间的分歧无非就是在于, 一些概念介绍给孩子的早晚问题而已。我是很模棱两可的, 觉得之前你说的都有些道理。

但是今天, 你这两句话, 让我实在是。。。。。 沟通的不能。 连带的, 我开始怀疑你之前说的那些是否真的是那么的有道理。
毕竟, 你居然会认为 “8岁孩子,家长已经有8年时间影响他了”、一个孩子长到8~9岁, 家长能有“近八九年的时间去灌输普通性别的概念

如果, 我是说如果, 安省的那些教育专家们, 那个老太太省长, 也这么认为, 觉得一个孩子长到8~9岁, 家长能有“近八九年的时间去灌输普通性别的概念”。 那么, 他们的所有性教育的立论基础就全都错掉了。 即便有些看起来对的, 也是瞎猫撞到死耗子, 蒙对的。 所以, 需要全部推倒重来。他们, 包括你,某某, 都认为是小孩子从出生的那一刻开始, 就开始像小学生一样开始接受各种知识, 知道提问, 知道跟家长讨论一些问题, 知道如何沟通, 能够接受家长对其性别的教育。。。。。

我勒个去, 你们都是火星来的吗? 还是仅仅是我们一家发育特别迟缓? 我记得, 我的娃娃别说一岁了, 就连两岁的时候, 话都说不清楚呢, 大人的命令都听不懂呢。
安省性教育新教程的各种“定义” 及focus on today 的质疑:

Page 231
gender. A term that refers to those characteristics of women and men that are socially constructed. See also gender identity and sex .

gender-based violence. Any form of behaviour – including psychological, physical, and sexual behaviour – that is based on an individual’s gender and is intended to control, humiliate, or harm the individual. This form of violence is generally directed at women and girls and is based on an attitude or prejudice, which can be conscious or unconscious and which exists on the individual and institutional level, that aims to subordinate an individual or group on the basis of sex and/or gender identity.

gender expression. The manner in which individuals express their gender identity to others. A person’s gender expression is often based on a social construct of gender, which is either stereotypically male or female. However, some individuals who do not see themselves as being either male or female but as some combination of the two genders, or as without gender, choose to express their identity in terms of a multiple model of gender, mixing both male and female expressions.

gender identity. A person’s sense of self, with respect to being male or female. Gender identity is different from sexual orientation, and may be different from birth-assigned sex. (Refer to the Ontario Human Rights Commission’s Policy on Discrimination and Harassment because of Gend

homophobia. A disparaging or hostile attitude or a negative bias, which may be overt or unspoken and which may exist at an individual and/or a systemic level, towards people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender (LGBT intersex. A term used to describe a person whose sex chromosomes, genitalia, and/or secondary sex characteristics (e.g., facial hair, breasts) are determined to be neither exclusively male nor female.

An intersex person may have biological characteristics of both the male and female sexes. The intersex community has generally rejected the term “hermaphrodite”as outdated. Intersex people may or may not identify as part of the transgender community. See also gender identity, transgender, and, transsexual . (Adapted from Canadian Federation for Sexual Health, “Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation”, www.cfsh.ca/ Your_Sexual_Health/Gender -Identity-and-Sexual- Orientation/ [accessed January 27, 2015].

sexual health. A state of physical, emotional, mental, and social well-being in relation to sexuality; it is not merely the absence of disease, dysfunction, or infirmity. Sexual health requires a positive and respectful approach to sexuality and sexual relationships, as well as the possibility of having pleasurable and safe sexual experiences, free of coercion, discrimination, and violence. For sexual health to be attained and maintained, the sexual rights of all persons must be respected, protected, and fulfilled. Sexual health is influenced by a complex web of factors ranging from sexual behaviours, attitudes, and societal factors to biological risk and genetic predispositions. (From Public Health Agency of Canada, Canadian Guidelines for Sexual Health Education , [rev. ed.], 2008, 5.

Page 239: transgender. A transgender person is a person whose gender identity, outward appearance, gender expression, and/or anatomy are not consistent with the conven tional definitions or expectations of male and female; often used to represent a wide range of gender identities and behaviours.

transsexual. A person who experiences intense personal and emotional discomfort with his or her assigned birth gender and may undergo treatment to transition gender. (Adapted from Public Health Agency of Canada, Canadian Guidelines for Sexual Health Education [rev. ed.], 2008, 52.) two-spirited. A term used by First Nations people to refer to a person having both the feminine and masculine spirits. It includes sexual or gender identity, sexual orientation, social roles, and a broad range of identities, such as lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender

total 239 pages including Glossary

Human Development and Sexual Health C2.4 demonstrate an understanding of physical, emotional, social, and psychological factors that need to be considered when making decisions related to sexual health (e.g., sexually transmitted infections [STIs], possible contraceptive side effects, pregnancy, protective value of vaccinations, social labelling, gender identity, sexual orientation, self-concept issues, relationships, desire, pleasure, cultural teachings) [PS] Teacher prompt: “Thinking about your sexual health is complicated. It’s important to have a good understanding of yourself before getting involved with someone else. It’s not just about making a decision to have sex or waiting until you are older. It’s also about things such as your physical readiness; safer sex and avoiding consequences such as pregnancy or STIs; your sexual orientation and gender identity; your understanding of your own body, including what gives you pleasure; and the emotional implications of sexual intimacy and being in a relationship.
---这黑体部分是不是暗示尝试不同的。。。以pleasure 为目的?这是不是暗示“发生性关系跟打电动游戏一样不收任何约束”?

这一句"It's not ... waiting until you are older" 在这段表述中有什么特别之处?删掉会对整段文字要表述的内容有什么影响?要知道这是大纲,里面每一字每一句都是经过考究的。 如果这句话没有实质意义,为什么不能删除?
这个不是一篇讲稿,讲稿里面会有些没有实质性意义的过渡词句。这是大纲。是指导性的东西。作者把这句话写进去,在作者心里是有实质意义的,是什么?我认为,他是在暗示 “don't say no because you are too young", or " someone tells you you can't do it because you are too young, they are wrong". 这里我们是否看到那个作呕的付厅长的面目?

Gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation are connected to the way you see yourself and to your interactions with others. Understanding and accepting your gender identity and your sexual orientation can have a strong impact on the development of your self-concept. A person’s self-concept can develop positively if the person understands and accepts their gender identity and sexual orientation and is accepted by family and community. It is harder to develop a positive self-concept, however, if the way a person feels or identifies does not meet perceived or real societal norms and expectations or is not what they want, or if they do not feel supported by their family, friends, school, or community. A person’s self-concept can be harmed if a person is questioning their gender identity or sexual orientation and does not have support in dealing with their feelings of uncertainty.

“What kind of support do people need to help them understand and accept their gender identity and sexual orientation?”
Student: “Having role models that you can relate to – for example, people of similar ages or cultures – is important. So is having all gender identities and sexual orientations por - trayed positively in the media, in literature, and in materials we use at school. Family, school, and community support are crucial. Additional help can come from trusted adults, community organizations, and school support groups such as gay-straight alliance

在这段文字中,叙述孩子有可能遇到的困惑,以及遇到困惑时可以向谁寻求帮助。第一条,是向同龄或同文化的榜样(求帮助), 第二条是向媒体,第三条是家庭,学校社区的支持 (注意这里是讲支持并不是寻求帮助),还可以向信任的成人,社区组织,学校团体(注意并不是学校本身即老师)比如这个组织:gay-straight alliance

还有,这里专门提到一个学生团体 gay-straight alliance, 用意何在?这个团体一定要在这里提及吗?它对孩子的帮助大到超过其他组织吗?如果这个组织的作用只是 报纸上的一个专栏一样,为什么不建议咨询心理医生,却偏要提这个组织?


gay-straight alliance. A student-run club that provides a safe space for any and all students to meet and learn about different sexual orientations, socialize, support each other, talk about issues related to sexual orientation and gender identity, and work to end homophobia and to raise awareness and promote equality for all. (Adapted from Canadian Federation for Sexual Health, “How to Form a Gay/Straight Alliance”, www.cfsh.ca/Your_Sexual_Health/ Gender-Identity-and-Sexual-Orientation/Gay- Straight-Alliance.aspx [accessed January 27, 2015].)


你这就不讲道理了, 8岁的孩子, 家长能有8年时间去影响他的男女观念?

说实话, 某某啊, 我是很支持早点给孩子性方面的教育的, 我本来以为我们之间的分歧无非就是在于, 一些概念介绍给孩子的早晚问题而已。我是很模棱两可的, 觉得之前你说的都有些道理。

但是今天, 你这两句话, 让我实在是。。。。。 沟通的不能。 连带的, 我开始怀疑你之前说的那些是否真的是那么的有道理。
毕竟, 你居然会认为 “8岁孩子,家长已经有8年时间影响他了”、一个孩子长到8~9岁, 家长能有“近八九年的时间去灌输普通性别的概念

如果, 我是说如果, 安省的那些教育专家们, 那个老太太省长, 也这么认为, 觉得一个孩子长到8~9岁, 家长能有“近八九年的时间去灌输普通性别的概念”。 那么, 他们的所有性教育的立论基础就全都错掉了。 即便有些看起来对的, 也是瞎猫撞到死耗子, 蒙对的。 所以, 需要全部推倒重来。他们, 包括你,某某, 都认为是小孩子从出生的那一刻开始, 就开始像小学生一样开始接受各种知识, 知道提问, 知道跟家长讨论一些问题, 知道如何沟通, 能够接受家长对其性别的教育。。。。。

我勒个去, 你们都是火星来的吗? 还是仅仅是我们一家发育特别迟缓? 我记得, 我的娃娃别说一岁了, 就连两岁的时候, 话都说不清楚呢, 大人的命令都听不懂呢。

爱滋病人中有50%是同性恋者。 你对这怎么解释?
我靠, 那真是要膜拜了。
开个玩笑啊: 你让一个男的(生理,心理,都是男性的直男)烫个头, 化妆一下, 穿身你平时穿的女性衣服, 你儿子难道能够明确指出这是个男的?

要知道, 我们在说性别男女哦, 不是看起来像男女哦。
安省性教育新教程的各种“定义” 及focus on today 的质疑:

Page 231
gender. A term that refers to those characteristics of women and men that are socially constructed. See also gender identity and sex .

gender-based violence. Any form of behaviour – including psychological, physical, and sexual behaviour – that is based on an individual’s gender and is intended to control, humiliate, or harm the individual. This form of violence is generally directed at women and girls and is based on an attitude or prejudice, which can be conscious or unconscious and which exists on the individual and institutional level, that aims to subordinate an individual or group on the basis of sex and/or gender identity.

gender expression. The manner in which individuals express their gender identity to others. A person’s gender expression is often based on a social construct of gender, which is either stereotypically male or female. However, some individuals who do not see themselves as being either male or female but as some combination of the two genders, or as without gender, choose to express their identity in terms of a multiple model of gender, mixing both male and female expressions.

gender identity. A person’s sense of self, with respect to being male or female. Gender identity is different from sexual orientation, and may be different from birth-assigned sex. (Refer to the Ontario Human Rights Commission’s Policy on Discrimination and Harassment because of Gend

homophobia. A disparaging or hostile attitude or a negative bias, which may be overt or unspoken and which may exist at an individual and/or a systemic level, towards people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender (LGBT intersex. A term used to describe a person whose sex chromosomes, genitalia, and/or secondary sex characteristics (e.g., facial hair, breasts) are determined to be neither exclusively male nor female.

An intersex person may have biological characteristics of both the male and female sexes. The intersex community has generally rejected the term “hermaphrodite”as outdated. Intersex people may or may not identify as part of the transgender community. See also gender identity, transgender, and, transsexual . (Adapted from Canadian Federation for Sexual Health, “Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation”, www.cfsh.ca/ Your_Sexual_Health/Gender -Identity-and-Sexual- Orientation/ [accessed January 27, 2015].

sexual health. A state of physical, emotional, mental, and social well-being in relation to sexuality; it is not merely the absence of disease, dysfunction, or infirmity. Sexual health requires a positive and respectful approach to sexuality and sexual relationships, as well as the possibility of having pleasurable and safe sexual experiences, free of coercion, discrimination, and violence. For sexual health to be attained and maintained, the sexual rights of all persons must be respected, protected, and fulfilled. Sexual health is influenced by a complex web of factors ranging from sexual behaviours, attitudes, and societal factors to biological risk and genetic predispositions. (From Public Health Agency of Canada, Canadian Guidelines for Sexual Health Education , [rev. ed.], 2008, 5.

Page 239: transgender. A transgender person is a person whose gender identity, outward appearance, gender expression, and/or anatomy are not consistent with the conven tional definitions or expectations of male and female; often used to represent a wide range of gender identities and behaviours.

transsexual. A person who experiences intense personal and emotional discomfort with his or her assigned birth gender and may undergo treatment to transition gender. (Adapted from Public Health Agency of Canada, Canadian Guidelines for Sexual Health Education [rev. ed.], 2008, 52.) two-spirited. A term used by First Nations people to refer to a person having both the feminine and masculine spirits. It includes sexual or gender identity, sexual orientation, social roles, and a broad range of identities, such as lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender

total 239 pages including Glossary

Human Development and Sexual Health C2.4 demonstrate an understanding of physical, emotional, social, and psychological factors that need to be considered when making decisions related to sexual health (e.g., sexually transmitted infections [STIs], possible contraceptive side effects, pregnancy, protective value of vaccinations, social labelling, gender identity, sexual orientation, self-concept issues, relationships, desire, pleasure, cultural teachings) [PS] Teacher prompt: “Thinking about your sexual health is complicated. It’s important to have a good understanding of yourself before getting involved with someone else. It’s not just about making a decision to have sex or waiting until you are older. It’s also about things such as your physical readiness; safer sex and avoiding consequences such as pregnancy or STIs; your sexual orientation and gender identity; your understanding of your own body, including what gives you pleasure; and the emotional implications of sexual intimacy and being in a relationship.
---这黑体部分是不是暗示尝试不同的。。。以pleasure 为目的?这是不是暗示“发生性关系跟打电动游戏一样不收任何约束”?

这一句"It's not ... waiting until you are older" 在这段表述中有什么特别之处?删掉会对整段文字要表述的内容有什么影响?要知道这是大纲,里面每一字每一句都是经过考究的。 如果这句话没有实质意义,为什么不能删除?
这个不是一篇讲稿,讲稿里面会有些没有实质性意义的过渡词句。这是大纲。是指导性的东西。作者把这句话写进去,在作者心里是有实质意义的,是什么?我认为,他是在暗示 “don't say no because you are too young", or " someone tells you you can't do it because you are too young, they are wrong". 这里我们是否看到那个作呕的付厅长的面目?

Gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation are connected to the way you see yourself and to your interactions with others. Understanding and accepting your gender identity and your sexual orientation can have a strong impact on the development of your self-concept. A person’s self-concept can develop positively if the person understands and accepts their gender identity and sexual orientation and is accepted by family and community. It is harder to develop a positive self-concept, however, if the way a person feels or identifies does not meet perceived or real societal norms and expectations or is not what they want, or if they do not feel supported by their family, friends, school, or community. A person’s self-concept can be harmed if a person is questioning their gender identity or sexual orientation and does not have support in dealing with their feelings of uncertainty.

“What kind of support do people need to help them understand and accept their gender identity and sexual orientation?”
Student: “Having role models that you can relate to – for example, people of similar ages or cultures – is important. So is having all gender identities and sexual orientations por - trayed positively in the media, in literature, and in materials we use at school. Family, school, and community support are crucial. Additional help can come from trusted adults, community organizations, and school support groups such as gay-straight alliance

在这段文字中,叙述孩子有可能遇到的困惑,以及遇到困惑时可以向谁寻求帮助。第一条,是向同龄或同文化的榜样(求帮助), 第二条是向媒体,第三条是家庭,学校社区的支持 (注意这里是讲支持并不是寻求帮助),还可以向信任的成人,社区组织,学校团体(注意并不是学校本身即老师)比如这个组织:gay-straight alliance

还有,这里专门提到一个学生团体 gay-straight alliance, 用意何在?这个团体一定要在这里提及吗?它对孩子的帮助大到超过其他组织吗?如果这个组织的作用只是 报纸上的一个专栏一样,为什么不建议咨询心理医生,却偏要提这个组织?


gay-straight alliance. A student-run club that provides a safe space for any and all students to meet and learn about different sexual orientations, socialize, support each other, talk about issues related to sexual orientation and gender identity, and work to end homophobia and to raise awareness and promote equality for all. (Adapted from Canadian Federation for Sexual Health, “How to Form a Gay/Straight Alliance”, www.cfsh.ca/Your_Sexual_Health/ Gender-Identity-and-Sexual-Orientation/Gay- Straight-Alliance.aspx [accessed January 27, 2015].)


:zhichi: 有气势!
你这就不讲道理了, 8岁的孩子, 家长能有8年时间去影响他的男女观念?

说实话, 某某啊, 我是很支持早点给孩子性方面的教育的, 我本来以为我们之间的分歧无非就是在于, 一些概念介绍给孩子的早晚问题而已。我是很模棱两可的, 觉得之前你说的都有些道理。

但是今天, 你这两句话, 让我实在是。。。。。 沟通的不能。 连带的, 我开始怀疑你之前说的那些是否真的是那么的有道理。
毕竟, 你居然会认为 “8岁孩子,家长已经有8年时间影响他了”、一个孩子长到8~9岁, 家长能有“近八九年的时间去灌输普通性别的概念

如果, 我是说如果, 安省的那些教育专家们, 那个老太太省长, 也这么认为, 觉得一个孩子长到8~9岁, 家长能有“近八九年的时间去灌输普通性别的概念”。 那么, 他们的所有性教育的立论基础就全都错掉了。 即便有些看起来对的, 也是瞎猫撞到死耗子, 蒙对的。 所以, 需要全部推倒重来。他们, 包括你,某某, 都认为是小孩子从出生的那一刻开始, 就开始像小学生一样开始接受各种知识, 知道提问, 知道跟家长讨论一些问题, 知道如何沟通, 能够接受家长对其性别的教育。。。。。

我勒个去, 你们都是火星来的吗? 还是仅仅是我们一家发育特别迟缓? 我记得, 我的娃娃别说一岁了, 就连两岁的时候, 话都说不清楚呢, 大人的命令都听不懂呢。




他们的理解是 “爸爸”,“妈妈”。
不是 “男人” “女人”,
更加不是拥有男性生殖器的男人, 拥有男性生殖器的女人, 拥有女性生殖器的女人, 以及拥有女生生殖器的男人。 OK?

你以为你儿子能够知道爸爸妈妈的区别, 就知道男人女人的区别了? 就知道自己身为男人还是女人了?就知道自己身为男人,但内心是个男人还是女人了?

如果2岁的他真的知道了, 那我倒是要顶锅盖问一句:你都忒么教了孩子些什么呀!!:eek:
我靠, 那真是要膜拜了。
开个玩笑啊: 你让一个男的(生理,心理,都是男性的直男)烫个头, 化妆一下, 穿身你平时穿的女性衣服, 你儿子难道能够明确指出这是个男的?

要知道, 我们在说性别男女哦, 不是看起来像男女哦。
你让一个男的(生理,心理,都是男性的直男)烫个头, 化妆一下, 穿身你平时穿的女性衣服(额,穿得下么?)
他们的理解是 “爸爸”,“妈妈”。
不是 “男人” “女人”,
更加不是拥有男性生殖器的男人, 拥有男性生殖器的女人, 拥有女性生殖器的女人, 以及拥有女生生殖器的男人。 OK?

你以为你儿子能够知道爸爸妈妈的区别, 就知道男人女人的区别了? 就知道自己身为男人还是女人了?就知道自己身为男人,但内心是个男人还是女人了?

如果2岁的他真的知道了, 那我倒是要顶锅盖问一句:你都忒么教了孩子些什么呀!!:eek:
你让一个男的(生理,心理,都是男性的直男)烫个头, 化妆一下, 穿身你平时穿的女性衣服(额,穿得下么?)
我说的是认知。 是孩子, 是一两岁孩子的认知。

好吧, 这么说吧, 我认为, OK, 仅仅是我认为:你说你教育孩子能够在1~2岁的时候就识别男女,OK, 这个很多人很多孩子也能做到, 但是( 一定要强调这个“但是”),这时候,事实上,这时候孩子对“男女”的认知, 绝对不是你所认为的那样: 他们会对男女性别,包括自己的男女性别的认知。 他们只是从衣着,外貌上知道, 这是两种人: 妈妈类的, 爸爸类的。 That's it。

你需要证据吗? 好,你回去做个实验: 如果你2岁的儿子在认知男女的时候知道要扒下裤子检查裤裆,如果这小子知道甭管你花枝招展还是粗旷有力, 想让小爷我辨别男女? 先把裤子脱了。

如果你儿子能做到这点, 我就觉得那的确了不起, 你儿子的确qualify 在3年纪就去接受Gender Identity的教育了。
我说的是认知。 是孩子, 是一两岁孩子的认知。

好吧, 这么说吧, 我认为, OK, 仅仅是我认为:你说你教育孩子能够在1~2岁的时候就识别男女,OK, 这个很多人很多孩子也能做到, 但是( 一定要强调这个“但是”),这时候,事实上,这时候孩子对“男女”的认知, 绝对不是你所认为的那样: 他们会对男女性别,包括自己的男女性别的认知。 他们只是从衣着,外貌上知道, 这是两种人: 妈妈类的, 爸爸类的。 That's it。

你需要证据吗? 好,你回去做个实验: 如果你2岁的儿子在认知男女的时候知道要扒下裤子检查裤裆,如果这小子知道甭管你花枝招展还是粗旷有力, 想让我辨别男女? 先把裤子脱了。

如果你儿子能做到这点, 我就觉得那的确了不起, 你儿子的确qualify 在3年纪就去接受Gender Identity的教育了。