
其实呢, 有的观点认为中国移民或者投资者在加拿大买房可以帮助加拿大经济。

我们换个角度看问题, 中国移民搬来的不过是美国人印出来的美元, 不会带来技术, 不会带来市场, 什么都没有。 如果真要这样的美金来印更多的加元, 跟中国学习, 美国人分分钟给加拿大印出来。

not very good, pee on the bed
btw, i am in the sales office of richardson ridge, ready to use up all my credit facility to buy house over there, open the window to have a clear look at garbage dump, what a beautiful place to live.
not very good, pee on the bed
btw, i am in the sales office of richardson ridge, ready to use up all my credit facility to buy house over there, open the window to have a clear look at garbage dump, what a beautiful place to live.
It's not garbage dump; its Mountain Carp.
not very good, pee on the bed
btw, i am in the sales office of richardson ridge, ready to use up all my credit facility to buy house over there, open the window to have a clear look at garbage dump, what a beautiful place to live.
for me, the smell is a plus. in the middle night of every beautiful summer day, open the window, a deep breathe ,shit , that is life!
for me, the smell is a plus. in the middle night of every beautiful summer day, open the window, a deep breathe ,shit , that is life!
just a friendly reminder, there is premium for cliff lot , another plus
clime up the cliff, open the window, have a look at beautiful mount carp,then breath heavily , enjoy the smell, what a beautiful day.
just a friendly reminder, there is premium for cliff lot , another plus
clime up the cliff, open the window, have a look at beautiful mount carp,then breath heavily , enjoy the smell, what a beautiful day.
just a friendly reminder, there is premium for cliff lot , another plus
clime up the cliff, open the window, have a look at beautiful mount carp,then breath heavily , enjoy the smell, what a beautiful day.
oh, forget the cliff thing. yeah, stand there you will feel like a king or an angel. with the beautiful wings you could jump. flying like a bird with a free heart , with all the freedom.