精华 流水的年华 不老的旋律

  • 主题发起人 主题发起人 DoDo
  • 开始时间 开始时间
贴的歌很喜欢!昨天听歌太粗心没注意两位MM布置的任务。据俺对Frank Sinatra和Eva Gardner的初步观察,俺认为:

游民这个任务完成得不落俗套,很有创意,很有恐龙的本领,予以嘉奖,特赠Louis Armstrong的经典曲目What a wonderful world
PS. Eva Gardner是Frank Sinatra的第二任太太,而Mia Farrow则是其第三任太太。Mia Farrow曾在“尼罗河上的惨案”中扮演杰基,也曾因与Woody Allen的关系而为人所知。

i see trees of green
red roses too
i see 'em bloom
for me and you
and i think to myself
what a wonderful world
i see skies of blue
clouds of white
bright blessed days
dark sacred nights
and i think to myself
what a wonderful world.
the colors of a rainbow
so pretty ..in the sky
are also on the faces
of people going by
i see friends shaking hands
sayin' how do you do
they're really sayin' i love you.
i hear babies cry
i watch them grow
they'll learn much more
than i'll never know
and i think to myself
what a wonderful world
yes i think to myself
what a wonderful world

说点题外话,最近看American Idol,心目中的Idol-- La Toya London 令人意外地出局,非常可惜。上上集她的表现几近完美,堪称绝对的diva。现在希望另一看好的选手Fantasia Barrino不要因为人为的因素而失掉比赛。下面放一首十分精彩的歌曲lady。

Kenny Rogers -- Lady


lady, i'm your knight in shining armor and i love you.
you have made me what i am and i am yours.
my love, there's so many ways i want to say i love you.
let me hold you in my arms forever more.
you have gone and made me such a fool,
i'm so lost in your love.
and oh, we belong together.
won't you believe in my song?
lady, for so many years i thought i'd never find you.
you have come into my life and made me whole.
forever let me wake to see you each and every morning.
let me hear you whisper softly in my ear.
in my eyes i see no one else but you.
there's no other love like our love.
and yes, oh yes, i'll always want you near me.
i've waited for you so long.
lady, your love's the only love i need
and beside me is where i want you to be.
'cause, my love, there's something i want you to know,
you're the love of my life, you're my lady.

Lady in Red, 选自让我百听不厌的一张专辑"BEAUTIFUL DREAMS" BY CHRIS DE BURGH

以下连结为CHRIS近年重新演绎的此曲, 更喜欢原版本可惜网上找不到了.



Music & Lyrics : Chris de Burgh

I've never seen you looking so lovely as you did tonight
I've never seen you shine so bright
I've never seen so many men ask you if you wanted to dance
They're looking for a little romance, given half a chance
I have never seen that dress you're wearing
Or the highlights in your head that catch your eyes I have been blind
The lady in red is dancing with me cheek to cheek
There's nobody here, it's just you and me, It's where I wanna be
But I hardly know this beauty by my side
I'll never for get, the way you look tonight

I've never seen you looking so gorgeous as you did tonight
I've never seen you shine so bright you were amazing
I've never seen so many people want to be there by your side
And when you turned to me and smiled, It took my breath away
I have never had such a feeling
Such a feeling of complete and utter love, as I do tonight

The way you look tonight
I never will forget, the way you look tonight
The lady in red
The lady in red
The lady in red
My lady in red (I love you.)
Re: Re: Frank Sinatra

最初由 green_grass 发布

Frank Sinatra 我比较喜欢的JAZZ歌手,


FRANK在HOLLYWOOD属于常青树, 歌坛影坛都不寂寞, 国内放过他演的<<战俘列车>> (Von Ryan's Express)和<<坎坎舞>> (Can-Can). 当然他老人家作为常青树不仅仅是指在演艺事业中,在生活中他也是活到老风流到老,韵事不断. 而且和各届总统政要打得火热, "拉皮条"的事没少干, 同属一群"风流老哥们儿".

的确如阿DO讲的那样,网上挺难找到他的歌,象MY WAY, FLY ME TO THE MOON, SINGING IN THE RAIN, AS TIME GOES BY等等脍炙人口的歌曲, 俺的"落脚水"WEBSPACE也因为超流量给"晾"了. 谁能搞几首上来贴贴?
最初由 DoDo 发布
游民这个任务完成得不落俗套,很有创意,很有恐龙的本领,予以嘉奖,特赠Louis Armstrong的经典曲目What a wonderful world


我超级喜欢这首歌,超级!!! :p
说起Louis Armstrong,我马上会想起他的小号,而不是他的歌,呵呵。 :D

支持一下DoDo和小马哥,我也贴首他的经典La Vie En Rose,顺便问一下小马哥,这句话是什么意思。:blowzy:

La Vie En Rose - Louis Armstrong

Hold me close and hold me fast
the magic spell you cast
this is la vie en rose
when you kiss me heaven sighs
and tho I close my eyes
I see La vie en rose.
When you press me to your heart
I'm in a world apart
a world where roses bloom
and when you speak, angels sing from above
everyday words seem to turn into love songs
give your heart and soul to me
and life will always be La vie en rose.
Re: Re: Re: Frank Sinatra

很多老歌很难找到了,As time gose by, 在电影Casablanca是Engelbert Humperdinck 唱的?怀疑ing...

As time goes by - Casablanca movie dialogue

As time goes by - Casablanca Original Motion Picture Soundtrack

As Time Goes By - Jimmy Durante (Sleepless in Seattle Soundtrack)
最初由 green_grass 发布


我超级喜欢这首歌,超级!!! :p
说起Louis Armstrong,我马上会想起他的小号,而不是他的歌,呵呵。 :D

支持一下DoDo和小马哥,我也贴首他的经典La Vie En Rose,顺便问一下小马哥,这句话是什么意思。:blowzy:

La Vie En Rose - Louis Armstrong

Hold me close and hold me fast
the magic spell you cast
this is la vie en rose
when you kiss me heaven sighs
and tho I close my eyes
I see La vie en rose.
When you press me to your heart
I'm in a world apart
a world where roses bloom
and when you speak, angels sing from above
everyday words seem to turn into love songs
give your heart and soul to me
and life will always be La vie en rose.

好啊! 中文译为"玫瑰色的人生" (LA VIE = THE LIFE; EN ROSE = IN ROSE)

经典的法文原版本是由出生于巴黎的法国三四十年代的红歌星EDITH PIAF在德军占领时期创作并演唱的, 以前在收集的"音乐天堂"杂志的有声音带上首次听过,印象十分深刻. 原版是录在老唱片上(不知是钢丝的还是胶木的),听起来丝丝作响, 反倒如一张黑白照片一般增强了伤感怀旧的气氛, EDITH PIAF的歌声如凄如述, 伤感如同晨雾一般慢慢升起渐渐弥漫着听者的心灵.


Des yeux qui font baiser les miens,
Un rire qui se perd sur sa bouche,
Voila le portrait sans retouche
De l'homme auquel j'appartiens

Quand il me prend dans ses bras
Il me parle tout bas,
Je vois la vie en rose.

Il me dit des mots d'amour,
Des mots de tous les jours,
Et ca me fait quelque chose.

Il est entre dans mon coeur
Une part de bonheur
Dont je connais la cause.

C'est lui pour moi. Moi pour lui
Dans la vie,
Il me l'a dit, l'a jure pour la vie.

Et des que je l'apercois
Alors je sens en moi
Mon coeur qui bat

Des nuits d'amour à plus finir
Un grand bonheur qui prend sa place
Des ennuis, des chagrins s'effacent
Heureux, heureux à en mourir

一生坎坷,红颜多不幸的Edith Piaf
另外忘了提一句, 拯救大兵RYAN (SAVE THE PRIVATE RYAN)中在恶战开始前的片刻宁静里, 士兵们找出了留声机播放的正好是EDITH PIAF版本LA VIE EN ROSE, 堪称神来之笔.
绿草和xiaomage的贴子非常棒,Casablanca中的主题曲as time goes by 有很多版本,我曾经在音乐城贴过Kenny Rogers的版本,虽然更心仪Frank Sinetra的演绎,可他的作品实在太难找了,只能碰了。

说到Edith Piaf,她的作品的格调和配器,老让我模糊地忆起电影“莉莉玛莲”和战争的影子,原以为贴出来无人共鸣,看来是我矫情了。

Edith Piaf-Mon Manege A Moi


Edith Piaf-Les Amants D'un Jour


最初由 xiaomage 发布

好啊! 中文译为"玫瑰色的人生" (LA VIE = THE LIFE; EN ROSE = IN ROSE)

经典的法文原版本是由出生于巴黎的法国三四十年代的红歌星EDITH PIAF在德军占领时期创作并演唱的, 以前在收集的"音乐天堂"杂志的有声音带上首次听过,印象十分深刻. 原版是录在老唱片上(不知是钢丝的还是胶木的),听起来丝丝作响, 反倒如一张黑白照片一般增强了伤感怀旧的气氛, EDITH PIAF的歌声如凄如述, 伤感如同晨雾一般慢慢升起渐渐弥漫着听者的心灵.

这个帖子越来越有味了。 :jiayou:

这个法语的版本太好听了,怀旧啊。我也真是糊涂了,玫瑰色的人生,克莱德曼也演奏过的钢琴曲嘛。 :)

真的没有想到居然也有人记得“莉莉玛莲”这部电影, 一定要和DoDo HUG 一下。 :D

Vor der Kaserne, vor dem groen Tor
stand eine Laterne, und steht sie noch davor,
so woll'n wir uns da wiedersehen,
bei der Laterne woll'n wir stehen
wie einst Lili Marleen,
wie einst Lili Marleen.
Unserer beider Schatten sahen wie einer aus,
dass wir so lied uns hatten, das sah man gleich daraus.
Und alles Leute soll'n es sehen,
wenn wir bei der Laterne stehen
wie einst Lili Marleen,
wie einst Lili Marleen.
Schon rief der Posten,
Sie blasen Zapfenstreich Das kann drei Tage kosten Kam'rad,
ich komm sogleich Da sagen wir auf Wiedersehen
Wie gerne wollt ich mit dir gehn
mit dir, Lili Marleen,
mit dir, Lili Marleen.
Deine Schritte kennt sie, deinen schonen Gang,
alle Abend brennt sie, doch mich vergrass sie lang.
Nun, sollte mir ein Leid geschehen,
wer wird bei der Laterne stehen
mit dir, Lili Marleen,
mit dir, Lili Marleen.
Aus dem stillen Raume, aus der Erde Grund
hebt mich wie im Traume dein verliebter Mund.
Wenn sich die spalten Nebeln
werd' ich bei der Laterne stehen
mit dir, Lili Marleen,
mit dir, Lili Marleen.

[music]http://members.rogers.com/shusheng/Lili Marlene Connie Francis.mp3[/music]
Green Grass, 看来你要HUG的人还真不少呢, LILI MARLENE <<莉莉.玛莲>>的译制片国内N年前播过, 印象最深的就是该主题曲.

SHUSHENG真快, 俺正在苦苦寻找呢. :D

但这好象不是电影的原形MARLENE DIETRICH的原唱. MARLENE在二战战场上不仅是德军士兵的梦中情人, 而且还拥有众多的盟军士兵歌迷. 她用英语,法语甚至更多的语言演唱过该歌曲, 该歌曲一度风靡二战站壕, 成为"步兵之歌".

可是据说德军士兵经常在处决抵抗战士和犯人时播放该首歌, 而让人听时又有点变了味道.

但不管如何饱受争议, 此歌还是以优美的旋律传唱至今.


Underneath the lantern by the barrack gate
Darling I remember the way you used to wait,
'Twas there that you whispered tenderly
That you loved me, you'd always be
My Lilli of the lamplight,
My own Lilli Marlene.

Time would come for roll call, time for us to part
Darling I'd caress you and press you to my heart
And there 'neath that far off lantern light,
I'd hold you tight, we'd kiss "good-night,"
My Lilli of the lamplight,
My own Lilli Marlene

Orders came for sailing somewhere over there,
All confined to barracks was more than I could bear;
I knew you were waiting in the street,
I heard your feet, But could not meet,
My Lilli of the lamplight,
My own Lilli Marlene.

Resting in a billet just behind the line,
Even tho'we're parted your lips are close to mine;
You wait where that lantern softly gleams,
Your sweet face seems to haunt my dreams,
My Lilli of the lamplight,
My own Lilli Marlene.


Devant la caserne
Quand le jour s'enfuit,
La vieille lanterne
Soudain s'allume et luit.
C'est dans ce coin là que le soir
On s'attendait remplis d'espoir
Tous deux, Lily Marlène.

Et dans la nuit sombre
Nos corps enlacés
Ne faisaient qu'une ombre
Lorsque je t'embrassais.
Nous échangions ingén&ucirc;ment
Joue contre joue bien des serments
Tous deux, Lily Marlène.

Le temps passe vite
Lorsque l'on est deux!
Hélas on se quitte
Voici le couvre-feu...
Te souviens-tu de nos regrets
Lorsqu'il fallait nous séparer?
Dis-moi, Lily Marlène?

La vieille lanterne
S'allume toujours
Devant la caserne
Lorsque finit le jour
Mais tout me para&icirc;t étrange
Aurais-je donc beaucoup changé?
Dis-moi, Lily Marlène.

Cette tendre histoire
De nos chers vingt ans
Chante en ma mémoire
Malgré les jours, les ans.
Il me semble entendre ton pas
Et je te serre entre mes bras
Lily...Lily Marlène

最初由 xiaomage 发布
Green Grass, 看来你要HUG的人还真不少呢, LILI MARLENE <<莉莉.玛莲>>的译制片国内N年前播过, 印象最深的就是该主题曲.

你们都太厉害了,我失算了。 :D

这首歌的电影原声实在难找,找到一首MARLENE DIETRICH现场演唱的版本,比shusheng贴的那个好听,就是效果一般。我没有申请什么空间可以上传,没法贴出来,想听就只能下载了。

顺便贴一首小号演奏的LILI MARLENE,也好听。
很激动,真的要跟各位虚拟地HUG一下了。xiaomage贴的照片让我一眼认出了玛琳黛德丽,因为她迷茫的眼神和孤独的气质,在早期好莱坞演员中,她是一位可以跟葛丽泰嘉宝媲美的巨星;记得她是德国人,二战时反对希特勒并做劳军演出,但我没把她跟莉莉玛莲联系起来,原来她就是原型啊。电影我已没有多少记忆,歌曲也只记得高音部分的Lili Marlene,重温往昔如歌的岁月,真的是年华易逝,旧情如昨。