精华 小学生诗文集

我面壁去, 你想砍谁便砍吧:eek:

那我就谁都不砍了。今晚一直在主坛做亲善大使。 没想到你来了,我来迟了。喝碗燕窝羹吧

哈, 羹不错, 燕窝之类以后就多些孝敬老大啦:p;)

好说,好说。 那啥,您面壁以后有没有心得体会呀。 比如,常给我进贡,或时常对我溜须拍马一下子,,,等等:evil:
嘿嘿,小孩,面壁去了还是叫肘子去了 ?

A life of ceremony

From birth to death
And even far beyond
Life is a ceremony
A life of ceremony

From birth to death
And even far beyond
Life is a ceremony

A ceremony of grown-ups
men and women
love making

A ceremony of life
a seed to a fruit
taste differs

A ceremony of death
a tombstone on the top
bones deep in

A ceremony of rainbow
seven colors in a curve
out of reach

A ceremony of poetry
laughs and tears
A ceremony of grown-ups
men and women
love making

A ceremony of life
a seed to a fruit
taste differs

A ceremony of death
a tombstone on the top
bones deep in

A ceremony of rainbow
seven colors in a curve
out of reach

A ceremony of poetry
laughs and tears

大师,顶礼膜拜呀。 正琢磨cheerup 的诗怎么解读呢,,,
大师,顶礼膜拜呀。 正琢磨cheerup 的诗怎么解读呢,,,

现在cheerup 玩儿深沉呢,你很快就要改称他为“老孩儿”了:tx:
现在cheerup 玩儿深沉呢,你很快就要改称他为“老孩儿”了:tx:

网/晚上好。 cheerup 成长神速呀,不会是转基因了吧 :evil:
A life of ceremony
From birth to death
And even far beyond
Life is a ceremony

想问你,你这是正能量,还是负的? 青草地的是正的,你的呢? 记得前段你写了关于与女人关系的深刻思考,那么这个就,,,,,,,,,,让我猜不出了你的奇思妙想
想问你,你这是正能量,还是负的? 青草地的是正的,你的呢? 记得前段你写了关于与女人关系的深刻思考,那么这个就,,,,,,,,,,让我猜不出了你的奇思妙想
心有所感, 就匆匆地记下, 就三句小学生诗, 那有什么奇思妙想. This will be my meditation poem. A life of ceremony.

这破诗是几无哩头, 但想象空间很大, 能量正或负(又正又负可以吗?), ceremony指什么, 各人感受不同, 看年纪经历观点宗教背景等等。

青草mm真是高人, 她的诗一早答了,ceremony怎么解渎也可以;)
呵呵, 我玩儿深沉, 她也看出, 佩服:p
心有所感, 就匆匆地记下, 就三句小学生诗, 那有什么奇思妙想. This will be my meditation poem. A life of ceremony.

这破诗是几无哩头, 但想象空间很大, 能量正或负(又正又负可以吗?), ceremony指什么, 各人感受不同, 看年纪经历观点宗教背景等等。

青草mm真是高人, 她的诗一早答了,ceremony怎么解渎也可以;)
呵呵, 我玩儿深沉, 她也看出, 佩服:p

那你到底深不深沉? 初读你这几句正是周日,想着是不是刚从什么典礼宴席归来,乘兴装摸做样滴感慨一番。

但若楼主深沉,超凡脱俗,上述这些有形的礼仪/典礼/仪式也许就不屑一提,那么无形的会是什么捏??? :confused::confused:
那你到底深不深沉? 初读你这几句正是周日,想着是不是刚从什么典礼宴席归来,乘兴装摸做样滴感慨一番。

但若楼主深沉,超凡脱俗,上述这些有形的礼仪/典礼/仪式也许就不屑一提,那么无形的会是什么捏??? :confused::confused:

A poem for Atla——queen of questions ;)

When a poem speaks

When a poem speaks
A dictionary is not a must
The only ruler is your heart
To measure definitions and doubts
Pain and gain, right or wrong
Past and present, black or white

When a poem speaks
A question is an answer
One word on screen
Two behind, maybe three, or four
Even ten, a hundred, a million
On the way, invisible

When a poem speaks
Still life becomes animated
Animated thoughts frozen
In a line, or in a word
Unbreakable beauty
Sits between lines

Your heart is the solution
To decode the empty space

If a poem can talk
Let it talk his own dialect
If a poem can sing
Let it sing her own notes
If a poem willing to answer
It already has its own mark
A cross, a check or a blank

When you dig too deep
Can you see trees, grass and flowers,
Houses, people, and dogs around?
In the hole you digged
Can you feel the breeze, the sun
The mist, the color surround?

Be simple
The hardest language to learn
To tell the truth

Stay on the surface
Is the best way
To see more, and
Feel more

Hehe, good luck! Atla:)
A poem for Atla——queen of questions ;)

When a poem speaks

When a poem speaks
A dictionary is not a must
The only ruler is your heart
To measure definitions and doubts
Pain and gain, right or wrong
Past and present, black or white

When a poem speaks
A question is an answer
One word on screen
Two behind, maybe three, or four
Even ten, a hundred, a million
On the way, invisible

When a poem speaks
Still life becomes animated
Animated thoughts frozen
In a line, or in a word
Unbreakable beauty
Sits between lines

Your heart is the solution
To decode the empty space

If a poem can talk
Let it talk his own dialect
If a poem can sing
Let it sing her own notes
If a poem willing to answer
It already has its own mark
A cross, a check or a blank

When you dig too deep
Can you see trees, grass and flowers,
Houses, people, and dogs around?
In the hole you digged
Can you feel the breeze, the sun
The mist, the color surround?

Be simple
The hardest language to learn
To tell the truth

Stay on the surface
Is the best way
To see more, and
Feel more

Hehe, good luck! Atla:)

好湿啊,淋漓尽致啊,,,我现在有点棘手的事, 晚上吧,,,在cfc就学了一个事儿 --- 较真儿,晚上练习一下 :evil: