

不要太过分了,不管别人说什么,你赞同也好,反对也罢,欢喜厌恶,通通你的自由,但上升到问候别人家庭与生殖器官,就过了,往轻里说,这是拿流氓当个性,往重里扯,这是污染网络环境。虽然我们每个人都是匿名发言,可也不能戴个面具就随地排污吧,万一不小心哪阵风刮掉面具,漏了真容,小脸岂不丢大发了。 渥太华属大陆性寒温带,但北面无山脉,北极的干燥强冷气流,可以毫无阻挡地横扫渥太华大地,风忒大,还冷
I see nothing wrong if someone gives me a dog or cat. they are dogs and cats, not humans. i think some of you guys went overboard. if my kids want a dog or cat for toy, i will buy them as a toy. they are toys after all. don't start another religion called " pets almighty" ( what about poor pigs and cows). giving dogs and cats speical treatment because they are cute is blatant discrimination based on species.
其实,理解同一个问题有很多种方式。 我相信楼上很多人(也包括我自己)的意思并不是说要把猫狗当神一样供着或者浮夸地高论调说要怎样怎样, 也并不是说送猫送狗就一定是不好的了,真正是想表达说,如果要选择带一只猫猫狗狗回家(不论是买的, 领养的或者别人送的),应该在心理上或者financial上有一定的准备,并愿意付到一定的责任。比如你应该有心理准备他们可能会在前一两个星期随地大小便,咬坏你的东西,你需要花时间和精力来纠正他们的错误行为。比如你应该知道你也不能长期不在家,如果你要vacation,你需要提前安排好他们的生活。 他们病了,也愿意带他们看医生,而不是随意丢在外面的垃圾箱里。在你带他们回家的那个时候,你也应该预计到,你生活的一些schedule和plan都会因为他们的存在需要做一些变动。

的确,从某种角度上说,他们是pet, 是toy, 但从另外一种角度上说,他们是会吃喝拉撒toy, 他们更是生命。

这个帖子从来都不是想说他们如何的special, 胜过其它动物。

I see nothing wrong if someone gives me a dog or cat. they are dogs and cats, not humans. i think some of you guys went overboard. if my kids want a dog or cat for toy, i will buy them as a toy. they are toys after all. don't start another religion called " pets almighty" ( what about poor pigs and cows). giving dogs and cats speical treatment because they are cute is blatant discrimination based on species.
I see nothing wrong if someone gives me a dog or cat. they are dogs and cats, not humans. i think some of you guys went overboard. if my kids want a dog or cat for toy, i will buy them as a toy. they are toys after all. don't start another religion called " pets almighty" ( what about poor pigs and cows). giving dogs and cats speical treatment because they are cute is blatant discrimination based on species.


我们所说的所有所有不过是说 责任感!

我们所说的所有所有不过是说 责任感!

I see nothing wrong if someone gives me a dog or cat. they are dogs and cats, not humans. i think some of you guys went overboard. if my kids want a dog or cat for toy, i will buy them as a toy. they are toys after all. don't start another religion called " pets almighty" ( what about poor pigs and cows). giving dogs and cats speical treatment because they are cute is blatant discrimination based on species.

Penalties for abandoning animals or mistreating them in other ways can include up to two years in jail!
This is not just how one views the pets. This is the law!

Ottawa Humane society最近来了三只两个月的小lab,可爱得不行。
Ottawa Humane society最近来了三只两个月的小lab,可爱得不行。


我没有删除任何一个人的帖子, 我只是删除了里面不文明话语以及对别人不尊重或者进行人身攻击的词语。

这里任何观点都是就事论事, 请不要上升到攻击别人。
我没有删除任何一个人的帖子, 我只是删除了里面不文明话语以及对别人不尊重或者进行人身攻击的词语。

这里任何观点都是就事论事, 请不要上升到攻击别人。




我们所说的所有所有不过是说 责任感!

well, it seems that the only ones that have mentioned "abandon" was you and the other "pet lover".

dogs are cats to me receive no special treatments any more than other creatures. their purpose to me is to provide entertainment. I certainly would not give them the status as a human. that does not necessarily mean I would harm them in anyway. The fact is on the contrary.

If my kids would love to have a dog or cat, I'd think nothing wrong of asking for a free one if someone 's willing to give. Human is always more important than animals. If i had that much emotion and time to spend in my life, i would rather give it to my loved ones.

Do not tell me that dogs and cats know about sadness if being let go to a new owner. When cows and pigs go to the slaughter house, I wonder if you would shed a tear.