IPS result is positive

I just so worried, I heard it going to wait until 20 weeks. I am at 16 weeks. I am not too scared about test, I just worry about what if still a bad news after 羊水穿刺. I expecting this baby over 7 years :(

羊穿17周就可以做了 不需要等到20周

你不要等到20周 尽量要18周之前做

那个时候宝宝小 空间大 针头不会离宝宝太近
Hi girls,

I just came back from appointment with CHEO, she explained to me the IPS result.

My HCG level is higher and ultrasound is 3.0 (2.11 as normal), plus my age, therefore I am at 4 of 5 risk (it’s like 80%). OMG

any one has this high risk of the IPS and ok with Amniocentesis? this is klling me

I will go for a Amniocentesis test tomorrow.
Amniocentesis will tell you if your baby have DS.
the miscarriage rate of Amniocentesis is 1 in 120.
good luck and take care!
it must be difficult for you to hear your baby might have a genetic disorder, especially you had waited for 8 years. let's cross our fingers for the Amniocentesis.
I've seen preganent women attend the first 2 prenatal classes and droped off due to baby's DS and also women who had baby stopped development in the uterus. it is a bigt loss. if it happens to you, think about that you are not the only one, you will get support from your family and others like us.
Thanks all.
I will stay strong and delivery the good new in a we:pek.
We are similar age and this happened to me last year. Now I have a very health boy. I had Amniocentesis in Civic hospital. The whole process lasted about 30 min. And then I lay down on the bed for two days to avoid any miscarriage. The hardest time was to wait for the result. If you want to chat more, please leave me your phone number in 悄悄话, I can call you back.
理解你的心情。 等待的日子非常忐忑。我当时的概率是 1:30,是比较高的. 做完羊水穿刺, 第二天就上班了。结果一切正常,孩子生下来也非常健康。

我听说过概率是 1:3 的, 最后也一切正常。 先别担心,等待结果,期待你的好消息。
Hcg? NT?uE3?afp?
