请问,各位现在能拿到的MORTGAGE 利率是多少?

BMO has other mortgage products to choose, with more flexible terms, e.g. 2yr 2.49%.

For a little bit lower interest rate, home buyers lose a lot of flexibilities/benefits that other mortgage products provide.

BMO 5yr/10yr 2.99% mortgage
1. 最长还款期25年-> Higher monthly payment
2. 只可以注册为常规按揭贷款
3. 5年和10年 term
4. 封闭式;closed
5. No BMO Mortgage Cash Account
6. 提前还款10%+10%
7. 不可以提前还清贷款,除非出售房产或re-finance为BMO的其他按揭贷款
8. 可以从其他银行转贷款来BMO,不可以转出
9. 不可以申请family care付款跳期
For a little bit lower interest rate, home buyers lose a lot of flexibilities/benefits that other mortgage products provide.

BMO 5yr/10yr 2.99% mortgage
1. 最长还款期25年-> Higher monthly payment
2. 只可以注册为常规按揭贷款
3. 5年和10年 term
4. 封闭式;closed
5. No BMO Mortgage Cash Account
6. 提前还款10%+10%
7. 不可以提前还清贷款,除非出售房产或re-finance为BMO的其他按揭贷款
8. 可以从其他银行转贷款来BMO,不可以转出
9. 不可以申请family care付款跳期
什么是family care付款跳期?
From BMO website,

Take a Break Option*

If money gets tight you can skip up to one month of mortgage payments (principal and interest) per calendar year. Some restrictions apply so ask your mortgage representative for details. Choose to skip:
1 monthly payment
Up to 2 consecutive bi-weekly or semi-monthly payments
Up to 4 consecutive weekly payments
Family Care Option*

Skip up to 4 months of mortgage payments (principal and interest) once per year if you or your partner must leave your job to care for a new baby or a sick family member. Some restrictions apply so ask your mortgage representative for details. Choose to skip:
4 consecutive monthly payments
8 consecutive bi-weekly or semi-monthly payments
16 consecutive weekly payments
Keep in mind, any time you skip a mortgage payment, you continue to accrue interest. This means you’ll pay more over time. Pay back your skipped payments anytime without penalty.

*Take a Break or Family Care Options are not available with the Low-Rate Fixed Closed Mortgage, Take a Break and Family Care options apply to principal and interest payments on conventional and Genworth/CMHC-insured mortgages for owner-occupied single-family dwellings only, including condominiums and duplexes. For mortgages insured against default, customers must have prepaid principal at least equal to the amount of payment(s) to be skipped. Any mortgage insurance premiums and tax payments cannot be skipped. For MICC mortgages, only the Take a Break option is available. The Family Care option is not available to self-employed individuals. Customers currently receiving Mortgage Disability benefits (provided by Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada) are not eligible for skipped payments. Interest for the skipped payment is added to the principal. The balance of your current mortgage plus the skipped payment must not exceed the original amount of your mortgage with us. For conventional uninsured mortgages, the balance of your current mortgage plus the skipped payment must not exceed 80% of the lesser of your home’s present value or the original amount of your mortgage with us.
7. 不可以提前还清贷款,除非出售房产或re-finance为BMO的其他按揭贷款

I think it Should be 5 or 10 yrs according to your term.
什么事BMO的mortgage cash account?
什么事BMO的mortgage cash account?

Mortgage Cash Account

When you use your prepayment privileges with a BMO mortgage, your principal prepayments go towards building a Mortgage Cash Account1. With the Mortgage Cash Account, you can re-borrow prepaid funds at any time, in amounts starting from $2,500, without charge. The re-borrowed funds are added to your mortgage principal at your existing interest rate2 for the remainder of the term.
1 Mortgage Cash Account is not available on the Low Rate Fixed Closed Mortgage. Some conditions apply.
2 If your interest rate is fixed, it is calculated half-yearly, not in advance. If your interest rate is variable, it is calculated monthly, not in advance.


Mortgage Cash Account,用直白的中文举例:

普通的 BMO mortgage 的预付款权限是每年可以多付原始贷款额的20%,每年还可以有一次机会将月供提升20%。


5 年2.99% 低利率的方案没有
Mortgage Cash Account的功能。

Mortgage Cash Account 和 Home Security Line of Credit 是不同的。

如果需要进一步的了解,请致电BMO Mortgage Specialist 蔡敏,613-867-9688.
