AIC test is more accurate, you may missed my post on the top, FPG test sometime is not accurate, that also depends on how you ate food few days before the test . A1C test normally family doctor won't let u do it, but you can ask, The A1C test reflects your average blood glucose level over the last 3 months. one blood sample to check your A1C can be taken at any time of the day. that will also tells you before the food and after food your blood glucose levels, that is much more accure numbers.
Keeping your A1C less than 6 if you are pregnant will help ensure a healthy baby. If possible, you should plan ahead and work to get their A1C below 6 before getting pregnant.
it is a blood test too, but very simple, just take same blood sample when u do a normal blood test, any time, don't need fasting and don't have to wait hrs