快乐兔进来, 茉莉也来看看


这个故事里,男主、妻子、Dirk 都个性鲜明得如脸谱一般。现实生活中的人往往是几种个性的综合,虽然更倾向于某一种。这往往让生活中的故事很少有传奇色彩,写出来也不一定有人爱看。所以,说是鲜明的个性创造了精彩的人生,应该不错吧。
这个故事里,男主、妻子、Dirk 都个性鲜明得如脸谱一般。现实生活中的人往往是几种个性的综合,虽然更倾向于某一种。这往往让生活中的故事很少有传奇色彩,写出来也不一定有人爱看。所以,说是鲜明的个性创造了精彩的人生,应该不错吧。



"Let me tell you. I imagine that for months the matter never comes into your head, and you're able to persuade yourself that you've finished with it for good and all. You rejoice in your freedom, and you feel that at last you can call your soul your own. You seem to walk with your head among the stars. And then, all of a sudden you can't stand it any more, and you notice that all the time your feet have been walking in the mud. And you want to roll yourself in it. And you find some woman, coarse and low and vulgar, some beastly creature in whom all the horror of sex is blatant, and you fall upon her like a wild animal. You drink till you're blind with rage."

He stared at me without the slightest movement. I held his eyes with mine. I spoke very slowly.

"I'll tell you what must seem strange, that when it's over you feel so extraordinarily pure. You feel like a disembodied spirit, immaterial; and you seem to be able to touch beauty as though it were a palpable thing; and you feel an intimate communion with the breeze, and with the trees breaking into leaf, and with the iridescence of the river. You feel like God. Can you explain that to me?"

He kept his eyes fixed on mine till I had finished, and then he turned away. There was on his face a strange look, and I thought that so might a man look when he had died under the torture. He was silent. I knew that our conversation was ended.


60 岁,或是更晚,以后才是自传。 现在就是小说,先折腾出名,才有人看你的白菜罗卜体自传哪。 晓得了吧, 大妹子。 :D:D:D

"Let me tell you. I imagine that for months the matter never comes into your head, and you're able to persuade yourself that you've finished with it for good and all. You rejoice in your freedom, and you feel that at last you can call your soul your own. You seem to walk with your head among the stars. And then, all of a sudden you can't stand it any more, and you notice that all the time your feet have been walking in the mud. And you want to roll yourself in it. And you find some woman, coarse and low and vulgar, some beastly creature in whom all the horror of sex is blatant, and you fall upon her like a wild animal. You drink till you're blind with rage."

He stared at me without the slightest movement. I held his eyes with mine. I spoke very slowly.

"I'll tell you what must seem strange, that when it's over you feel so extraordinarily pure. You feel like a disembodied spirit, immaterial; and you seem to be able to touch beauty as though it were a palpable thing; and you feel an intimate communion with the breeze, and with the trees breaking into leaf, and with the iridescence of the river. You feel like God. Can you explain that to me?"

He kept his eyes fixed on mine till I had finished, and then he turned away. There was on his face a strange look, and I thought that so might a man look when he had died under the torture. He was silent. I knew that our conversation was ended.






偶不想成名太快,那样炒作是不行滴,要organic, healthy 滴 become a famous rabbit...
