about emission test

哥们,这个我觉得吧,大家基本点不同在于,做 Emission Test,有一硬性条件,check engine light on, 那就过不了。 是消掉了这个灯,还是把它修好,这是两个不同的解决方式

你也来了. :D

我认为, 基本点不同在于是不是过份强调了"check engine light on 那就过不了".

首先是说"check engine light on"并不意味着你的车一定有Emission的问题(包括哪个code: P0446). 何况那份文件强调的要检察check engine light on是否能工作并发现问题. 文件并没有强调"那就过不了".

Fail: "MIL is commanded “ON” with DTC(s)."

But "check engine light on" without DTC(s) 捏?

They won't touch your car if the check engine light is on since they probably won't read the code on the spot. Even they read the code, without probably diagnostic, they can't confirm the problem.

Long story short....clear the light first :)

看来这修车的, 卖车的都是读书人出身呐.:confused:


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楼主可能有个老车,到年头了,RENEW STICKER要求做E-test, CHECK ENGNE LIGHTS ON 了,以前差过没什么大事就是一个sensor的问题,既然没什么问题,就不想在这车上再多花钱了。


焦点在于,灯亮着,e test 给不给做,能不能过? 确实有的地方直接就不做,向 onion auto 和另外那个在大众的哥们。而且他们的观点从解决问题的角度来讲是正确的,发现问题,解决问题。


如果check engine lights 的code 与emission 无关,应该是可以过得,个人观点。因为,check engine 灯亮起来又太多的原因,有时真的有点annoying.



楼主可能有个老车,到年头了,RENEW STICKER要求做E-test, CHECK ENGNE LIGHTS ON 了,以前差过没什么大事就是一个sensor的问题,既然没什么问题,就不想在这车上再多花钱了。


焦点在于,灯亮着,e test 给不给做,能不能过? 确实有的地方直接就不做,向 onion auto 和另外那个在大众的哥们。而且他们的观点从解决问题的角度来讲是正确的,发现问题,解决问题。


如果check engine lights 的code 与emission 无关,应该是可以过得,个人观点。因为,check engine 灯亮起来又太多的原因,有时真的有点annoying.


不是"没有找准顾客的需求", 而是怎么为"顾客的需求"服务的问题.

这事原本和我没有一毛钱的关系, ... 后来是看不惯"专家" 的做法...

"They won't touch your car..." From DKwan. 象不象个黑老大?

Who are "They"?:flaming:

LZ有需求, "专家"们就联蒙带虎 ... 有你们这样做生意的? :mad:
They won't touch your car if the check engine light is on since they probably won't read the code on the spot. Even they read the code, without probably diagnostic, they can't confirm the problem.

Long story short....clear the light first :)

Please continue reading the remaining sentence and don't stop in the middle. "They" refers to shop which satifies the conditions in red above.
就说是P0446, 也未必都是Evap的事. 那可以是Low Batt. Voltage with driver's key on; 短路; 电阻丝烧了... .

In other words, it could be a leak or something else. We are just guessing here. Without proper diag, there is no way to tell which is why Ontario has regulations for not passing e-test with check engine light on.

Long story short, as a professional shop, we can't pass e-test with check engine light on due to regulation or for the enviroment.
不是"没有找准顾客的需求", 而是怎么为"顾客的需求"服务的问题.

这事原本和我没有一毛钱的关系, ... 后来是看不惯"专家" 的做法...

"They won't touch your car..." From DKwan. 象不象个黑老大?

Who are "They"?:flaming:

LZ有需求, "专家"们就联蒙带虎 ... 有你们这样做生意的? :mad:

Just because of a customer has a request means we should accept customer's request. We will accept customer's request if it's reasonable. eg, customer request us to do illegal .....

In this case, if the shop pass the e-test, they could loose their license if taken to court. If it's your shop, would your do this favor to LZ?

We did not "联蒙带虎". We just pointed out the fact. If pointing out facts has offended you, I am sorry to offend you but I still have to do what is right.
你也来了. :D

我认为, 基本点不同在于是不是过份强调了"check engine light on 那就过不了".

首先是说"check engine light on"并不意味着你的车一定有Emission的问题(包括哪个code: P0446). 何况那份文件强调的要检察check engine light on是否能工作并发现问题. 文件并没有强调"那就过不了".

Fail: "MIL is commanded “ON” with DTC(s)."

But "check engine light on" without DTC(s) 捏?

看来这修车的, 卖车的都是读书人出身呐.:confused:

There is no such thing as check engine light on with no Dtc(s)!
还是认真负责地为你们顾客把车修.好吧. 不要借口什么不能"duplicate" (还是不想修捏?). 车子要有问题, 都应该有办法解决, 那毕竟是人造出来的东西. 你要是不会弄, 请到CFC来问我. 到时我写一个字, 你要给我10万CFC钱!:p:(:D

If we are into a discussion, I would like to focus on the topic instead of criticize other people or their work.

I have already asked the owner with Passat to come to our shop for diag just for your interest.

As for duplicate customer problem, I would like to point an example that happened to our shop couple month ago. A customer came with a concern - Vibration @ 100km/hr. When we test drove the car, there was no vibration at all. When customer pick up the vehicle & test drove with our technician, there was no vibration as well. Customer went home, parked vehicle overnight, snow/ice accumulated on wheel caused vibration was noted when he brought vehicle back to our shop. We will try to duplicate customer concern, but we can't predict if the snow has melted on the wheel or not.

Btw, the tips that your have given to the Passat owner is just misleading - the tips might apply to B5 platform Passat but not newer generation Passat with bpy engine. If you think you can diag a vehicle with google rather than our technicians who has 30 years of experience, good luck.
I am done with this discussion. It's my intention to provide accurate information, but it seems that I have pissed people off who don't like the facts. Good luck!
不是"没有找准顾客的需求", 而是怎么为"顾客的需求"服务的问题.

这事原本和我没有一毛钱的关系, ... 后来是看不惯"专家" 的做法...

"They won't touch your car..." From DKwan. 象不象个黑老大?

Who are "They"?:flaming:

LZ有需求, "专家"们就联蒙带虎 ... 有你们这样做生意的? :mad:



Just because of a customer has a request means we should accept customer's request. We will accept customer's request if it's reasonable. eg, customer request us to do illegal .....

In this case, if the shop pass the e-test, they could loose their license if taken to court. If it's your shop, would your do this favor to LZ?

We did not "联蒙带虎". We just pointed out the fact. If pointing out facts has offended you, I am sorry to offend you but I still have to do what is right.

If we are into a discussion, I would like to focus on the topic instead of criticize other people or their work.

I have already asked the owner with Passat to come to our shop for diag just for your interest.

As for duplicate customer problem, I would like to point an example that happened to our shop couple month ago. A customer came with a concern - Vibration @ 100km/hr. When we test drove the car, there was no vibration at all. When customer pick up the vehicle & test drove with our technician, there was no vibration as well. Customer went home, parked vehicle overnight, snow/ice accumulated on wheel caused vibration was noted when he brought vehicle back to our shop. We will try to duplicate customer concern, but we can't predict if the snow has melted on the wheel or not.

Btw, the tips that your have given to the Passat owner is just misleading - the tips might apply to B5 platform Passat but not newer generation Passat with bpy engine. If you think you can diag a vehicle with google rather than our technicians who has 30 years of experience, good luck.

我是"专家", 你们当顾客的啥也不懂 ...

"专家"呀, 这都6月份啦, ..., 这Passat上怎么会没雪捏? ... 好象那车没动就抖 ... 都是顾客不好. :blink:

