哥们,这个我觉得吧,大家基本点不同在于,做 Emission Test,有一硬性条件,check engine light on, 那就过不了。 是消掉了这个灯,还是把它修好,这是两个不同的解决方式
我认为, 基本点不同在于是不是过份强调了"check engine light on 那就过不了".
首先是说"check engine light on"并不意味着你的车一定有Emission的问题(包括哪个code: P0446). 何况那份文件强调的要检察check engine light on是否能工作并发现问题. 文件并没有强调"那就过不了".
Fail: "MIL is commanded “ON” with DTC(s)."
But "check engine light on" without DTC(s) 捏?
They won't touch your car if the check engine light is on since they probably won't read the code on the spot. Even they read the code, without probably diagnostic, they can't confirm the problem.
Long story short....clear the light first
看来这修车的, 卖车的都是读书人出身呐.