




Gen 6:4 那時候有偉人在地上、後來 神的兒子們、和人的女子們交合生子、那就是上古英武有名的人。
Gen 6:5 耶和華見人在地上罪惡很大、終日所思想的盡都是惡.
Gen 6:6 耶和華就後悔造人在地上、心中憂傷。
Gen 6:7 耶和華說、我要將所造的人、和走獸、並昆蟲、以及空中的飛鳥、都從地上除滅、因為我造他們後悔了。
Gen 6:8 惟有挪亞在耶和華眼前蒙恩
Gen 7:6 當洪水氾濫在地上的時候、挪亞整六百歲。
Gen 7:7 挪亞就同他的妻、和兒子、兒婦、都進入方舟、躲避洪水。



中国《山海经》描写,从公元前6千年以后,古人开始移向平地。到了公元前4千年,古人广泛分布在平地的水边,这样的地方考古叫作“台地”。古人为什么从山地移向平地?古人居住地的迁移为什么从距今万年以后开始?这件事与古地貌的“大洪水”有关。在万年以前,爆发了一场世界性的大洪水。地表气候变暖,从“冰期”进入“暖期”。地表变暖引起了海水上涨,海平面上升,年轻的“冲积平原”在这个时期形成。山海经人从山地(的山洞)走出来,走向水边平地,走向平原。人类的黎明开始了:建起了“穴屋”,组成村落,烧制陶器,实现了对“野生粟”的熟食,狗的饲养也从这个时期开始。人类的第一种关系,始族关系建立起来,告别动物界,开始以“社会”的方式生存。(<<山海经---古地貌与大洪水>> http://vip.book.sina.com.cn/book/ch...文化时期(公元前4000-500年),从来没有灭绝过的历史证据,只有文化一直是延续的证明。 上述两个文化时期,均有陶器和农作物遗存,均具备酿酒的物质条件。







英国考古学家迈克?柏亚(Mike Pitt)表示,联合探险队尚未提供任何有说服性的証据。他说:“如果那里发生过洪水,能在4000年前将一艘巨轮升高至山腰,那我认为世界上可能存在这种洪水的地质証据,问题是没有。”2010年5月1日有一位叫 Randall Price 的宗教教授称影音使团称有关发现是伪造(this is all reported to be a fake)。他的电邮指出相片全是在黑海某地拍摄,在2008年夏天有10名库尔德人告诉他,一名中国人委聘的向导,聘请他们把黑海附近的木樑搬到亚拉腊山山洞。(《探险队自称在土耳其找到诺亚方舟遭质疑》),总之方舟的事实没有被世界的考古界证实过,基督教界也不再提到方舟的事了,怕招来更多的疑问和耻笑。





2002年出版此书 《101个圣经的神话:古代抄写员怎样发明圣经历史的》《101 Myths of the Bible: How Ancient Scribes Invented Biblical History 》
[ame="http://www.amazon.com/101-Myths-Bible-Invented-Biblical/dp/1570718423"]101 Myths of the Bible: How Ancient Scribes Invented Biblical History: Gary Greenberg: 0760789202506: Amazon.com: Books[/ame]

<<埃及对《圣经》创造的影响:几个不同的埃及神话对圣经创世纪章节的形成有重要影响>><<Egyptian Influence On The Biblical Creation Story:
Several different Egyptian creation myths influenced the Biblical account in Genesis>>


Part Of The Bible Is Straight From Egyptian Mythology(plagiarism)


Similarities Between the Bible and Ancient Egyptian Mythology
Good questions!

I would like to strongly encourage you to study Genesis and Exodus first. You will most likely have found the answers for yourself by then. We can have a serious and meaningful discussion if you still have questions after reading these two books.
挪亚不是犹太人。从亚伯拉罕开始有割礼(这是犹太人的传统之一),从雅各开始, 雅各的后代叫以色列人,因神给雅各改名为"以色列”。

从挪亚到亚伯拉罕有几代? 从亚伯拉罕到雅各有几代? 楼主可以从创世纪里查到。



Good questions!

I would like to strongly encourage you to study Genesis and Exodus first. You will most likely have found the answers for yourself by then. We can have a serious and meaningful discussion if you still have questions after reading these two books.

《Egyptian Influence On The Biblical Creation Story》

The Biblical creation story has often been compared to other ancient creation myths. The influence of other ancient accounts such as the Babylonian Enuma Elish and Atrahasis are generally acknowledged by historians. Perhaps less known is the influence that Egyptian myths had on the Biblical narrative.

The foundational Egyptian cosmological myth comes from the city of Heliopolis. This myth tells how the creator god created himself and then gradually the entire universe in a series of stages.

Heliopolitian Myth

The well known opening line of the Bible begins with the third stage of the Heliopolitan myth. This makes sense as the Biblical deity pre-exists creation and does not need to self create.

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. (Gen: 1, 1)

In the Helioplotan myth first Atum creates himself, and then he creates the Twins, Shu and Tefnut who are male and female aspects of the void. Then they give birth to their children the earth god Geb and the sky-goddess Nut. The creation of earth and sky separates the void from the primeval waters. Atum then manifests in the form of the “Sole Eye” as the Sun-god Re. This begins the first day.

In this myth the first thing, after self-creation, that the creator god Atum does is to create the void which is manifest as the God Shu. In Genesis the void also exists as the second step of creation but follows the creation of earth and sky which is a reversal of the Heliopolitan order.

The division of land from water and from the sky, which is described in Gen 1, 6, is reminiscent of the Heliopolitan notion of primeval waters being the first building blocks of creation in the void.

And God said: 'Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. (Gen 1, 6)

Memphite Myth

The concept of God creating by speaking was fully developed by the Memphis mythos and this is also the foundation of God’s creative force in chapter 1 of Genesis. The ubiquitous phrase “And God said,” fills the first chapter of Genesis and little happens without God giving a spoken command.

Another example of Memphite influence can be seen In Gen 1, 9 as dry land appears amidst the water.

And God said: 'Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear.' And it was so. (Gen: 1, 9)

This is directly analogous to the Memphite belief that creation could be marked by the emergence of a primeval mound out of the waters of creation.

Hermopolitan Myth

Influence from Hermopolis is evident in Gen, 1, 2.

Now the earth was unformed and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep; and the spirit of God hovered over the face of the waters. (Gen: 1, 2)

The mention of “void”, “darkness”, “the deep”, and “the waters” in verse two shows an easy synchronization between the Genesis cosmology and the Hermopolitan mythos which defines the four primal forces as flood, waters, darkness, and chaos. Each of these aspects was given a male and female side and together they formed the Ogdoad, or eight gods, of Hermopolis. Here the use of void in place of chaos is easily understood when the influence Shu from the older Heliopolitan cosmology is considered.

In an interesting twist, the use of “deep” instead of “flood” is likely due to a deliberate rejection of the Babylonian creation myth and its personification of the deep as the goddess Tiamat. The Biblical writers used tehôm which is a non-personified cognate of Tiamat. Nevertheless the basic Ogdoad design remains.

Amun And Jehovah

The Theban Cosmology, which identifies Amun as the creator god, also shares important features with the Genesis creation account. In both myths the creator is transcendent of creation and stands apart from it. This is a significant evolution over earlier models like the Heliopolitan and Memphite myths which allow for a god who created himself as the first act of creation.

The connection between Amun and the God in Genesis is also evident in chapter two which begins the use of the term “Lord God.” In this case Lord is translated from the Hebrew proper name for God, Jehovah. Jehovah can be understood as “he who exists,” which is not dissimilar to Amun’s appellation, “he who is hidden.” Both names imply a god forever beyond the comprehension of his worshipers.

The Aten

Although the Aten religion was short lived in Egypt (ca. 1350-1330 BCE) its influence may have impacted the Old Testament writers. This religion took the idea of a remote and solitary deity to an extreme, doing away with any mythology altogether. The Bible is only one example of evidence showing that the idea of a hidden god, removed from the world of humans, remained alive well after the end of Atenism.

How manifold it is, what thou hast made!

They (the aspects of creation) are hidden from the face (of man).

O sole god, like whom there is no other!

Thou didst create the world according to thy desire,

Whilst thou wert alone: All men, cattle, and wild beasts,

Whatever is on earth, going upon (its) feet,

And what is on high, flying with its wings.

(Great Hymn to the Aten)

The ultimate power granted to the Biblical deity is similar of the power granted to the Aten which even more clearly then Amun, pre-existed and stood apart from creation. As explained in the “Great Hymn to the Aten” the Aten does not even need to speak, it merely manifests creation according to its desire.


The Hebrew Bible www. mechon-mamre.org

Strong’s Concordance www.eliyah.com

DR. Dalley, Stephanie, (Myths from Mesopotamia, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2000)

Dalley, Stephanie牛津大学博士《美索不达米亚的神话》美索不达米亚专家(亚述学)牛津大学出版社2000http://www.orinst.ox.ac.uk/staff/eanes/sdalley.html
   雅弗   闪   含
  以实玛利     以撒
         以扫  雅各 (Jacob, 以色列)


  • IsraelTribes.jpg
    55 KB · 查看: 161
从亚当到挪亚,创世纪第五章 1-28 节,不算亚当,挪亚是第九代

从挪亚的儿子闪 到亚伯拉罕(原名叫亚伯兰)见创世纪第十一章 10 -28 节, 不算挪亚,亚伯拉罕是第九代

神给亚伯兰改名为亚伯拉罕, 见创世纪第17 章 4-5 节。




从有以色人的时代,地球的人类被洪水全毁灭过了没有呢? -- 没有,因为创世纪明白记载,大洪水发生在犹太人的祖先(以色列,Jacob)出生之前,也也在亚伯拉罕和以撒之前






《Egyptian Influence On The Biblical Creation Story》

The Biblical creation story has often been compared to other ancient creation myths. The influence of other ancient accounts such as the Babylonian Enuma Elish and Atrahasis are generally acknowledged by historians. Perhaps less known is the influence that Egyptian myths had on the Biblical narrative.

The foundational Egyptian cosmological myth comes from the city of Heliopolis. This myth tells how the creator god created himself and then gradually the entire universe in a series of stages.

Heliopolitian Myth

The well known opening line of the Bible begins with the third stage of the Heliopolitan myth. This makes sense as the Biblical deity pre-exists creation and does not need to self create.

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. (Gen: 1, 1)

In the Helioplotan myth first Atum creates himself, and then he creates the Twins, Shu and Tefnut who are male and female aspects of the void. Then they give birth to their children the earth god Geb and the sky-goddess Nut. The creation of earth and sky separates the void from the primeval waters. Atum then manifests in the form of the “Sole Eye” as the Sun-god Re. This begins the first day.

In this myth the first thing, after self-creation, that the creator god Atum does is to create the void which is manifest as the God Shu. In Genesis the void also exists as the second step of creation but follows the creation of earth and sky which is a reversal of the Heliopolitan order.

The division of land from water and from the sky, which is described in Gen 1, 6, is reminiscent of the Heliopolitan notion of primeval waters being the first building blocks of creation in the void.

And God said: 'Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. (Gen 1, 6)

Memphite Myth

The concept of God creating by speaking was fully developed by the Memphis mythos and this is also the foundation of God’s creative force in chapter 1 of Genesis. The ubiquitous phrase “And God said,” fills the first chapter of Genesis and little happens without God giving a spoken command.

Another example of Memphite influence can be seen In Gen 1, 9 as dry land appears amidst the water.

And God said: 'Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear.' And it was so. (Gen: 1, 9)

This is directly analogous to the Memphite belief that creation could be marked by the emergence of a primeval mound out of the waters of creation.

Hermopolitan Myth

Influence from Hermopolis is evident in Gen, 1, 2.

Now the earth was unformed and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep; and the spirit of God hovered over the face of the waters. (Gen: 1, 2)

The mention of “void”, “darkness”, “the deep”, and “the waters” in verse two shows an easy synchronization between the Genesis cosmology and the Hermopolitan mythos which defines the four primal forces as flood, waters, darkness, and chaos. Each of these aspects was given a male and female side and together they formed the Ogdoad, or eight gods, of Hermopolis. Here the use of void in place of chaos is easily understood when the influence Shu from the older Heliopolitan cosmology is considered.

In an interesting twist, the use of “deep” instead of “flood” is likely due to a deliberate rejection of the Babylonian creation myth and its personification of the deep as the goddess Tiamat. The Biblical writers used tehôm which is a non-personified cognate of Tiamat. Nevertheless the basic Ogdoad design remains.

Amun And Jehovah

The Theban Cosmology, which identifies Amun as the creator god, also shares important features with the Genesis creation account. In both myths the creator is transcendent of creation and stands apart from it. This is a significant evolution over earlier models like the Heliopolitan and Memphite myths which allow for a god who created himself as the first act of creation.

The connection between Amun and the God in Genesis is also evident in chapter two which begins the use of the term “Lord God.” In this case Lord is translated from the Hebrew proper name for God, Jehovah. Jehovah can be understood as “he who exists,” which is not dissimilar to Amun’s appellation, “he who is hidden.” Both names imply a god forever beyond the comprehension of his worshipers.

The Aten

Although the Aten religion was short lived in Egypt (ca. 1350-1330 BCE) its influence may have impacted the Old Testament writers. This religion took the idea of a remote and solitary deity to an extreme, doing away with any mythology altogether. The Bible is only one example of evidence showing that the idea of a hidden god, removed from the world of humans, remained alive well after the end of Atenism.

How manifold it is, what thou hast made!

They (the aspects of creation) are hidden from the face (of man).

O sole god, like whom there is no other!

Thou didst create the world according to thy desire,

Whilst thou wert alone: All men, cattle, and wild beasts,

Whatever is on earth, going upon (its) feet,

And what is on high, flying with its wings.

(Great Hymn to the Aten)

The ultimate power granted to the Biblical deity is similar of the power granted to the Aten which even more clearly then Amun, pre-existed and stood apart from creation. As explained in the “Great Hymn to the Aten” the Aten does not even need to speak, it merely manifests creation according to its desire.


The Hebrew Bible www. mechon-mamre.org

Strong’s Concordance www.eliyah.com

DR. Dalley, Stephanie, (Myths from Mesopotamia, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2000)

Dalley, Stephanie牛津大学博士《美索不达米亚的神话》美索不达米亚专家(亚述学)牛津大学出版社2000http://www.orinst.ox.ac.uk/staff/eanes/sdalley.html




这里倒是提出一个问题(至少对我来说是个问题),我们知道雅各的后代也就是以色列人 继承了雅各的爷爷亚伯拉罕,雅各的父亲以撒的传统,那就是行割礼。

亚伯拉罕也为他的另一个儿子以实马利 行了割礼的,那么以实马利 有没有把这个传统传给他的儿子及后代呢?啊拉伯人也行跟以色列人一样的割礼吗?

至于犹太人和以色列人这两个中文词是否是互换的? 还得查查。



