精华 学习历史:黑暗的中世纪?


1、在几十年间,狄奥多西一世和他的继任者对异教徒的态度有反复,既有全面禁止任何除了‘正统基督教’以外的宗教活动 ,到任命异教徒为地方总督,重修犹太教会堂

2.1 摧毁异教徒寺庙和异教徒偶像,或者充公、改造成教堂
2.2 对异教徒的宗教活动的处罚可能是没收财产,包括房子,以及罚款
2.3 对离开的基督教徒的处罚是取消定遗嘱的权力,不清楚是不是这意味着死后他的财产会被没收
2.4 有两处提到对占卜和“carrying out pagan sacrificial rituals”处以死刑,但没有查到在这这几十年prosecution期间异教徒死亡的任何统计信息或者任何个例的详细描述 -当然没有记载不等于没有发生,但是既然没有具体材料,就不能轻易下结论



390年,希腊城市帖撒罗尼迦的总督,或者是罗马皇帝派驻的最高军事长官 Butheric,逮捕了一名很受欢迎的战车御者(一名当时的体育明星),这个同性恋者试图强奸一名cupbearer(百度讲他是一名奴隶,实际上cupbearer是在当时宗教仪式上有相当地位的人,可能不是奴隶),占当地大多数人口的人要求Butheric释放这个人,遭到拒绝后,当地发生了暴动,包括Butheric在内的多名高级军官被杀死




What could I do? Should I not hear? But I could not clog my ears with wax, as old fables tell. Should I then speak about what I heard? But I was obliged to avoid precisely what I feared could be brought about by your orders, that is, a bloodshed. Should I remain silent? But then the worst thing would happen as my conscience would be bound and my words taken away. And where would they be then? When a priest does not talk to a sinner, then the sinner will die in his sin, and the priest will be guilty because he failed to correct him


唐武宗会昌年间的一次废佛运动。唐代后期,由于佛教寺院土地不输课税,僧侣免除赋役,佛教寺院经济过分扩张,损害了国库收入,与普通地主也存在着矛盾。唐武宗崇信道教,深恶佛教,会昌年间又因讨伐泽潞,财政急需,在道士赵归真的鼓动和李德裕的支持下,于会昌五年 (845)四月,下令清查天下寺院及僧侣人数。五月,又命令长安、洛阳左右街各留二寺,每寺僧各三十人。天下诸郡各留一寺,寺分三等,上寺二十人,中寺十人,下寺五人。八月,令天下诸寺限期拆毁;括天下寺四千六百余所,兰若(私立的僧居)四万所。拆下来的寺院材料用来修缮政府廨驿,金银佛像上交国库,铁像用来铸造农器,铜像及钟、磬用来铸钱。没收寺产良田数千万顷(此数过大,疑“顷”为“亩”之讹),奴婢十五万人。僧尼迫令还俗者共二十六万零五百人,释放供寺院役使的良人五十万以上。政府从废佛运动中得到大量财物、土地和纳税户。








390年,希腊城市帖撒罗尼迦的总督,或者是罗马皇帝派驻的最高军事长官 Butheric,逮捕了一名很受欢迎的战车御者(一名当时的体育明星),这个同性恋者试图强奸一名cupbearer(百度讲他是一名奴隶,实际上cupbearer是在当时宗教仪式上有相当地位的人,可能不是奴隶),占当地大多数人口的人要求Butheric释放这个人,遭到拒绝后,当地发生了暴动,包括Butheric在内的多名高级军官被杀死




What could I do? Should I not hear? But I could not clog my ears with wax, as old fables tell. Should I then speak about what I heard? But I was obliged to avoid precisely what I feared could be brought about by your orders, that is, a bloodshed. Should I remain silent? But then the worst thing would happen as my conscience would be bound and my words taken away. And where would they be then? When a priest does not talk to a sinner, then the sinner will die in his sin, and the priest will be guilty because he failed to correct him


同时代 Christian church historian Socrates Scholasticus的Ecclesiastical History



约100年后Damascius's Life of Isidore

他没有详细描述Hypatia被杀的过程,但是直接指出这是由亚历山大主教Cyril直接指示的阴谋。同时,这也是唯一一个将此事的直接责任指向Cyril的历史文献,wiki认为“Historians disagree over the extent of his responsibility for these events”

7世纪John, Bishop of Nikiu,Chronicle




罗马帝国正在建立一个全新的政教合一的新型政权,但是世俗政权与基督教各级主教之间的权力并没有明确的分配,存在不可避免的冲突. 尽管Orestes声称是受洗的基督徒,但从整个事件过程看,他可以被认为是世俗政权的代表。埃及总督Orestes和亚历山大主教Cyril都是属于鹰派 ...


Orestes在剧场颁布关于限制犹太人dancing exhibitions聚会的诏令,Cyril派Hierax去打听诏令内容。被犹太人认为是对他们的挑衅并引起了暴乱,Orestes逮捕Hierax并当众将他Torture


五百名来自尼帝亚(Nitria)的修士为了支持教牧来到亚历山大... 在骚乱中,一名修士Ammonius以石头袭击Orestes至头破流血。Orestes的卫士害怕遭到群众的石刑而逃走,广场上的其他人将奥雷斯特斯救出,并逮捕了Ammonius。Orestes伤好后,将Ammonius当众折磨至死。奥雷斯特斯和区利罗事后各自将事件上诉至当时的罗马皇帝狄奥多西二世。虽然不少基督徒亦知道Ammonius是因为行动过份而被处死,但区利罗却将Ammonius尊奉为殉道者

Cyril希望和Orestes和好但遭到拒绝,不明白为什么Hypatia会被认为是他们和好之间的绊脚石。不管如何,一些不理智的基督教暴徒使这个悲剧发生了, 疑惑在于:

1、整个冲突事件中,看不出任何与Hypatia哲学家、数学家、天文学家这些身份相关的任何信息。不能因为科学家被谋杀就扣上反科学的罪名. 否则阿基米德被罗马军队打死,应该怎么看?为什么从来没有人指责没有神的古罗马逼迫科学?






[url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Authentica_habita]保障大学学术自由的法律[/url],which guaranteed the right of a traveling scholar to unhindered passage in the interests of education. Today this is claimed as the origin of "academic freedom":

Scholars from all over Europe had begun to travel to Bologna to study civil and canon law, and newly rediscovered works of Roman law, from the mid 11th century. As foreigners there, they found themselves without legal protection. A particular difficulty was the practice of the Right of Reprisal, where their property could be seized on foot of debts incurred by their countrymen.

The document grants several rights and protections to scholars including:

1、Similar immunities and freedoms as those held by the clergy, provided they conformed to certain attributes, such as clerical dress;

2、Freedom of movement and travel for the purposes of study;

3、Immunity from the right of reprisal; and

4、The right to be tried by their masters, or the Bishops court, rather than local civil courts.

University of Oxford


[url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/University_of_Salamanca#History]University of Salamanca in Spain[/url]

Its origin, like all older universities, was a Cathedral School, whose existence can be traced back to 1130.

On the basis of a papal bull by Alexander IV in 1255, which confirmed the Royal Charter of Alfonso X, the school obtained the title of University, the first in Europe

Among the earliest universities of this type were :
University of Bologna (1088)
University of Paris (teach. mid-11th century, recogn. 1150)
University of Oxford (teach. 1096, recogn. 1167)
University of Modena (1175)
University of Palencia (1208)
University of Cambridge (1209)
University of Salamanca (1218)
University of Montpellier (1220)
University of Padua (1222)
University of Toulouse (1229)
University of Orleans (1235)
University of Siena (1240)
University of Coimbra (1288)


Another step was when Pope Alexander III in 1179 "forbidding masters of the church schools to take fees for granting the license to teach (licentia docendi), and obliging them to give license to properly qualified teachers".

The University of Paris was formally recognized when Pope Gregory IX issued the bull Parens scientiarum (1231). This was a revolutionary step: studium generale (university) and universitas (corporation of students or teachers) existed even before, but after the issuing of the bull, they attained autonomy. "The papal bull of 1233, which stipulated that anyone admitted to be a teacher in Toulouse had the right to teach everywhere without further examinations (ius ubique docendi), in time, transformed this privilege into the single most important defining characteristic of the university and made it the symbol of its institutional autonomy . . .

Universities were generally structured along three types, depending on who paid the teachers. The first type was in Bologna, where students hired and paid for the teachers. The second type was in Paris, where teachers were paid by the church. Oxford and Cambridge were predominantly supported by the crown and the state... At the Bologna university the students ran everything -- a fact that often put teachers under great pressure and disadvantage. In Paris, teachers ran the school; thus Paris became the premiere spot for teachers from all over Europe. Also, in Paris the main subject matter was theology, so control of the qualifications awarded was in the hands of an external authority - the Chancellor of the diocese. In Bologna, where students chose more secular studies, the main subject was law.
似乎在传统观念中没有“定论”,既没有“定论”,那也就没有必要去做“重复,试验,验证”等基于"有定论'' 的工作。相信一定有”不变“的东西隐藏于”不可捉摸的变的东西“之中,才有可能去做那些旨在“发现定论”的现代科学研究。愚见而已。
Condemnations of 1210–1277, 一个宗教直接改变科学发展的事件

没耐心看完,大意是1210年和1277年,巴黎主教 Étienne Tempie 出于神学的考虑,禁止在巴黎大学教授一系列亚里士多德和Averroism的经典物理学、神学、哲学,历史学家们对此事的评估:

Pierre Duhem considered that these condemnations "destroyed certain essential foundations of Peripatetic physics".

From at least 1280 onward, many masters at Paris and Oxford admitted that the laws of nature are certainly opposed to the production of empty space, but that the realisation of such a space is not, in itself, contrary to reason. These arguments gave rise to the branch of mechanical science known as dynamics.

According to Duhem, "if we must assign a date for the birth of modern science, we would, without doubt, choose the year 1277 when the bishop of Paris solemnly proclaimed that several worlds could exist, and that the whole of heavens could, without contradiction, be moved with a rectilinear motion."

Historians in the field no longer fully endorse Duhem‘s view that modern science started in 1277. What historians do agree is that the condemnations allowed science "to consider possibilities that the great philosopher never envisioned."

According to the historian of science Richard Dales, they "seem definitely to have promoted a freer and more imaginative way of doing science."


Natural philosophy, or natural science as it was sometimes called, was one of the key subjects taught at medieval universities

By the fourteenth century, the university had become the centrepiece of European intellectual life

The previously unknown notion of the university as a self-governing academic institution did not appear until the Middle Ages and it can be argued that it was one of the most important advances in the history of ideas

Typically new students arrived at university at the age of fifteen and were matriculated into the university Arts Faculty. Here, they would be taught the subjects viewed as essential to tackle everything else: logic and natural philosophy based on the works of Aristotle. After three or four years of study the student had to settle a disputation and, if successful, became a Bachelor of the Arts. Then, after another year or two, he took part in a final disputation with his Master and was incepted as a Master of the Arts. This meant the student could now do two things to continue his academic career, either become a teacher (a Regent Master) in the Arts Faculty at any university as allowed by the ius ubique docendi (the right to teach anywhere) or start to study for a doctorate at one of the higher faculties of Medicine, Civil and Canon Law or Theology

The greatest privilege of being a student or teacher at university was that of being treated as a clergyman under law, which meant they had a high level of immunity to secular justice and were instead tried by the much gentler ecclesiastical courts. Furthermore, an advantage of being self-governing corporations was that a university was responsible for its own disciplinary arrangements and rarely had to deal with outside authorities.
大学出现之前的欧洲教育情况怎样呢?简单看看Cathedral school的历史

当然天主教学校建立的初衷是为了培养神职人员。The earliest evidence of a school established in this manner is in Visigothic Spain at the Second Council of Toledo in 527...

Charlemagne, king of the Franks and later Emperor... In 789, 查理曼大帝's Admonitio Generalis required that schools be established in every monastery and bishopric, in which "children can learn to read; that psalms, notation, chant, computation, and grammar be taught."

Cathedral schools at this time were primarily run by a group of ministers and divided into two parts: Schola minor which was intended for younger students would later become elementary schools. Then there was the schola major, which taught older students. These would later become secondary schools.

The subjects taught at Cathedral schools ranged from literature to mathematics. These topics were called the seven liberal arts: grammar, astronomy, rhetoric (or speech), logic, arithmetic, geometry and music. In grammar classes, students were trained to read, write and speak Latin which was the universal language in Europe at the time. Astronomy was necessary for calculating dates and times. Rhetoric was a major component of a vocal education. Logic consisted of discovering the art of solving mathematical problems, and arithmetic served as the basis for quantitative reasoning. Students read stories and poems in Latin by authors such as Cicero and Virgil. Much as in the present day, cathedral schools were split into elementary and higher schools with different curricula. The elementary school curriculum was composed of reading, writing and psalmody, while the high school curriculum was trivium (grammar, rhetoric and dialect), the rest of the liberal arts, as well as scripture study and pastoral theology.